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This conference discusses the challenges and opportunities of the digital age in relation to unemployment, youth employment, education, and social security. It addresses the need for new policies and ways of living in order to adapt to the changing times.
Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation 25th AnniversaryInternational Conference 24-26 May 2018NEW POLICIES AND LIFE-STYLES IN THE DIGITAL AGE24-25 May - Palazzo Cancelleria, Piazza della Cancelleria, 1 Rome26 May - The Vatican Human Work, Inclusive EmploymentIntroduction by Professor Alessandra Del Boca, Università degli Studi Brescia
3 FALLACIES • 1.unemployment rate of the veryyoung 15-24 is a seriousproblembutitisnot 37% • 2.More olderpeopleworkingis NOT equal to more youngunemployed • 3. technologydoesnotdestroybutalwayscreated more jobs • 3 EMERGENCIES • 1. Birth rate isdeclining: 470.000 youngpeoplewillsupport 1.000.000 baby boomerpensions • 2.Susteinability of social security system • 3. Underground economy 12,6 % GNP
The real priority is unemployment of workers aged 25-34 Acconding to Eurostat youth unemployment rates are not correctly interpreted because in age group 15-24 labour force / population is 26,6%, After 25 it is 70-80%. Youth unemployment rates 15-24 del 37,8% but the ratio of unemp l/ population= 10,1% the measure correct . Unemployment of 25 – 34 : 17,7% and ratio of U/ pop : 12,9%.
Population by age group and employment status Fonte: elaborazioni su dati Miur e Istat
Youth Employment Rate in European Countries Fonte: Eurostat 2017
What are the causes of unemployment italian youth? • The effects of IT Revolution • Long Double Recession • Oureducationnotupdated to l.m.needs • Educational choices cultural factor
University choices and projected income The majority of italian students choose faculties that ensure low income source: Peri, Anelli (2013), data collected by autors
Reforms and potential improvements • Investing in the quality of teaching, interactiveeducation • New skill, human capital development • Too fewgraduates (OECD) • Digital creates new jobs and oldjobs are remodeled • Only 8,8 of candidateshas ICT skills • Jobs Act : right incentives, reduceslayoffs and litigation • ANPAL National Agency of Active LabourPoliticyshould help young and oldbutlittlehasbeeninvested in thiscrucial agency.
Is the growth of incomerelated to education? * Average Yearly % Variation GDP (constant price seasonal adjusted) ** Graduate by geografical area: North 27.6 – Center 30.7 – South 19.,7 ** * PISA - Programme for International Student Assessment – Mean Score **** Youth not in employment, education or training Source Datastream OEDC data at 2015 Worldbank
.2 More old people working does not imply more young unemployed • A longer active life does not reduce youth employment Total employment of an economy is not fixed, the young and old workers are not substitutes in the labour market; Total employment varies like its quality: in every moment of time thousand people change status in the labor market. • Economy develops as an effect of competitiviveness, rules, markets offer jobs to all ages that are likely to remain vacant for lack of candidates; • In countries where the older employment rates is higher, even the younger have hogh employment rates. all age gr oups are better off : • many studies confirm that their relation is not negative and often positive: Banca d’Italia in its annual report 2017 does not find a negative relation in the short or long run. The older ‘s working life and the young appear complementary and show a positive correlation.
EMERGENCY 1. Fonte: Istat popolazione al 1.1.2015
EMERGENCY 1. Fonte: Istat previsioni della popolazione 2011-2065 - scenario centrale
DEMOGRAFIC EARTHQUAKE • Dipendency index of the old people (% rate pop age 65+ / active population 15-64) in 2016 is 34,3% , 46,6%in 2040 and 51,1% in 2066. People over 100 years old in 2016 sono 17.000 and growing along with life expectancy which at 65 is 19,1 anni for men (84,1) and 22,4 anni for women (87,4); • from 2008, like Europe our birth rate is negative: • in 2016 : 1,34( italian 1,27 and foreign women 1,94 children); • Average age for the first borne 31,7 years; Istat • Size of family decreases, grandparents work longer as retiring age increases: family network supports less children’s new family • More and more young people emigrate for professional reasons, get married, have children, contribuibute to the growth and wealth of other countries.
EMERGENCY n 3 The underground economy • On average total tax gap between 2012 -2013 is 108,7 billion euro (Istat): • 98,3 billion missing tax revenue • 10,4 billion missing tax contribution • 12% Underground economy on GNP
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