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Youth Programmes of the Centre for Citizenship Education Warsaw, 23.04. Young entepreneurs. The programme is implemented in co-operation with National Bank of Poland. participants learn how to manage their own resources and invest their funds
YouthProgrammes of the Centre for CitizenshipEducation Warsaw, 23.04
Young entepreneurs The programme is implemented in co-operation with National Bank of Poland. participants learn how to manage their own resources and invest their funds they set up and run their own virtual companies students learn according to the new entrepreneurship curriculum
Student Council Programme run under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of National Education. Support for students self-government in schools and their initiatives. Materials and trainings for students and their mentors. Web-portal and e-coaching courses for students and teachers. www.samorzaduczniowski.pl
Young Citizen • Students investigate their local communities (searching for resources and assets to build upon). They make a research on local social capital. • Young people promote voluntary service, intergenerational dialogue, co-operation between inhabitants. • Students encourage the adults to work together and solve local problems. The Programme run in co-operation with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (National Bank).
Young People Vote We believeyoungpeopleunder 18 have a rigth to speakup on the public issuestheyconsiderimportant (includinggeneralelections). Theyparticipate in mockelections and encourage the adults to cast the vote in the real elections. • studentsorganizeyouthelections in theirschools (presidential, parlimentary, referendum); • the resultsarepublished in the national media; • around 1 500 schoolsinvolvedeachtime with 200 000 studentsvoting.
Election lighthouse On-linevote-matchtoolthatcomparesvoter’spreferences with the politicalparties’ programmes. It directsvoters’ attention to the parties’ programmes and the solutiontheypropose for economy, societyand politics. It facilitatesdecisionmakingprocess on whom to vote. RESULTS: • approximately 500 000 visitseachtime. • over 100 000 questionnaires • co-operation with VoteMatch Europe network
Young People against Corruption • promotes knowledge about the threats of corruption; • promotes transparency and acconatability standards in public life; • support for schools and other public institutions on how to be mroe transparent.
Thank you! Thankyou for yourattention! Contact: Jędrzej Witkowski Centre for Citizenship Education e-mail: jedrzej.witkowski@ceo.org.pl