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This informative piece explores the surgical perspective on Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD), discussing diagnosis, pathophysiology, management, efficacy of Nissen fundoplication, and the impact of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). It also analyses the risks of Barretts and cancer and compares medical vs surgical treatments.
Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease A surgical perspective Mr Dip Mukherjee Consultant upper GI & Laparoscopic surgeon Queens Hospital.BHRT. Romford antireflux surgery
Impact of GORD Upto 40% and rising 4% of all GP consultations are for dyspepsia 7% of children need GP input for reflux 50% rise in oesophageal adenoca. In 10 years 50% of Barretts do not have heartburn 10% of national drug bill £500 million per year £11.25 per person $14 Billion in US antireflux surgery
Diagnosis Demonstration of: The presence of documented (photographic or histologic) esophageal mucosal injury (esophagitis) OR Excessive reflux during 24-hour intraesophageal pH monitoring. antireflux surgery
Pathophysiology Antireflux barrier Antireflux surgery Gastric hyperacidity PPI Oesophageal motility Antireflux surgery Visceral sensation Mucosal defence antireflux surgery
GORD – The quandary Multifactorial etiology Complex Pathophysiology No obvious anatomical surrogate Symptoms do not always predict the diagnosis Endoscopy often negative pH metry fraught with problems Poor response to PPI also mean poor response to surgery LNF and Barretts regression The perfect operation – an unrealised dream antireflux surgery
Barretts and cancer risk Rising incidence of reflux related adenocarcinoma Needs acid and bile Dysplasia carcinoma sequence Problems of diagnosis &surveillance Problem of ablation No reliable molecular markers for prediction of cancer antireflux surgery
Mucin stain Intramucosal cancer Intestinal metaplasia Optical coherence tomography antireflux surgery
Efficacy of Nissen fundoplication versus medical therapy in the regression of low-grade dysplasia in patients with Barrett esophagus: a prospective study.Ann Surg. 2006 Jan;243(1):58-63Ann Surg. 2006 Jan;243(1):58-63. Does fundoplication prevent cancer? Does fundoplication prevent benign complications? Ann Surg. 2006 Jan;243(1):58-63. antireflux surgery
Management • Medical Vs Surgical • Medical & Surgical antireflux surgery
PPI and Laparoscopic antireflux surgery are the only two proven treatment for GORD in 2007 J Richter antireflux surgery
PPI Total acid suppression market in US : $ 9.5 billion 77% captured by PPI Maintains pH less than 4 for 15-21 hours;8 hours for H2 blockers More effective than placebo in healing oesophagitis( RR=0.23 NNT =2)* Superior to H2RA in maintaining remission of oesophagitis over 6-12 months**Relapse rate 22% for PPI and 58% for H2RA Superior to placebo & H2RA in endoscopy negative GORD and undiagnosed reflux in primary care*** Esomeprazole 40 mg is better than Omeprazole and lansoprazole in severe esophagitis .higher bioavailability and less interpatient variability *Moyayeyedi et al.Lancet 2006;367:2086-2100(Recent Cochrane review) **Donnellan C et al.The Cochrane database of systematic reviews2004;3:CD003245 *** Van Pinxteren et al. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews2004;3:CD002095 antireflux surgery
Impact Of PPI 33% decline in stricture rate since 1995 Reduces stricture relapse after dilatation Patients with Non cardiac chest pain respond better than placebo (NNT=3)* No clear data on chronic cough asthma or ENT disorders Good for reflux related sleep disturbances • Cremmini et al. Am J Gastroenterol2005;100:1226-32 • *Wang et al.Arch Intern Med 2005;165:1222-28 antireflux surgery
Pill not working! 25-42% patients after 4-8 weeks trial of PPI Difficult to manage group Increase dose to twice daily 25% respond Timing and compliance Switch to second generation( Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole)multicentre study Consider endoscopy antireflux surgery
