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Schizophrenia. I need a volunteer . You will having a job interview, so you have to be prepared to answer some job interview questions. What is Schizophrenia?.

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  1. Schizophrenia

  2. I need a volunteer  • You will having a job interview, so you have to be prepared to answer some job interview questions

  3. What is Schizophrenia? • Schizophrenia is a severe, lifelong brain disease that makes it difficult for a person to communicate with others, respond emotionally, make decisions and think clearly.

  4. Canadian Stats • affects about 1 in every 100 Canadians • affects men and women equally • affects men earlier (in their teens to early 20s) than women (in their 20s to early 30s) • is present in all cultures and socioeconomic groups.

  5. Signs and Symptoms • belongs to a group of mental disorders called psychotic disorders. • These disorders have psychosis as a key symptom. • Psychosis means loss of contact with reality. • Common signs and symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into positive and negative categories.

  6. Positive Signs and Symptoms • called positivebecause they are added, or begin to appear, when the illness starts. • Examples of positive signs and symptoms of schizophrenia include: • delusions • hallucinations • disorganized speech • disorganized behaviour

  7. Negative Signs and Symptoms • called negative because they refer to functions that are taken away from the person when the illness starts. These include: • lack of facial or physical expression of emotion (flat affect) • speaking less or not at all (alogia or poverty of speech) • having difficulty starting or finishing tasks (avolition)

  8. Phases of Schizophrenia • Symptoms of schizophrenia tend to come and go. An acute period of illness with schizophrenia, often called an episode, has three phases:

  9. Prodromal (beginning) phase: The person’s usual pattern of functioning begins to change little by little. • Active phase: The person has positive symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations. • Residual phase: The positive symptoms become less severe or almost disappear, and negative symptoms take over. This final phase may last a long time.

  10. Progression of Schizophrenia • The first episode of schizophrenia usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 30. • Men usually develop the illness earlier than women. • Some people will have only one episode in their lives; others will have episodes throughout their lives. Between episodes, many live full, productive lives.

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