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Enhanced Visual Document Management Tool for Efficient Data Analysis

This tool, developed by Richard Hammond, facilitates document management, knowledge extraction, structured/unstructured data analysis, and generation of reports in various formats. It integrates with EPAKM for seamless data preparation and visualization, benefiting teams in decision-making processes.

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Enhanced Visual Document Management Tool for Efficient Data Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visual Document Management Tool Richard Hammond EKM Team Leader U.S. EPA Region 4, Atlanta hammond.richard@epa.gov Kiran Batchu GeoDecisions kbatchu@geodecisions.com

  2. Business Model Text Reports Unstructured data Business Rules Filters Databases Models Visualizations Geoaware products Models Structured data Undefined Products Inputs Outputs Business Rules

  3. Range of Inputs email, phone, water cooler meetings Unstructured data weekly reports, formal correspondence Technical reports RI/FS Structured data Data Inputs

  4. Savannah River Site Knowledge extraction Semi-structured data Geospatial product Topic experts xml tools + Institutional memory Inputs Outputs Business Rules

  5. Typical FFACTR report

  6. EPA Knowledge Management Application Data Preparation EPAKM App flow diagram 02/28/2005 VB6 application Updated SVG document map Propriety GIS maps 2. Convert FFACTR report to SVG map 1. Export to SVG format Basicsvg.txt FFACTR report (ffactr.xls) SVG database (svg.mdb) Epakm.xml

  7. EPA Knowledge Management Application Functionality EPAKM App flow diagram 02/28/2005 3. Number and type of ‘document status’ information is updated based on user- selected OU EPAKM main user interface Semantic query (OU) 4.A user can ‘hear’ pre-defined categories of information Epakm.xml Zoomed view of selected OU Attribute data 5. Attribute information is displayed in a pop-up html window Epakm.xsl 6. Extracts and assimilates information from various documents and displays a ‘synthetic document’ as pop-up html window Pop-up window shows the ‘U238’ tables extracted from3 different documents Standard ‘Word’ reports are stored as ‘XML’ documents Site specific pdf document is dis77played in a window.

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