Problem of PPI No increased risk of gastric malignancy in humans Increased risk of fundic gland polyps caused by parietal cell hyperplasia Increased risk of community acquired pneumonia7 enteric infections( RR+1.89)* Impaired vitamin D absorption elderly women and osteoporosis risk *Laheji et al.JAMA2004;292:1955-60- population based study Leonard J et al.Am J gastroenterol2007(In press)- systematic review antireflux surgery
Message Works for most especially when patient has oesophagitis safe and effective Prevents recurrence of strictures Helps in sleep disturbances Less effective with extraesophgeal symptoms and aspiration Trial of PPI ok without endoscopy but acknowledge failure antireflux surgery
Failure to improve OGD Oesophagitis No oesophagitis Nocturnal breakthrough Nonacid GOR Wrong diagnosis Achalasia gastroparesis Functional heartburn antireflux surgery
Medical Vs Surgical 8. Behar J, Sheahan DG, Biancani P, Spiro HM, Storer EH. Medical and surgical management of reflux esophagitis. A 38-month report on a prospective trial. N Engl J Med 1975; 293: 263–268. 10. Spechler SJ, Lee E, Ahnen D, Goyal RK, Hirano I, Ramirez F et al. Long-term outcome of medical and surgical therapies for gastroesophageal reflux disease: follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2001; 285: 2331–2338. 9. Spechler SJ. Comparison of medical and surgical therapy for complicated gastroesophageal reflux disease in veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Study Group. N Engl J Med 1992; 326: 786–792. 11. Lundell L, Miettinen P, Myrvold HE, Pedersen SA, Liedman B, Hattlebakk JG et al. Continued (5-year) followup of a randomized clinical study comparing antireflux surgery and omeprazole in gastroesophageal reflux disease. J Am Coll Surg 2001; 192: 172–179. antireflux surgery
Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication compared with proton-pump inhibitors for treatment of chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux [Randomized clinical trial] Mahon, D.1; Rhodes, M.1; Decadt, B.1; Hindmarsh, A.1; Lowndes, R.2; Beckingham, I.3; Koo, B.1; Newcombe, R. G.4 antireflux surgery
LNF leads to significantly less acid exposure of the lower oesophagus at 3 months and significantly greater improvements in both gastrointestinal and general well-being after 12 months compared with PPI treatment. antireflux surgery
Some Basics • Why refer for surgery ? • Who should have surgery? • When not to do it? • How does surgery work how is it done and how effective is it? • What are the complications? • Where does the future lie? antireflux surgery
When to call surgeon? Pills do not work! Medical therapy is effective in most patients, but not in patients with advanced disease or in those with an associated incompetent lower esophageal sphincter Liebermann DA. Medical therapy for chronic reflux esophagitis: long-term follow-up. Arch Intern Med 1987; 147:1717-1720 Problems despite pills! Acid suppression only addresses one factor in a multifactorial disease. In severe disease there is a significant failure rate of long-term standard dose medical therapy and progression of disease is often noted Monnier P, Ollyo JB, Fontolliet C, Savary M. Epidemiology and natural history of reflux esophagitis. Sem Lap Surg 1995; 2:2-9. Grande L, Toledo-Pimentel V, Manterola C, et al. Value of Nissen fundoplication in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux judged by long-term symptom control. Br J Surg 1994; 81:548-550. antireflux surgery
Pills do not work ! symptomatic relapse on continuous drug therapy early relapse after cessation of drug therapy non-compliance to medication financial non-compliance to medication Problems despite pills! Recurrent strictures Severe pulmonary symptoms Severe esophagitis Symptomatic Barrett's esophagus Large symptomatic paraesophageal hernia Indications For Antireflux Surgery antireflux surgery
Patient selection • Clinical assessment • Endoscopy • Esophagitis • Hiatus hernia • pH Manometry antireflux surgery
pH Manometry Acid exposure Symptom score Defective LOS pressure Length position Body motility antireflux surgery
Ambulatory 24 hour pH test Detects acid reflux Discriminates normal from abnormal Determines temporal association between symptom and reflux Detects oesophageal clearance of acid Detects adequacy of medical or surgical therapy Detects laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease(LPRD) antireflux surgery
