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After the events of Holy Week:

After the events of Holy Week:. After Thursday:Jesus eat with his disciples After Friday: Jesus dies on the Cross After Sunday: Jesus is alive!. Peter decides to go fishing!. Jesus is standing on the shore; but the disciples do not recognize him!.

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After the events of Holy Week:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. After the events of Holy Week: After Thursday:Jesus eat with his disciples After Friday: Jesus dies on the Cross After Sunday: Jesus is alive!

  2. Peter decides to go fishing!

  3. Jesus is standing on the shore;but the disciples do not recognize him! “Throw your nets on the other side of the boat,” Jesus says. The disciples catch so many fish, they cannot pull in the net.

  4. Peter knows it is Jesus, and he jumps in the water and swims to shore

  5. While eating breakfast together,Jesus asks Peter 3 times:

  6. Peter answers 3 times: Yes Lord, you know I love you!

  7. Jesus says: FEED MY SHEEP!WHY? Were there sheep nearby?

  8. Shepherd and Sheep A shepherd takes care of the sheep. Jesus is called the Good Shepherd, because He loves his sheep. Sheep are often symbols for God’s people, for Christians, for Church people like you and me.

  9. How do we feed the sheep? Jesus asks us: “Do you love me?” We answer: “Yes Jesus, you know we love you!” Jesus answers: “If you love me, then love others:” pray for them visit them read to them help them feed them

  10. We LOVE Jesus,so we LOVE others.

  11. Memory Verse: John 14:15 “If you love me, you will obey what I command.”

  12. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday: April 13 Lesson Focus: Staying Close to Jesus: Bible Story: John 15-17; Story where Jesus describes his relationship with us like a vine and branches: just as the branches only have life if they stay connected to the vine, so Christians only have life if we stay connected with Jesus. How? pray study Bible-come to church loving Jesus = obeying Jesus obeying Jesus = loving, serving others Memory Verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you stay close to me, you will bear much fruit,” (slightly altered). One emphasis: prayer postures

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