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Presented by Dr. Kittipong Saejeng Director, Bureau of Reproductive Health

Strengthening International Cooperation in the Field of Population and Family Development Experiences and Outcome obtained by the existing Cooperation and Further Expectation: Thailand. Presented by Dr. Kittipong Saejeng Director, Bureau of Reproductive Health

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Presented by Dr. Kittipong Saejeng Director, Bureau of Reproductive Health

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  1. Strengthening International Cooperation in the Field of Population and Family Development Experiences and Outcome obtained by the existing Cooperation and Further Expectation: Thailand Presented by Dr. Kittipong Saejeng Director, Bureau of Reproductive Health Department of Health, MoPH, Thailand China-ASEAN Forum on Population and Family Development Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region, China 11 October 2011

  2. Outline • International Cooperation • Experience on Population and Family Development • Further Expectation

  3. International Cooperation Purpose: To provide assistance to other developing countries To address the ICPD Program of Action

  4. Main Types of International Cooperation Program Bilateral program Annual international courses Technical cooperation among developing countries Third country training program Multilateral cooperation program

  5. Experiences of International Cooperation Program Joined with other countries: form a new alliance called “Partner in Population and Development: A South-South Initiative” • Thailand was accorded a status of Center of Excellence • Providing international standard training courses • /observation/ study tours • Offering fellowships for related health personnel in the • SE Asian region • Sending experts to assist other countries requested .

  6. Experiences of International Cooperation Program (Cont.) Preparing the long-term Country Program to establish the national framework and guidelines on the population and development • Providing technical cooperation to various countries particularly the developing countries: • fellowship for higher education/ training courses • study tour including the development projects .

  7. Experiences of International Cooperation Program (Cont.) UNFPA : supporting and technical assistance in implementing many projects/activities on population and development in Thailand since 1994 The projects/activities relating to reproductive health including family planning and sexual health, population policies and development strategies .

  8. Experiences of International Cooperation Program (Cont.) UNFPA supporting and technical assistance: - RH and FP Services for the Low Income Population in Northeastern Thailand - Male Participation in FP through Innovation IEC Approaches - HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care for Youths and Adults in Thailand - HIV Counseling Service Development for Private Hospitals in Thailand - RH Development and Education for Muslim Adolescents - Population and the Environment: Towards Sustainable Development in Thailand - Community Participation in Providing Care, Services and Activities for the Elderly - Promoting Gender Equality in Remote Communities of Northeastern Thailand .

  9. Experiences of International Cooperation Program (Cont.) • Supporting the international cooperation projects/ activities in the form of a south-south cooperation including: • fostering the alliance among governmental and NGOs • allocating annual budget • The list of the south-south cooperation program supported including: • A Training Program on Birth Spacing Technology and • Community Health • An International Training Workshop on Migration: Measurement • and Impacts • Inter-regional Project on South-South Cooperation: Support to the • Centre of Excellence on Population, Family Planning and • Reproductive Health .

  10. Further Expectation • Continued International Cooperation • Sharing experiences/best practices • Develop guidelines • Financial support • Study/filed visit • New technologies/Innovations .

  11. Thank you for your attention

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