Beware • Multiple somatic complaints- ruminants • Scleroderma • Achalasia • Poor response to PPI It is important to adequately evaluate patients before surgery, because an inappropriately performed operation can have disastrous effects14 Richter JE. Surgery for reflux disease - reflections of a gastroenterologist. N Engl J Med 1992; 326:825-827. antireflux surgery
To increase LES pressure and therefore prevent acid back flow (reflux) • To repair any present hiatal hernia. Goal of surgery antireflux surgery
How Fundoplication works? • Reduces fundic distension and TLOSR • Increase basal LOS pressure • Lengthens LOS • Restores intraabdominal sphincter • Accentuates angle of His • Speeds gastric emptying antireflux surgery
The laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication offers less morbidity and mortality than the open procedure with at least the same short-term outcome as the open procedure and better results compared to medical therapy Spechler SJ. Comparison of medical and surgical therapy for complicated gastroesophageal reflux disease in veterans. N Engl J Med 1992; 326:786-792 antireflux surgery
Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication Dallemagne B, Weerts JM, Jehaes C, et al. Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication: preliminary report. Surg Laparosc Endosc 1991; 1:138-143. antireflux surgery
Set Up for surgery antireflux surgery
Overall long-term benefits More than 90% of patients are free of heartburn after the operation and satisfied with their choice, even after five years. The procedure relieved GERD-induced coughs and some other respiratory symptoms in up to 85% of patients antireflux surgery
Does the operation work? • 100 patients • Follow up1-13 yrs • Reflux control 91%* • Symptom control .* DeMeester TR, Bonavina L, Albertucci M. Nissen fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Evaluation of primary repair in 100 consecutive patients. Ann Surg 1986; 204:9-20. antireflux surgery
I am fine now – will this bliss last? Currently laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication has a 3.4 % recurrence rate of symptoms with only 0.7 % rate of need for reoperation. 160 patients Follow up3-20 years (Mean 136 months) 71 out of 160 followed up for more than 10 years 92% success rate Grande L, Toledo-Pimentel V, Manterola C, et al. Value of Nissen fundoplication in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux judged by long-term symptom control. Br J Surg 1994; 81:548-550 antireflux surgery
What are the benefits of laparoscopic fundoplication? Less post-operative pain Faster recovery Short hospital stay Less post-operative complications like wound infection, adhesion, hernia, etc. Cost-effective in working group antireflux surgery
Complications of LNF • Operative problems • Wrap migration- post op contrast swallow • Gas bloat ,early satiety • Flatulence • Persistent Dysphagia0.9% • Failure and reoperation 0.7- antireflux surgery
Type 1 Type 2 Complex Hiatus hernia needs surgical referral irrespective of reflux symptoms Type 4 Type 3 antireflux surgery
Endoscopic treatment of GORD – The future? Escharification Stretta Injection Enteryx Gatekeeper Plication antireflux surgery
NOTES Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery • Transgastric gastropexy and hiatal hernia repair for GERD under EUS control: a porcine model.Fritscher-Ravens A, Mosse CA, Mukherjee D, Yazaki E, Park PO, Mills T, Swain P Gastrointest Endosc. 2004 Jan;59(1):89-95. Endoscopic Gastroplasty NDO Plicator antireflux surgery
Conclusions • Some patients will need to see a surgeon. • Surgery is safe,effective and offers one off permanent cure in selected patients. • Laparoscopic surgery makes the recovery simple and fast. • Surgery is the only treatment that abolishes acid bile insult to oesophageal mucosa antireflux surgery
“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth but most of the time he will pick himself up and carry on” Winston Churchill Thank You for your time and patience antireflux surgery