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Private – Public Collaboration in Water Management. index. Ownership Model . Ostrava ( Czech Republic ) BOT Model . New Cairo ( Egypt ) Performance Based O&M. Al Ain Wastewater System (Abu Dhabi , UAE). 2. 1. Ownership Model . Ostrava ( Czech Republic ).
Private – PublicCollaboration in Water Management
index OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) BOT Model. New Cairo (Egypt) Performance Based O&M. Al Ain WastewaterSystem (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 2
1 OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) - Datos principals de la actividad técnica del CYII - Mercado nacional - Mercado internacional 3
Ostrava 1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) • Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. (SmVaK), isone of thefourbiggestwatercompanies of theCzechRepublic. Itowns and operatestheentirewater and wastewatersystem in itsgeographicalarea. Prague Ostrava OstravaRegion 4
1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) MainWTPs Reservoirs Transport Pipelines 5
1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) Populationserved: 1,267,532 HouseConnections: 120,764 Network pipeline length (km): 4,820 WTP´s: 49 Reservoirs: 388 WWTP´s: 68 Sewerlength (km): 1,565 Potable Network Efficiency (%): 88.9-90 6
1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) Investmentoninfrastructure (million €) CAGR = 5.61% 20.8 19.3 19.4 17.0 16.7 7
1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) SmVaKWaterTariffs are belowtheaveragevalues in CzechRepublic Average Potable WaterTariff In Czech (€): 1.30 AverageWastewaterTariff In Czech (€): 1.13 SmVaK Potable WaterTariff (€): 1.21 SmVaKWastewaterTariff (€): 1.07
1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) Web Portal and Call Center
1. OwnershipModel. Ostrava (CzechRepublic) • FromOctober 2006, SmVaK ‘s QualityAssuranceSystemiscertified (ISO 9001, 14001 y OHSAS 18001)
2 BOT Model. New Cairo (Egypt) - Datos principals de la actividad técnica del CYII - Mercado nacional - Mercado internacional 11
2. BOT Model. New Cairo (Egypt) • - SPV company founded by OCI and aqualiaon a 50%-50% basis • - First PPP in Egypt • - 250,000 m3/d waste water treatment plant • - Reuse of treated Effluent and sludge is Orasqualia’s obligation • - Investment of MEGP 786 (102 Million USD) • - Awards : • · Best PPP in Project Finance in the world year 2010 by Global Water Intelligence • ·Received from HM Queen Noor of Jordan the award of best PPP project of the year 2010 in Paris. • · Best African PPP in Project Finance year 2010 by EUROMONEY
2. BOT Model. New Cairo (Egypt) Ministry of Finance – PPP Unit Ministry of Housing – NUCA. New Cairo ArabRepublic of Egypt CAPW – Tech. Regulator PPP AGREEMENT aqualia 45% DIRECT AGREEMENT 50% OCI Backer and McKenzie Lawyer 5% aqualia infraestructuras O&M AGREEMENT NSGB CIB Arab Africa AhliUnited FACILITY AGREEMENT EPC AGREEMENT OrasqualiaforOperation Zulficar / Lawyers 50% aqualia Enviro-Civec= Independent TechnicalAdvisor OrasqualiaforConstruction 50% OCI Cairo Consult – EngineeringSubcontractor
2. BOT Model. New Cairo (Egypt) Project Key Dates: - PPP Contract effectiveness : 28-3-2010 - Initial Scheduled Plant Operational Date : 28-3-2012 - Extended Scheduled Plant Operational Date (Due to the Revolution FM): 28-5-2012 - First invoice for Capacity Charge (on a quarterly basis) : 28-6-2012 - First Payment of Capacity Charge: before 28-7-2012 (as per Contract terms) - First Loan Installment (on a biannual basis): 30-9-2012 - Start Commissioning: End of May 2012
3 Performance Based O&M. Al Ain WastewaterSystem (Abu Dhabi, UAE) - Datos principals de la actividad técnica del CYII - Mercado nacional - Mercado internacional 15
3. Performance Based O&M. Al Ain WastewaterSystem (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
3. Performance Based O&M. Al Ain WastewaterSystem (Abu Dhabi, UAE) Project Main figures
3. Performance Based O&M. Al Ain WastewaterSystem (Abu Dhabi, UAE) Performance measurementthroughKPI´s. Paymentismodifiedaccordingto performance through a pain-gainsystem
3. Performance Based O&M. Al Ain WastewaterSystem (Abu Dhabi, UAE) Example of KPI: Energy use
Conclusions There are manydifferent PPP schemes, all of which are applicable in theKingdom. Key tothesuccess of a PPP isthecorrectallocation of risksbetweenpublic and privatepartners. Capital investment can beincluded in theprivatesidethroughownershipor capital return, orit can besuppliedexclusivelybythepublicside.
Conclusions • If capital issuppliedbytheprivate sector: • Thepublicbudget has more financialcapabilityforother uses. • In the case of theKingdom, thecost of financewillbeslightlyhigher. • When a PPP modelisimplementedwherethereis a good balance betweencontractor-operator and investors, thentheoverall balance of pricingisvery beneficial duetointernalsynergies. • Theprojectmustbebankable and correctinternationalriskallocationiscritical.
Private – PublicCollaboration in Water Management