East Midlands CAN & AGM EAC: experts in sustainable energy since 1991: sustainability and energy planning statements ▪ carbon reduction and affordable warmth policies ▪ energy efficiency project management ▪ whole stock energy data analysis ▪ energy database and stock condition software ▪ stock condition and energy surveys ▪ whole stock EPCs ▪ SAP, NHER and SBEM assessments and EPCs ▪ Code for Sustainable Homes and EcoHomes assessments
Thanks to our Sponsors EAC: experts in sustainable energy since 1991: sustainability and energy planning statements ▪ carbon reduction and affordable warmth policies ▪ energy efficiency project management ▪ whole stock energy data analysis ▪ energy database and stock condition software ▪ stock condition and energy surveys ▪ whole stock EPCs ▪ SAP, NHER and SBEM assessments and EPCs ▪ Code for Sustainable Homes and EcoHomes assessments
Usingnew fuel poverty definition reduces % of fuel poor in East Midlands from 18.4% to 13.3%(Graph opposite shows for all regions) Numbers of Fuel Poor
250,000 households in the region are fuel poor using new fuel poverty definition compared to 350,000 using old definition. Fuel Poor households
Excess Winter Mortality in England and Wales, 2012/13 (Provisional) and 2011/12 (Final) • An estimated 31,100 excess winter deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2012/13 – a 29% increase compared with the previous winter. • As in previous years, there were more excess winter deaths in females than in males in 2012/13. • Between 2011/12 and 2012/13 male excess winter deaths increased from 10,590 to 13,100, and female deaths from 13,610 to 18,000. • The majority of deaths occurred among those aged 75 and over; there were 25,600 excess winter deaths in this age group in 2012/13 compared with 5,500 in people aged under 75. • The excess winter mortality index was highest in the North West in 2012/13 and lowest in London. London had the highest level of excess winter mortality in 2011/12. http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-health2/excess-winter-mortality-in-england-and-wales/2012-13--provisional--and-2011-12--final-/stb-ewm-12-13.html
DECC Green Deal Communities Funding • £20 million of capital funding is available for Green Deal street/area based proposals. Fund has now been increased to £80 million • Applications must be submitted by 31 December 2013 for a minimum of £1 million. • DECC is inviting local authorities (LAs), working with their partners, to come forward with ambitious and innovative street/area based proposals for funding. These proposal should aim to deliver Green Deal plans to as many households as possible. • DECC funding can also be used to support households who choose to self-finance measures. • Green Deal Communities application pack [PDF, 116KB, 18 pages] • Green Deal Communities application pack [MS Word Document, 139KB] • Local authorities and the Green Deal • DECC Update 27 November 2013 • To date we have received 33 Green Deal Communities’ bids which we’re are considering. None have been approved at this stage.
Forthcoming Events National Carbon Action Network Training-Day Conference To be held in London on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 The Future…….for Fuel Poverty & Energy Efficiency An interactive training-day conference with a focus on the Government's forthcoming fuel poverty strategy as well as ECO, the Green Deal and other current policy in the field of domestic energy efficiency and fuel poverty. The programme will include a morning plenary session followed by interactive workshop sessions. Free and standard delegate rates: Attendance at the conference is FREE† to employees of local authorities, housing associations / registered social landlords, NHS workers and registered charities. The standard Conference rate for those who do not qualify for the free rate is £69.00 + VAT To book your place, or for more information, please visit: www.can.uk.net/conference
Forthcoming Events • Smart Meter Workshop • NEA in partnership with British Gas are organising a series of free smart meter workshops across England aimed specifically at community groups, front line organisations, local authorities and housing associations. • Nottingham - 21 January 2014, 9.30am-1pm • Cost: Free • If you require any further information contact Claire Henderson or go to www.nea.org.uk/smarter-communities.
Next East Midlands CAN meeting Thursday 6th March 2014 Sponsor? Venue to be confirmed Speakers?
Thank you Contact Details:- Karen Lond – EMCAN Chair Energy & Climate Change Officer 01427 676618 West Lindsey District Council, Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2NA karen.lond@west-lindsey.gov.uk