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Welcome to the MaLT Version 2 Scorer/Profiler demo. published by Hodder Education. Exit. MaLT provides a series of nationally standardised mathematics tests for ages 5–14, and gives you all the performance measures you need for screening, monitoring and progress assessment.
Welcome to the MaLT Version 2 Scorer/Profiler demo published by Hodder Education Exit
MaLT provides a series of nationally standardised mathematics tests for ages 5–14, and gives you all the performance measures you need for screening, monitoring and progress assessment. • These tests also yield formative feedback to support individual and whole-class teaching. • The tests were purpose-written to highlight particular errors and misunderstandings which are diagnostic of key learning needs – counting errors, misconceptions with decimals, etc • MaLT tests can be given at the beginning and/or the end of each school year, depending on your assessment purpose. • Fully interactive computer-adaptive versions are also available. What is MaLT? Exit
Why choose MaLT? • MaLT provides year-on-year tests which enable screening and progress monitoring from Reception to Year 9 • MaLT’s innovative diagnostic error analysis allows truly formative assessment in a summative context • MaLT can be used at any time during the school year • MaLT samples the full mathematics curriculum and is matched to the Frameworks for Teaching Mathematics • MaLT has been standardised nationally to ensure secure, reliable results • Five good reasons to move to MaLT! Exit
MaLT year-on-year assessment Ten MaLT tests are available in pencil-and-paper format. Exit
What’s new in Version 2? • The Version 2 Scorer/Profiler combines the diagnostic profilers for all ten MaLT tests in a single, powerful resource to enable both summative and formative assessment. • A new Overview facility lets you track pupil progress across all ten tests, and review progress from Reception to Year 9. • The diagnostic reports incorporate the strands and teaching objectives from the latest Primary and Secondary Frameworks. Exit
What will MaLT give you? Summative performance data • Standardised scores and percentiles • Maths Ages (from MaLT Tests 5–11) • National Curriculum levels, subdivided a, b, c • Year-on-year progress and whole-class performance measures Formative feedback • Pupil ‘performance map’ and individualised error report • Whole-class profiles identifying weaknesses and misconceptions Exit
Scoring - it’s your choice! • For whole-class or whole-school screening and performance monitoring, use the main Scorer/Profiler to make sense of year-on-year assessments: simply key in or import each pupil’s total score on the test – you can then open up a comprehensive range of group analyses and summative listings, and track pupil progress. • For full diagnostic error analysis and formative feedback from each test, as well as summative scores, use the Diagnostic Profiler to mark the test on-screen, capture each pupil’s errors and generate diagnostic reports. • Whichever you choose, all age and raw score conversions are calculated instantly and accurately. Exit
Installation • You can choose where you want the Scorer/Profiler program installed – on a laptop, PC or on a network (probably giving you automatic backup). • Installation puts a MaLT 5-14 icon on your desktop. Exit
Clicking on the desktop icon will show this menu screen. From this screen you can access the main MaLT Scorer/Profiler – and, from that, the diagnostic profilers. The demo and the manual can also be accessed via this screen by other users on a network. Exit
The Wizard • The Wizard takes you through the data-entry process step by step. • It guides you through setting up a Cohort (giving each pupil yeargroup a unique identifier – for example, the year this group entered your school), adding Pupils, and then entering their Test results. Exit
The Main Application The toolbar at the top of the screen gives you access to all of the functionality of the main Scorer/Profiler: from here you can add pupils, print reports and result lists – and much more. Below the toolbar, the coloured buttons let you access the Diagnostic Profiler for each test, plus the Overview screen. Exit
The Navigation Tree As you add pupils to the database, they are listed in the ‘tree’ to the left of your screen. The Cohort node lists all cohorts in the school, split by class. The Pupil node lists all pupils in the school alphabetically. Exit
Entering Pupil Details All the pupil details needed to populate the main Scorer/Profiler and the Diagnostic Profilers, and to produce reports, are added via this screen. If the data are already available in an electronic format, they can be imported. Exit
Entering Test Results Total raw scores can be added via the main Scorer/Profiler – select the MaLT test and the appropriate cohort on the ‘tree’, then click the Add Test Data button on the toolbar. Or use the Wizard. The program will calculate the standardised score, percentile, maths age and national curriculum level. Exit
It will then plot each pupil’s score on a graph showing how it relates to national average performance. Exit
