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KEK test-beam analysis update Light yields for pions and protons

KEK test-beam analysis update Light yields for pions and protons. H. Sakamoto / M. Yoshida Feb.01 2006 MICE VC. Photo electron distribution –DATA—. Residual. Timing(L1A). RUN#1255. STATION1 X-VIEW. cm. L1A cut. L1A & residue cut.

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KEK test-beam analysis update Light yields for pions and protons

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  1. KEK test-beam analysis updateLight yields for pions and protons H. Sakamoto / M. Yoshida Feb.01 2006 MICE VC

  2. Photo electron distribution –DATA— Residual Timing(L1A) RUN#1255 STATION1 X-VIEW cm L1A cut L1A & residue cut

  3. Photo electron distribution – MC/DATA-- Calibrated by eye (w/o fit) DATA MC Distributed by Poisson Deposit energy MC DATA

  4. P.E. distributionStation A Hits on reconstructed track W-view V-view PROTON 16.9 p.e. X-view PROTON 15.9 p.e. BLUE: PION RED:PROTON PROTON 14.5 p.e. RUN#1224-1228 1.0 GeV/c positive beam No solenoid magnetic field

  5. P.E. distributionStation D VIEW W Hits on reconstructed track VIEW V PROTON 9.2 p.e. VIEW X PROTON 9.0 p.e. PROTON 9.3 p.e. RUN#1224-1228 1.0 GeV/c positive beam No solenoid magnetic field

  6. Summary • The simulation of photo-electron distribution is well agree with data with gate timing cut and tracking. • PID work well to distinguish particle spieces • Proton data shows reasonably higher light yields in fiber • Both pion and proton data indicate photon loss on Station D. • Investigating hardware carefully.

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