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Classification. Take II. 3 Domains. Highest level of organization Bacteria: prokaryotes Archaea : Live in extreme environments Eukarya : Protists , fungi, animals & plants. Bacteria. Archaea. E ukarya. Plantae Protista Fungi animalia. Cnidarians.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classification Take II

  2. 3 Domains • Highest level of organization • Bacteria: prokaryotes • Archaea: Live in extreme environments • Eukarya: Protists, fungi, animals & plants

  3. Bacteria

  4. Archaea

  5. Eukarya • Plantae • Protista • Fungi • animalia

  6. Cnidarians • Animals that use stinging cells to capture food and defend themselves • Sponges • Anemones • Sea jellies

  7. Flatworms • Flatworms: tapeworms & planarians; These have a long, flat body • Roundworms: nematodes: These have a long, round body • Annelida: earthworm

  8. Porifera • Sponges: invertebrates with no body symmetry and no tissues and organs • Sponges

  9. Arachnids • Arthropods with 2 body sections, 4 pairs of legs, and no antennae • Examples: spiders, mites, scorpions and ticks

  10. Crustaceans • An arthropod with 2 or 3 body sections, 5 pairs on legs and 2 pairs of antennae • Crabs & lobsters are examples

  11. Molluscs • Organisms with a soft body and a shell. • Represented by snails and slugs

  12. Bi-valves • Mollusks with two shells • Clams, oysters and mussels

  13. Insects • Arthropods with an external skeleton, segmented body and jointed attachments called appendages • Cicada • Butterfly • grasshopper

  14. Cephalopods • An ocean dwelling mollusk that has adapted to form tentacles around its mouth. • Squid, octopus and nautilus

  15. Vertebrates Amphibians, fishes, birds, reptiles, marsupials, monotremes, and placental mammals

  16. Amphibians Animals that start their lives in water and then move onto land. Frogs, salamanders

  17. Reptiles Animals that are designed to conserve water from their skin, kidneys and eggs. Snakes Turtles Lizards Alligators and crocodiles

  18. Birds An endothermic vertebrate that has feathers and a 4-chambered heart. This animal also lays eggs. Eagle Duck Cardinal

  19. Mammals There are 3 classes: Placental mammals: connect to their mothers via a placenta (humans, giraffes, bears) Monotremes: mammals that lay eggs (Platypus and 2 spiny anteaters) Marsupials: infant develops in a pouch (koala bear, kangaroos, opossums)

  20. Fish These are animals that obtain oxygen through their gills and live in water. Jawless fish have no jaws or scales: eels, lamprey, catfish Cartilaginous fish have jaws, scales and a skeleton made of cartilage; sharks, skates & rays Bony fish have jaws, scales a pocket on each side of the head (for holding the gills) and a skeleton of hard bones. This includes trout.

  21. For the Re-take quiz Friday: You must know: • What kind of animals are found in which class & What are the characteristics of animals in each class • Hint: Look in your notes-you just wrote it down!

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