Entering test results – cont. Or you can select the MaLT test and use its Diagnostic Profiler facility to score the test directly on-screen and capture its rich diagnostic data – as described later in this demo. Exit
Pupil Report You can view/print a Pupil Report, giving a complete summary of each pupil’s overall results. Just highlight the pupil in the ‘tree’ and select the required test date. The Pupil Report can be printed individually or for a whole group. Exit
Progress Overview • The Overview screen is shown on the next slide. • It summarises all the MaLT tests taken by a pupil, and plots them on a graphical display. • The whiskers show 90% confidence limits, and the pale yellow bars show the cohort average for each test. Exit
Group Performance To look at group performance, select the Cohort or Class in the ‘tree’, as shown on the left. Then select the test date(s) you want to include in the analysis. You will then see a screen like the one on the next slide. It shows the key summary statistics for the group – for all pupils, and split by gender – with graphs showing the raw score and standardised score distributions. Exit
Group Performance – cont. • You can also view the performance graphs for boys only, girls only, and boys and girls together. • All these graphs can be printed, together with the summary statistics shown above the graphs. Exit
Result List Click on the Result List button on the toolbar to access the List facility and see the options available. Select the cohort and the test date(s), and choose from the options how you want your data listed, then click on View. An example is shown on the next slide. This data can also be exported to a .csv file, which can be opened by most spreadsheet packages, including Excel. Exit
The Concern? column shows pupils whose mathematics age is a year or more behind their chronological age. Exit
Why diagnostic error analysis? Every teacher knows there is more information in pupils’ responses than merely right/wrong. Each MaLT test has a unique Diagnostic Profiler to make life as simple as possible for the teacher looking for more than just bald total scores. MaLT’s fully-featured diagnostic error analysis will help you uncover key misunderstandings and misconceptions – for an individual pupil, a full class or a whole yeargroup. Exit
What does the Diagnostic Profiler do? • The DiagnosticProfiler enables quick, efficient marking directly on-screen, to capture pupils’ errors as well as their correct answers. • It analyses each pupil’s responses (right and wrong) and provides a complete record of their performance on the test. • It calculates all pupil ages, standardised scores and National Curriculum levels. • It automates diagnostic error analysis, and generates comprehensive individual and group reports. Exit
On-screen Marking For each pupil, you (or a classroom assistant) can score the test on-screen to feed that pupil’s answers directly into the computer. Simply click on the response option which corresponds to the pupil’s answer. Exit
Or you can mark the test by hand and then simply import an Excel spreadsheet containing the pupils’ responses. Just match the scores to pupils already in the database, click to import, and their latest results will be available alongside any you’ve input previously. Then choose from a range of useful reports … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 1 A multi-page individual Pupil Report gives scores, performance comparisons, feedback at Attainment Target level and individual question level, plus a detailed error report … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 1 cont. Pupil Report – individual question performance Exit
Diagnostic Reports 1 cont. Pupil Report – the pupil’s successes Exit
Diagnostic Reports 1 cont. Pupil Report – the pupil’s errors Exit
Diagnostic Reports 2 An individual pupil Performance Map shows any unusual pattern of errors – ‘easy’ questions the pupil got wrong, and ‘difficult’ questions they got right … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 3 The Pupil Progress Report compares current scores with performance on previous MaLT assessments … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 4 Class Report: detailed performance data and formative information relates class to national performance on each question, summarised by gender and by Attainment Target … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 4 cont. Class Report:class v. national performance on each question Exit
Diagnostic Reports 5 The Cohort Report compares two or more classes within a yeargroup, giving a range of useful performance data, including NC levels and class, cohort and national averages … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 5 cont. Cohort Report– class comparisons Exit
Diagnostic Reports6 A Class Errors Report relates your own class’s answers to the national averages for each question … Exit
Diagnostic Reports 7 Comprehensive performance listings, generated in Excel, let you make the performance comparisons YOU want. Exit
Let the Scorer/Profiler help you get the mostout of your MaLT assessments! Exit
Thank you for your interest in MaLT! Hodder Educationan Hachette UK company 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH To order: www.hoddereducation.co.ukwww.hoddertests.co.uk Exit