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Making the Best Use of Technical Assistance

Making the Best Use of Technical Assistance. Speakers. JBS’ Division of Service Improvement (DSI) Overview Jennifer Kasten, Ph.D., DSI Project Lead, JBS International Health Information Technology Technical Assistance Dave Wanser, Ph.D. Technical Expert Lead TCE HIT Project.

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Making the Best Use of Technical Assistance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Making the Best Use of Technical Assistance

  2. Speakers JBS’ Division of Service Improvement (DSI) Overview • Jennifer Kasten, Ph.D., DSI Project Lead, JBS International Health Information Technology Technical Assistance • Dave Wanser, Ph.D. Technical Expert Lead TCE HIT Project

  3. DSI Focus Website

  4. TERMS OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE TERM TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (TA)? Forced One time event Information Technology Deficit-Based Waste of Time

  5. HOW DSI DEFINES TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TA is: Based on building strengths and assisting with the sustainability of your project so that you can meet your grant goals and objectives and strongly position your organization with an eye toward the future Advice Support Training Problem Solving and Strategy Development

  6. DSI Approach to Technical Assistance


  8. Technical Assistance: Working with JBS Design Thinking Applied to TA Delivery: The JBS Approach Begins with what could be, rather than what is. Imagines the possibilities. Asks different questions, beginning with “What if?” Generates many possible solutions, including those that appear to be “impossible.” Is assets based. Views resource constraints as opportunities for creativity. Is client centered; focuses on the change the client wants to make in the world. Challenges assumptions about the way things have always been done. Is inherently optimistic, constructive, and experiential. Blends and balances analytical, hard-edged thinking and intuitive, emotional approaches.

  9. Support through Journey Partners • What is a Journey Partner • JBS view TA as a journey that supports grantee success • Journey Partners collaborate with CSAT staff and grantees to assess needs and identify opportunities for technical assistance • Create a partnership • Ongoing communication • Provide support for each stage of the journey

  10. GPS Journey Map

  11. Virtual Learning Community

  12. Screen shot of VLC


  14. WHAT IS THE TA PROCESS? • Identify the TA need • Talk with your GPO • Initiate a TA request using the online TA request system (SAIS)

  15. Identify the TA Need Information needed on: Treatment approaches being considered Curriculum development Technology approaches being considered Managing planning, governance, selection and implementation Developing strategy for health reform issues Curriculum development for training

  16. Identify the TA Need Determine any difficulties with: Recruiting and engaging clients Retaining clients The effectiveness of the intervention Utilizing the evaluation process and data collection for sustainability efforts Determine training needs: How to do follow-up Understanding system reports Managing privacy and security Addressing organizational challenges

  17. WHAT IS THE PROCESS? Alert GPO of a program need Develop timelines for TA provision Communicate and problem solve together Helps create a request that is targeted Helps identify potential barriers that may need to be resolved prior to submitting a request

  18. WHO PROVIDES THE TA? Two primary CSAT contracts are responsible for providing TA to grantees: JBS International: Clinical Technical Assistance contract—Clinical and programmatic-related assistance SAIS contract—GPRA-related assistance

  19. WHAT IS THE PROCESS? Initiate a TA request using the online TA request system Go to the Services Accountability Improvement System (SAIS) Web site at: SAMHSA GPRA Enter username and password to access the system and the TA Request form

  20. SAIS Website

  21. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE APPROVAL PROCESS CSAT GPO assesses the request and either approves or disapproves it Branch Chief assesses the TA request and either approves or disapproves it Contractor prepares a cost estimate for completing the TA and submits it to the Contract Monitor Contract Monitor approves or disapproves the TA request

  22. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROCESS: AFTER APPROVAL Contractor monitors TA request throughout the approval process Contractor communicates with the grantee and the grantee’s GPO about the approved TA request TA goals and objectives are established to best address clinical and/or programmatic need(s) Contractor, in consultation with the grantee’s GPO and grantee, identifies consultants who are able to effectively deliver the TA Contractor’s staff and/or consultants deliver the TA to meet the goals and objectives of the grantee

  23. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROCESS: Onsite consultation TA goals and objectives, while initially established to address programmatic need(s) may change as consultant and grantees explore issues Grantees, in collaboration with GPO and Technical Expert Lead can assess need for modifying scope of TA Ensure Action Plan and timelines are established during TA visit

  24. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROCESS: AFTERTHE TA TA recipient completes an evaluation form assessing customer satisfaction with the TA received Contractor provides a report to the grantee’s GPO

  25. Questions?

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