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Central Wyoming College Riverton High

Central Wyoming College Riverton High. PHYSICS COURSE SYLLABUS Prerequisites: Students must be 15 years old to receive concurrent enrollment credit . The Physics Concurrent Enrollment Credit class requires an ACT score of 23 or higher or a Compass score of 66 or higher).

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Central Wyoming College Riverton High

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  1. Central Wyoming CollegeRiverton High PHYSICS COURSE SYLLABUS Prerequisites: Students must be 15 years old to receive concurrent enrollment credit. The Physics Concurrent Enrollment Credit class requires an ACT score of 23 or higher or a Compass score of 66 or higher)

  2. Course Title: Survey of Physics • Division: Department: Science • Course Prefix, Number & Section: PHYS 1050 Credits: 3 Semester/Year: 2012-1013 • Instructor’s Name: Vicki Hassell • Office Location: Riverton High School Room • Office Telephone: (307) 856-9491 Fax Number: (307)856-2333 • Email address: vhassell@fremont25.k12.wy.us

  3. Major Topics: Mechanics, energy, sound, light, magnetism, electricity, astronomy, and radioactivity Time and location of the class; start and end dates Office Days & Hours: Tuesday lunch, and from 3:35-4:00 or by appointment (check with me for before/after school or lunch times). • : This is a yearlong class, beginning in August 2012 and ending in May 2013. It will meet in room ______at RHS, with the time dependent on the period the class is taken.

  4. Instructional Materials: • Book: Conceptual Physics author Paul Hewitt; ISBN-13:9780805391909 ISBN:0805391908; Edition: 10thPub Date: 2005 Publisher: Addison-Wesley • Online website: http://vmhassell.wikispaces.com/ will provide links to required readings, virtual simulations, videos, PPT’s, surveys, class schedules, etc… • Lab materials: Experiments will be both hands-on and virtual • Students will send formal lab reports and research papers to the teacher via e-mail.

  5. Instructional Methodology: • Directed Instruction, cooperative learning, multimedia (video, ppt…), discussion, case studies, worksheets, and computer simulations will be used in class. • Online resources linked to the class website will be used to introduce or reinforce topics covered in class. Blogs or discussion forums will be used to check for understanding. • Lecture and demonstrations will be used to introduce key ideas, methods, and concepts, while using guided discussions to work through problem solving strategies. • Each student is responsible for participating fully in classroom and lab activities, treating each assignment as an opportunity to learn, while following up on confusing topics, etc.

  6. Course Objectives: In order to successfully complete this course students will: • Demonstrate a knowledge of the concepts and language of physics, and critical thinking skills relating the concepts to everyday life and experience on quizzes, and exams. • Participate individually and in collaborative groups to perform experiments, gather data, reach valid conclusions and produce formal lab reports with their findings. • Actively participate in all online activities, homework and problem solving discussion sessions • Demonstrate an understanding of the Scientific Method and how it promotes critical thinking in science by developing and conducting inquiry-based experiments, presenting their findings to the class.

  7. Requirements Overview/Types of Assignments: • Online resources from the website involving videos, PPT’s, simulations and virtual labs will be assigned with quizzes given the next class period based on the concepts presented. • Homework problems will be assigned from each chapter and are due at the beginning of class on the due-date. Homework is graded on completeness and quality. Restate the question in full in one font and follow with the answer in another font. • Inquiry-based labs are long-term assignments that are required and will be due on the assigned date (if more time is needed that provided in class, it is homework).

  8. Grading: • Grading Scale: 100-90= A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, 59 BELOW =F • Grades are weighted with test counting 65 %; Labs 25%; Class/Homework 10 % before semester exams. • Quizzes: Pop quizzes are open notes, yours not someone else’s or the book!

  9. Policies:

  10. Attendance: • Attendance is incorporated in grading through in-class activities and quizzes.Be in class, on time every day. • Missing more than 10 non-consecutive days after allowable absences have been waived will result in the student receiving no credit for the class. • Late or incomplete work: SSC/teacher detentions will be assigned for work not turned in on time (according to school policy).

  11. Make-Up: . It is the student’s responsibility to ask for makeup work upon return from an absence of any kind

  12. Late Work Policy • If you are in a class on the day that the assignment is given or the test is announced you are expected to hand in the assignment or take the test on the established due date even if you are absent between the announcement of the due date and the actual due date. If you are present the day of a test, you are required to take the test. If you had an excused absence, you may retake it within the following week. The higher of the two grades will count. • Tests may be made up at lunch by appointment. • Progress reports will indicate missing work that must be turned in for credit.

  13. Plagiarizing/academic dishonesty: • Acts of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, and plagiarism will result in receiving a score of zero for the assignment • RHS Procedures requires the instructor of a student engaged in academic dishonesty and or misconduct to complete the Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct Notification form and submit a copy to the student, the parent and the principal. The instructor and administration will impose the consequences within the scope of the academic activity which includes but is not limited to a zero on the particular assignment or in the class

  14. Other: • Tests are scheduled depending on student comprehension. Due to this fact, it is not possible to set up a reliable date/test schedule at the beginning of the year. However, updates will be available online at http://vmhassell.wikispaces.com/. • Request for Accommodations: CWC will provide reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Students requiring reasonable accommodation for a disability must complete a “Request for Accommodations” form and submit it to Disability Resources, Student Success Center, MH123C.

  15. Other items for consideration: (i.e. cell phones in class, etc.) • Internet access outside of class is recommended to allow students to connect to the class website http://vmhassell.wikispaces.com/ for updates, videos, and virtual labs. • Cell/Smart phones may be used in class to answer survey or other questions, providing immediate feedback.


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