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Overview of Teacher Evaluation

Learn about the comprehensive teacher evaluation process in NY, including multiple performance measures, growth criteria, and locally selected assessment methods, with a focus on Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and scoring requirements.

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Overview of Teacher Evaluation

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  1. Overview of Teacher Evaluation • 60% Multiple Measures of Teacher Performance • At least 31 points based on “at least 2” observations • At least one observation unannounced • All 60 points must be allocated using an approved rubric • 20% Growth or Comparable Measures • Growth Score comes from SED, currently for grades 4-8 ELA & math State assessments. • For comparable measures, Student Learning Objectives must be developed. • 20% Locally Selected Measures of Growth or Achievement

  2. What is Decided by NYS? The STATE determines: • The framework and required elements of SLOs • Which teachers receive SLOs and which receive State-provided measures • Assessment options for use with SLOs • Scoring requirements: • Scoring bands for growth subcomponent • Procedures for weighting where teacher have multiple SLOs • Teachers cannot score the assessments they use for evaluation purposes

  3. The Big Idea of SLOs • Provide a pre- and post-assessment • Determine student growth – the change in student performance Post assessment B A Pre assessment

  4. What is a Student Learning Objective? A student learning objective is an academic goal for a teacher’s students that is set at the start of a course. It represents the most important learning for the year (or, semester, where applicable). It must be specific and measureable, based on available prior student learning data, and aligned to Common Core, State or national standards, as well as any other school and district priorities. Teachers’ scores are based upon the degree to which their goals were attained.

  5. NYS Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)Must Include the Following Basic Elements: • Student Population: which students are being addressed? • Each SLO will address all students in the teacher’s course (or across multiple course sections) who take the same final assessment. • Learning Content: what is being taught? CCSS/national/State standards? Will specific standards be focused on in this goal or all standards applicable to the course? • Interval of Instructional Time: what is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)? • Evidence: what assessment(s) or student work product(s) will be used to measure this goal? • Baseline: what is the starting level of learning for students in the class? • Target and HEDI Criteria: what is the expected outcome (target) by the end of the instructional period? • HEDI Criteria: how will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below”, (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective). These ranges translate into HEDI categories to determine teachers’ final rating for the growth subcomponent of evaluations. Districts must set their expectations for the HEDI ratings and scoring: HEDI criteria can be determined at the time of target-setting or districts can choose to let principal judgment apply. • Rationale: why choose this learning content, evidence and target?

  6. Student Learning Objective (SLO)Worksheet

  7. Student Learning Objective (SLO)Example 1 HEDI Scoring

  8. Student Learning Objective (SLO)Example 2 HEDI Scoring

  9. Who receives SLOs?

  10. Who receives SLOs?

  11. Who receives SLOs?

  12. Who receives SLOs?

  13. Who receives SLOs?

  14. SLO Rules and Considerations for Comparable Growth Measures Which teachers will have state-provided growth measures and which teachers must have SLOs as “comparable growth measures?”

  15. Ardsley Sample

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