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Spa Therapy in Spinal Cord Injuries in Turkey

This study investigates the satisfaction levels and effectiveness of spa therapy on spinal cord injury patients in Turkey. It explores the impact of hydrotherapy on reducing spasticity, improving mobility, and enhancing overall quality of life. The research methodology, participant demographics, lesion characteristics, spa experiences, and treatment outcomes are analyzed to assess the potential benefits of spa therapy in managing complications of spinal cord injuries.

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Spa Therapy in Spinal Cord Injuries in Turkey

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  1. Spa Therapy in Spinal Cord Injuries in Turkey Nur Kesiktaş*, Nurten Eskiyurt*, M.Zeki Karagülle** *Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation **Department of Medical Ecology and Hydroclimatology -Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty- TURKIYE

  2. Aim: Satisfaction? Effectiveness? Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  3. Method:*Descriptive *Retrospective*Cross-sectional*3 months duration*50 participant, (cooperated SCI age:20-50years ) *OFD*Form (48 questions)*Face to face*SPSS version11.0

  4. Form: *Demographics 6 (Age,gender, job,education,attitudes, social and economic life) *Lesion characteristics 11 *Experience of spa 16 *SCI complications 13 *CHART-SF (quality of life) *FIM

  5. Patients demographics and lesion characteristics

  6. Ratio of spa use

  7. Spa experience

  8. Ratio of traditional application

  9. Regions of SPAs Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  10. Chemical characteristics of spa

  11. Satisfaction of patients

  12. Selection Biases OFD? Assessment Biases Patients’ Satisfaction Test?

  13. PainSpasticityDecubitisUrinary problems(Neurogenic bladder) Neuromusculoskeletal complicationsHeterotopic ossifationAutonomic dysreflexiaPsychologic problems (depression)Cardiovascular PulmonaryGISImmun FunctionsEndocrine problems Problems of SCI Spinal Cord Medicine; Editors: S.Kirshbaum, D. Campagnolo, J A DeLisa. p123-261 2002 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  14. Effects of hydrotherapy reduced spasticity betterstrengthening reduced pain improved respiratory status increased or maintained range ofmotion improved peripheral circulation improved cardiovascularand metabolic status increased aerobicendurance, improvedfunction psychologicalbenefits Giesecke C. Aquatic rehabilitation of clients with spinalcord injury. In: Ruoti RG, Morris DM, Cole AJ, eds. Aquaticrehabilitation. Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott, Williams andWilkins; 1997:125-50. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  15. The relaxing effect of passive movements in spastic muscles is increased by placing in a cool-neutral pool.Rossier AS, Fam BA,Paraplegia,1979,11:36-78, • Miglietta found that clonus frequency dropped or it dissapeared for 4 hours after spastic extremities were immersed in water at 28oC for 15 minutes. • (Arch. Phys.Med.,45:508;1964) Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  16. Effects of Hydrotherapy on spasticity may be related with depressing sensitivity of the muscle spindle and a decrease in skin sensitivity,thereby reducing gamma motorneurone activity. Kesiktas N.. et al Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2004;18(4):268-73. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  17. Exercise in an aquatic environment could beexpected to improve the gait characteristics inpatients with SCI. • Koury JM. Benefits of an aquatic therapy program. In:Koury JM, ed. Aquatic therapy programming. Champaign,IL: Human Kinetics; 1996:1-11. • Giesecke C. Aquatic rehabilitation of clients with spinalcord injury. In: Ruoti RG, Morris DM, Cole AJ, eds. Aquaticrehabilitation. Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott, Williams andWilkins; 1997:125-50. • Gass EM, Gass GC, Pitetti K. Thermoregulatory responses to exercise and warm water immersion in physically trained men with tetraplegia. Spinal Cord 2002;40:474-80. • Zamparo P, Pagllaro P. The energy cost of level walking before andafter hydro-kinesi therapy in patients with spastic paresis. Scand J med Sci Sports 1998;8:222-8. