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Civil War History: Strategies and Leaders

Explore the military strategies and key leaders during the Civil War era in this comprehensive resource packet covering Lincoln's presidency, military split, North vs. South tactics, and more. Engaging activities included!

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Civil War History: Strategies and Leaders

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  1. Warm Up Take Out Resource Packet Read Pages 15 & 16

  2. I am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. ~ John Brown at his execution

  3. Lincoln Takes Office “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection” • Message mix of toughness and reconciliation

  4. After Ft Sumter • Lincoln calls for 75,000 troops to save the Union • VA, NC, TN and AR vote to join Confederacy

  5. The Border States • MD, DE, KY, MO • Held vital positions • Lincoln had to keep on side of Union • What might Lincoln have done?

  6. 1861 Military Strategy and Leadership

  7. Leaders - Union • Abraham Lincoln • Sec. Of War Edwin Stanton • Sec of State – Wlm Seward

  8. Lincoln • 1861 – Becomes president • Rejects Confederate Peace Proposals • “Confederate secession is legally void” • Constitution is a more perfect union • Orders organization of Army • Calls for 75000 3 month recruits

  9. Leaders - Confederacy • Jefferson Davis

  10. Pre-Civil War • US Army – 16,000 Soldiers and Officers • Navy – 42 Warships

  11. Officers Pick Sides • US Military split • Army – Mostly comprised of and led by Southerners • Navy – Mostly Northerners, but few armed ships

  12. Strategy • What does the North have to do to win? • Conquer and Destroy South’s ability to fight • Destroy Southern Institutions • What does the South have to do to win? • Win a Defensive War • Make it too costly for North to want to continue • Gain foreign support / win battles

  13. At the Top - North • Winfield Scott General-In-Chief • April 19 1861 – Winfield Scott urges Lincoln to commission Robert E Lee

  14. The Anaconda Plan • Winfield Scott • As little bloodshed as possible • Union Blockade • Divide and Conquer

  15. The Anaconda Plan • Blockade • Union had 3 ships that could blockade • Steam power • “Old Father Neptune”

  16. Homework • Complete Map Activity # 2

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