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For your business to achieve better and greater results, you must motivate employees. According to Omni Resources Basil Badwan, it works as a secret ingredient that can make your business successful and help you deal with all such low key performers. You should consider hiring some real professional like a motivational and inspirational speaker, who can work with all the unmotivated counterparts.
Research finds that employee attrition or turnover can be extremely disruptive to a business. Today, companies are falling short of rewarding and high performing employees – especially those who’re hard-working, dedicated, and self-motivated. But, did you know, as per the data gathered by Eagle Hill National Attrition Survey, low performing employees can have a really negative impact on the business, says Basil Badwan. Here Basil Badwan Colorado has mentioned some facts that will let you know answers to all your why’s and how’s – As per 44% of businesspeople, low performers increase the work burden on good performers. 54% of business owners say, low performers contribute to a lack of motivation and initiative, resulting in mediocre work quality. While 69% of them believe, low performers lower the overall morale of the workplace. Well, these findings are drawn from the research of more than 2000+ professionals across the private businesses. No wonders, this has now become a major concern in almost 70% of businesses. Lately, about one-third of respondents say that replacing such low performers – including training and hiring costs, considering lost productivity and revenue too – leads to an add up of 150% in employee’spay scale. Horrible, isn’t it? How these low performers impact attrition? Well, here, Basil Badwan has highlighted some unexpected consequences that these low performers have on the retention of other high performers and workplace culture. Low performers disturb workplace morale – As per the Basil Badwan Colorado, this is one of the biggest concerns created by low performers. Many of those respondents feel so that they even increase the work burden on high performers too. At some point or another; it’s limiting the business from moving forward and spending disproportionate time managing these low performers. Low performers in management position affecting attrition directly – Other than the apparent attrition drivers – limited pay scale and career growth – one-fourth of respondents cited ineffective management as the major reason why people leave one company. It’s too contributing to the cause high—performing employees leaving the enterprise more often than low-performing ones. How to deal with it? For your business to achieve better and greater results, you must motivate employees. According to Omni Resources Basil Badwan, it works as a secret ingredient that can make your business successful and help you deal with all such low key performers. You should
consider hiring some real professional like a motivational and inspirational speaker, who can work with all the unmotivated counterparts. For businesses lacking that motivation, enthusiasm, and positive-outlook can look to professional speakers to reignite that missing and needed drive. Basil Badwan Omni Resources says that they can help your company employees improve their performance, productivity, and get back to its lost path again. Source: https://basiljeromebadwancolorado.wordpress.com/2020/09/23/low-performers- destroying-business-know-what-basil-badwan-has-to-say-about-it/