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ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. Presented by ; Dr.Manoj Chandel Moderated by; Dr.Yashwant. Definition Properties of ultrasound Principles of image optimization Doppler shifts TTE TEE; PROCEDURE,INDICATIONS, APPLICATIONS,CONTRAINDICATIONS,COMPLICATIONS,ADVANTAGES. ECHO.
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Presented by ; Dr.ManojChandel Moderated by; Dr.Yashwant
Definition • Properties of ultrasound • Principles of image optimization • Doppler shifts • TTE • TEE; PROCEDURE,INDICATIONS, APPLICATIONS,CONTRAINDICATIONS,COMPLICATIONS,ADVANTAGES
ECHO • Also known as cardiac ultrasound • Uses sound wavesto create pictures of heart.It uses standard ultrasound tech to image 2D slices of heart.The latest ultrasound sys. 3D real time imaging • The test gives information about size and shape of heart and how well heart chambers and valves are working
The test also identify areas of heart ms that are not contracting normally due to poor blood flow or injury from previous heart attack • Helps in calculation of C.O as well as ejection fraction,cardiac dimensions • A type of echo called doppler ultrasound shows how well blood flows through the chambers and valves of heart
Echo can detect possible blood clots inside the heart,fluid build up in the pericardium and problems with the aorta • Echo was the 1stappl of i.v contrast enhanced ultrasound
PROPERTIES OF USG • USG machine generates an imperceptible vibration within a transducer(device that converts energy from one form into other) that when put next to tissue surfaces, vibrates the surrounding tissue( musle , blood, fat or bone) • During vibration particles within the tissue compress and then spread apart. This dual process is called compression and rarefaction • The sequence of compression and rarefaction is described by sine waves and is characterised
In terms of wavelength,frequency,amplitude and propagation vel. • Wavelength: distance between 2 peaks of sine waves • Frequency:no.of cycles in 1second • Amplitude:measure of tissue compression.It represents loudness of USG wave in dB • Propagation vel.;describes speed of USG wave travelling through tissue.In blood it is 1500m/s
Propagation vel=wavelength x frequency • Transducers ,typically made of quartz or titanate ceramic use crystals that exhibit piezoelectric effect • With electricity,crystal vibrates and emits USG.The reverse also holds i.e when USG wave strikes a piezoelectric crystal and make it vibrate,the crystal generates electricity.Thus the same crystal can serve as emitter and receiver of USG
ECHO uses ultrasound waves with frequency 2.5-7.5 million cycles/sec. Slower the Freq,greater the depth of penetration and faster the freq,greater the resolution • Freq>7.5 Hz are not used as they produce wavelength too short for adequate penetration into tissue
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF IMAGE OPTIMIZATION • In ECHO,the crystals emits very short pulses of ultrasound(0.5-3micro sec)and receive reflected USG for 250-500 micro sec. • The pulse repitition frequency(PRF)is the no.of pulses that leave and return the transducer in 1 sec • As image depth is increased,the time required to reach the target depth and return increases and PRF decreases
PRF is described in Hz.,it is audible and ranges 1-10 kHz • Early echo displays used this principle to map out depth of structures within heart. The 1st echo motion studies were 1-D views of cardiac st. produced by single crystal transducers with the results traced on moving photosensitive paper
Today it is used to view rapidly moving st. such as valve leaflets as it can produce upto 1800 images/sec • However it reveals only a small portion of heart at one time • To generate 2D images ultrasound machines were configured to sequentially redirect the beam over an area of interest
Although 2D tech produce only 30 images/sec,it provides enormous adv. in recognising anatomic and pathologic landmarks • Matrix array transducers solved the image acquisition problem.They contain over 3000 imaging elements and electronically rotate 2D usg beam 180 degree in millisec. To acquire the requisite 2D image in a fraction of time
