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Ways to Excel as a Stage-4 Student

Ways to Excel as a Stage-4 Student. Professor Clark Thomborson Computer Science Department Auckland University. Stage-4 Student Preparation. Have a generalist background in CS: Software systems, theory, graphics, AI, ... Ready to specialise

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Ways to Excel as a Stage-4 Student

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  1. Ways to Excel as a Stage-4 Student Professor Clark Thomborson Computer Science Department Auckland University

  2. Stage-4 Student Preparation • Have a generalist background in CS: • Software systems, theory, graphics, AI, ... • Ready to specialise • Willing to interact with superviser and instructors • Eager to do research

  3. The Research Process • Project definition • Literature review • Discover something new & interesting • Write it up

  4. Project Definition Goal: focus on some topic • Problem solving: given an important problem, find a solution. • Solution justification: given a “solution,” find an important problem that it “solves.” • Something else, or both of the above!

  5. Literature Review: Initial Search Goal: find at least one relevant publication • AltaVista keyword search • Computer science bibliographies • Journals & books in the library • Reference lists in textbooks & articles • Web pages of researchers and research groups • UseNet FAQs and archives

  6. Literature Review: Later Searches Goal: find all the relevant publications • Read, take notes, think about what you’re reading. • Pay careful attention to reference lists in relevant articles. • Keep looking!

  7. Discovery Goal: find something new and interesting • Be creative • Work hard, work efficiently, take breaks • Communicate with other researchers, students, instructors, and (especially) your supervisor

  8. Writing It Up: First Steps Goal: find out what you know, and what you don’t know. • Write carefully and precisely • Read your work critically, looking for gaps in your reasoning or explanation

  9. Writing It Up: Second Steps Goal: find your audience, by answering three questions. • What will you assume that your reader knows, before they read your work? • What are you trying to communicate? • Why should your reader care? • (Define a new audience, or look for something more interesting to write about!)

  10. Writing It Up: Third Steps Goal: an effective piece of writing. • Give your writing to someone else and ask for their feedback • Pay attention to their feedback! • What have you learned about your audience? • How can you communicate your ideas? • How can you motivate your audience?

  11. Writing It Up: Final Submission Goal: ready for academic publication • Correct in technical detail, spelling, grammar, typography • Attractive to your chosen audience • Effective at communicating your ideas • Academically sound: you must clearly and fully explain how your work “fits in” to the published literature in your topic.

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