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Discover the truth about aging and how to live a life full of vitality and longevity. Explore the scientific evidence supporting eternal youth and learn how to overcome conditioning and unhealthy habits. Join us for a transformative journey towards a brand new world of health and wellness.
‘Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over allthe earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.’ (Gen 1:26-28 NKJV)
AFTER THE FALL • Adam lived 930 years - Gen 5:5 • Methuselah lived 969 years - Gen 5:27 IN THE MIDST OF UNBRIDLED WICKEDNESS • God reduced the ‘days of man’ to 120-Gen6:3 AFTER THE FLOOD • Noah lived 950 years, additional 830 years to the ‘days of man’! • Average lifespan from Adam to Noah was 912 • The average lifespan Abraham to Joseph was 153
UNDER THE LAW • Moses lived 120 years • The average lifespan of the true priests and prophets of God from Aaron to Malachi was about 120 years. • The average lifespan of the kings of Israel and Judah who died “natural” was below 50 years.
According to UN World Population Prospects 2015 , the averagelifeexpectancy at birth range from China’ s 83.74 (M)/91.8(F) to Swaziland’s 49. 18(M)/48.54(F). Nigeria’s is 52.29(M)/52.61. • Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country is expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future.
Everyone is yearning in the inside for A BRAND NEW WORLD where they can live a life “full of years” and die in “old age”! Who defines these terms? (Gen 25:8; 15:15; 35:28;47:28) Even under the OldCovenant, “the ministry of death” God still made “provisions” for “long life”, “length of days” and “salvation”! (Psalm 91: 16; 61:6; Pro 3:2,16; Exo20:12) What is God’s thought concerning the NewCovenant saints in “a more excellent ministry”? (Isa 65:20; John 1:16; Gal 3:13,14, 29; 2 Peter 1:1-4; 1John 4:17)
Man was created to remain “youthful” eternally! That is how God and his sons, the angels, are in HEAVEN! Hence the human body was designed to achieve these two purposes on earth: • Eternal Youthfulness • Eternal Life!
Under the title, “Immortality and Rejuvenation in Modern Biology”, a Russian scientist, M. Metalkinov of the Pasteur Institute, published a volume which validates God’s testimony about the immortality of the living creatures He created. • Here is the first sentence of the concluding chapter of the book, “What we have just written forces us to maintain our conviction that immortality is a fundamental property of all living organisms...Old age and death are not a stage of earthly existence.”
It has been scientifically proved that since you were born most of the your cells in your body are only eleven months old today! Why? • Because those cells are constantly renewing themselves. The one thing about them you can be sure is CHANGE! • Each of the trillions of cells in your body are constantly being renewed daily. Even your bones are daily renewing themselves and are believed to rebuild themselves completely every seven years.
There is no natural reason for man to grow old as soon as he does and there is biological reason for him to grow old at all! • Dr. Hammond asserted,“There is no physiological reason why man should die, having a body which possesses inherent capacity to renew and continue itself and its functions indefinitely.” • Dr Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize winner and a member of Rockefeller Institute, demonstrated that living cells taken from a body, properly protected and fed, can be kept alive infinitely. Not only that, they grow!
If these cells, the faithful tiny workers, are tearing down old tissues and rebuilding them with new ones, so that there is no cell in your body – bone, muscle or tissue that is OLD, why then should you feel old? • Why should you be less active, less spry, less cheerful, less resourceful and less creative than the ‘youngster’ because you are 40, 50, 70, 100, 120, even 200 years of age?
Two basic, fundamental foundational reasons: • Conditioning which is the product of the mental pictures created in our minds by different conditions we face. • The unwholesomeness of what we eat and drink which renders thetiny workers called cells in our body unhealthy and unfit do their work .
Religious : 70/80 years syndrome (Ps 90: 10 ) • Social: “A fool at forty is a fool forever” syndrome. • Occupational: Retirement age syndrome • Attitudinal (characterdefects): emotional “vampires” of anger, bitterness, jealousy and unforgiveness . Deepak Chopra says, “Nothing holds power over the body than belief.” • Someone rightly said,” “Your environment is a merciless mirror of your belief system!”
Your belief creates your reality, whether you know it or not! Your beliefs are where your behaviour, actions and habits come from. Your beliefs determine how treat everyone and everything including your body! • Youth is not a matter of time. It is a mental state. • Thus, the Lord Jesus says, “Be it to you according to your faith”!
Genesis 1:29 remains God’s simplest but most effective solution to early ageing and death because it is the ideal way to nourish the human body and maintain its youthfulness. • The farther we move from here the quicker we invite ageing and death, and the closer we return to the ideal, the basic, the more we delay ageing and death.
Genuine youth is just a perfect state of health. You can have that health, that boundless energy and capacity for work or enjoyment that go with it. • Remember, eleven months from now you will have almost an entirely new body, inside and out! • You can cheat time. You can recover or maintain your youthfulness if you to dare find your way BACK TO THE BASICS!
To go Back to the Basics is to return to our New Testament Eden, CHRIST- God’s Fullness made MANIFEST in flesh – and begin function from Christconsciousness. • The Bible says, “And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.” (Deut 34:7) • Note the Bible says his “eye” not his eyes (see 1 Sam 3:2; Matt 6:22, Eph 1:15-22). A “single eye” is the product of Divine Conditioning!
When we combine this physical diet regimewith the spiritual diet regime (John 6:54-58) under Divine Conditioning we can exclaim with Paul “O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory.” (1Cor. 15:55). • This is the Brand New Worldthat is emerging. This is the New Garden of Eden of the New Creation. This is Christ in you the Manifest Glory.This is HEAVEN ON EARTH that the creation is eagerly awaiting its manifestation! This our Month of Manifestation of the Blessing in the Year/Season of New Things!
This is your responsibility! This is my responsibility!This is our responsibility! Holy Spirit help us!Shalom!