DOPPLER EFFECT • Defined as the apparent change in the freq. of waves(sound or light) when the source and observer are in motion relative to each other,with the freq. increasing when source and observer approach each other and decreasing when they move apart • When applied to echo,it provides a significant enhancement to 2D imaging
With doppler, blood flow vel. can be measured as blood flows through structures inside heart.The USG that bounces off moving RBCs is reflected back to transducer at a slightly different freq. than that emitted from transducer • The shift in freq allows the USG machine to estimate blood flow vel. and direction of flow
Doppler shifts are presented in 3 ways • 1.PWD • 2.CWD • 3.CFD • With PWD,a small sampling vol(cursor)is placed in an area of interest within 2D image. Transducer generates a pulse of USG and then switches to the receive mode and awaits the arrival of reflected portion of USG pulse
Ultrasound machine then measures freq. shift(Doppler shift) • Limitation: too slow to capture the vel. of fast moving blood cells(aliasing) • CWD: uses 2 separate transducers,one to continuously emit USG and one to receive it. However infinite pulse repition rate allows insufficient time for 1st pulse to return to transducer before next is emitted
and so ultrasound machine cannot precisely define the location of moving blood cells • CFD: based on PWD and uses multiple sample vol.along a scan line • A color code is used to depict flow toward(red) and away(blue) from the transducer. Lighter and darker shades of red and blue denote relatively faster and slower vel.
TISSUE DOPPLER: new use of PWD tech to measure myocardial vel. Instead of blood flow vel. • During LV contraction,mitral annulus descends towards the apex of heart.Tissuedoppler imaging measures vel. of this descent(Sm) and (Sm)correlates with traditional measures of LV fun. • Sm decreases in myocardial ischemia • 4 chamber c.s view is best for measuring Sm
TRANSTHORACIC ECHO • A standard echo is called TTE. • In this case,the echo transducer or probe is placed on the chest wall and images are taken through the chest wall • Non invasive,highly accurate and quick assessment of overall health of heart • Accuracy reduced by obesity,copd,chest wall deformities
Bubble contrast TTE involves the injection of agitated saline into a vein followed by echo study.The bubbles are initially detected in RA and RV. IF bubbles appear in left heart, this indicates shunt PFO,ASD,VSD,AV malformation
TEE • Recommended if regular or transthoracic echo is unclear or when a much clearer picture of certain areas of heart is needed • PROCEDURE; • Patient is anaesthetised,tracheaintubated,contents of stomach are suctioned • Gentle massage of left upper quadrant of abd. during suction removes air which can otherwise degrade imaging
Patient neck extended and well lubricated TEE probe introduced into midline of hypopharynx with transducer side facing anteriorly. • Laryngoscope is used to lift larynx anteriorly and probe is placed into oesophagus • During insertion or withdrawl of transducer ,the controls of gastroscope must be in neutral or relaxed position to allow the transducer to follow the natural course ,minimising injury.
TEE provides extremly valuable information about cardiac anatomy and function during surgery • 2D,multiplane TEE can detect regional and global ventricular abnormalities,chamberdimensions,valvular anatomy and presence of intracardiac air • It can also be helpful in confirming cannulation of coronary sinus for cardioplegia
Multiple views can be taken from upper and mid oesophagus and transgastric positions. Two most commonly used views for monitoring during cardiac surgery are 4 chamber view and transgastric view (short axis) • The advent of live 3D echo offers great promise for better visualisation of complex anatomic features,assessment of valvular fun and assessment of regional/global fun.
