History Metallica is an American heavy metal band. It was founded in 1981 by Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield. Later, Lloyd Grant and Ron McGovneyjoined the band, buttheywerereplaced by the guitaristDaveMustain and the bassist Cliff Burton. Mustain was firedforhisviolentactitude and he foundedMegadeth, so he was replaced by Kirk Hammet. Cliff Burton died in a bus crash in 1986, so JasonNewstedreplacedhim, who 15 yearslater was replaced by the actual bassist Robert Trujillo. So, the actual members of the group are James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammet and Robert Trujillo.
Albums • The betteralbumsfromMetallica are: -Metallica(alsoknown as “Black Album”):It was releasedonAugust 12th 1991. Itsold 14 million copies in the USA. -Master of Puppets: It was releasedonMarch 3rd 1986 and itsold 8 million copies in the USA. - …And JusticeForAll: This album was releasedonAugust 25th 1988. Itsold 8 million copies in the USA.
Most FamousSongs - One, from the album“…And JusticeForAll”. - EnterSandman, from the album“Metallica (The Black Album)”. - NothingElseMatters, from the album“Metallica(The Black Album)”. - The DayThatNever Comes, from the albumcalled“DeathMagnetic”. - Master of Puppets, from the album“Master Of Puppets”.
Curiosities Before the band was called “Metallica”, the membersthought in anothernameslike “Blizter”, “Red Vette” and “Grinder”. The day of the releasement of the “Black Album” itsoldnear a million copies. Cliff Burton wantedtobe a jazz player. James Hetfieldworked as a concierge in a highschool. Lars Ulrichwantedtobe a tennisplayer.
METALLICA Fromlefttoright: Kirk Hammet, James Hetfield, Robert Trujillo & Lars Ulrichッ
THE END Marcos Moreira Marques 4ºA