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  18. Hydrotherapy & SCI4 • Kesiktas N et al. The use of hydrotherapy for the management of spasticity.Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2004 Dec;18(4):268-73. GAss ME Thermoregulatory responses to repeated warm water immersion in subjects who are paraplegic.Spinal Cord. 2001 Mar;39(3):149-55. Zamparo . The energy cost of level walking before and after hydro-kinesi therapy in patients with spastic paresis.Scand J Med Sci Sports. 1998 Aug;8(4):222-8. Paeslack Organisation of a Spinal Injuries Unit within a University Hospital.Paraplegia. 1967 Nov;5(3):140-2. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  19. Spa therapyemploys a number of different treatment modalities, including hydrotherapy and balneotherapy, and creates a special therapeutic atmosphere of its own through thechange in environment and lifestyle. Bender T, Karagulle Z, Balint GP, Guttenbrunner C, Balint PV, Sukenik S,: Hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and spa treatment in pain management. Rheumatol Int. 2004 Jul 15 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  20. Effects of Spa therapy Regulatory effect Normalizing effect on autonomic functions Improving psychology Chemical effects Improving immunology Karagülle MZ Balneotherapy, Spa therapy, hydrotherapy Lecture notes-1998 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  21. Minerals are absorbed through the skin with balneotherapy. Sulphur can be absorbed through the skin and may have an analgesic effect. Andrejew SV, Selenskaja VS (1991) Das Verhalten des in den Körper aus dem Sulfidbad eindringenden Schwefels. In: Pratzel HG, .Bühring M, Evers A (eds) Schwefel in der Medizin. Demeter, Gräfelfing, pp 35–41 47. Pratzel HG, Aigner UM, Weinert D, Limbach B (1992) .Zur analgetischen Wirksamkeit eines Schwefelmoorbades bei weichteilreumatischen Beschwerden. Eine randomisierte Doppelblindstudie. Phys Rehab Kur Med 2:92–97 48. Gutenbrunner C, Kopetzki K, Neues-Lahusen M, Gehrke A (1999) Wirkungen natürlicher thermoindifferenter Schwefelbäder auf Hautdurchblutung und Schmerzempfindlichkeit bei Gesunden und Patienten mit chronisher Polyarthitis. Akt Reumatol 24:117–123 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  22. Spa therapy & SCI • Strelkova NI Spinal cord traumas: methods of physical therapy] Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2004 Jan-Feb;(1):48-51 • Beliaev: Effect of slime mud applications and sea baths on the state of cellular immunity in patients with traumatic spinal cord diseases]Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1983 Nov-Dec;(6):59-60 Kalnysh lala Effect of health resort treatment on the clinical indicators and dynamics of blood serum protein fractions in patients with a history of spinal cord injury Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1977 Sep-Oct;(5):57-61 • Kalnysh lala Effectiveness of the complex therapy using physical factors of patients with spinal cord injuries Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1975;75(9):1324-8 Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  23. Hydrotherapy pools and SCI Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  24. Hydrotherapy Pools in Turkish Rehabilitation Centers • Istanbul Education and Rehabilitation Center Low level incomplet, 1partient/2month • Private Clinic: 4patient/month D.Biçki PT PhD Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  25. Hydrotherapy Pools in Turkish Rehabilitation Centers Turkish Army Force Rehabilitation Centre-Ankara 15 patients/month Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  26. Regions of SPAs Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  27. Bursa Military Hospital 5 patients/ month Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  28. Romatizma, 2004: 19; 143-54 THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY OF ULUDAG UNIVERSITY ATATÜRK BALNEOTHERAPY ANDREHABILITATION CENTER IN THE LAST DECADE Alev Ay, M.Mustafa Ertürk , Ümit Bingöl, Lale Altan, Merih Yurtkuran Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  29. 2. Balçova Thermal Balneology Rehabilitation Days 1998 Congress Book p 70-71 Yılmaz Güler PT Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  30. Conclusion -CBR -center -studies -spa for SCI Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

  31. Free Template from www.brainybetty.com

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