Indications of Perioperative TEE • Category 1:supported by strongest evidence or expert opinion;TEE is frequently useful in improving clinical outcome • Intraoperative evaluation of acute,persistent and life threatening hemodynamic disturbances in which ventricular function and its determinants are uncertain and have not responded to treatment • I/O use in valve repair • I/O use in CHD surgery requiring CPB • I/O use in repair of HOCM
I/O use in endocarditis • Preoperative use in unstable patients with suspected thoracic aortic aneurysms,dissection or disruption who need to be evaluated quickly • I/o assessment of aortic valve function during repair of aortic dissections with +ve aortic valve involvement
I/O evaluation of pericardial window procedures • Category2;supported by weaker evidence;TEE may be useful in improving clinical outcome • Use in ICU for unstable patients with unexplained hemodynamic disturbances,suspected valve disease or thromboembolic problems(if other tests have not confirmed the diagnoses)
INDICATIONS OF TEE • I/O assessment of valve replacement,repair of cardiac aneurysm,removal of cardiac tumors,aorticatheromatous disease or other sources of aortic emboli,pericardectomy,pericardial effusions or evaluation of pericardial surg.,anastomotic sites during heart and lung transplantation • i/o detection of foreign bodies,air emboli
i/o use for suspected cardiac trauma,intracardiacthrombectomy or pul.embolectomy • Monitoring placement and fun. Of assist devices
Category 3: little current scientific or expert support;TEE is infrequently useful in improving outcome • i/o use ;:during cardiomyopathies other than HOCM,for uncomplicated pericarditis,endocarditis • i/o evaluation of myocardial perfusion,coronary artery anatomy,graftpatency,pleuropulmonarydiseases,repair of thoracic aortic injuries
i/o monitoring emboli during orthopaedicproc.,monitoring placement of intraaortic balloon pump,automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators or pul. Artery cathetors
APPLICATIONS OF ECHO • Assessment of ventricular fun.; • Assessed by global systolic fun.,determined by • 1. Ejection fraction and LV end diastolic vol. • 2.,Diastolic fun.(looking for abn. Relaxation and restrictive distolic patterns by checking mitral flow vel.)and • 3. Regional systolic fun.
4.Wall motion and thickening abnormalities • Regional wall abnormalities following myocardial ischemia often appear before ecg changes • Classified into 3 categories • 1.hypokinesis(reduced wall motion) • 2.akinesis(no wall motion) • 3.dyskinesis(paradoxical wall motion)
Normal LVEF is 55 to 70%, It decreases in weakness of heart ms(dilated cardiomyopathy), heart attack, valvulards. • LV diastolic fun.: • Stage 1: impaired(slow) early LV relaxation. Patient is asymptomatic with normal filling P. Deceleration time>240sec • Stage 2: mod. Impaired early LV relaxation with decreased LV compliance
Deceleration time=160-240 sec • Effects of slow early LV relaxation on end diastolic filling are opposed by elevated LA pressure and mitral flow vel. return to normal(pseudonormalisation) • Symp.; exertionaldyspnoea • Stage 3: restricted filling pattern • Severe decrease in LV compliance and slow
early LV relaxation • Filling pressure markedly increased • Deceleration time<160 sec • Symptoms: dyspnoea with min. exertion
APPLICATIONS OF ECHO • 2.Assessing valvular fun.; • Valvular morphology can be assessed by multiplaneTEE.Pressuregradients,stenotic valve area,severity of stenosis and severity of valvularregurgition can be assessed by Doppler echo and color flow imaging • Colours are usually adjusted so that flow towards the probe is red and flow in the opposite direction is blue
TEE can also detect Prosthetic valve dysfun. Such as obst,regurgition and endocarditis • TEE images in the upper mid esophagus at 40 to 60 degree and 110 to 130 degree are most useful for examing aortic valve and ascending aorta • Doppler flow across AV must be measured looking up from TG view
APPLICATIONS OF ECHO • Mitral valve is examined from ME position in 0 degree and 150 degree view.TEE is an invaluable aid in MV repair surg • 3.EXAMINATION OF RESIDUAL AIR Air is introduced into heart during all open heart procedures.Residual amounts of air often remains even after best manaeuvers TEE is very helpful in detecting residual air so that additonal surgical manaeuvers can be undertaken
to help avoid cerebral or coronary embolism 4.ASSESSMENT OF OTHER CARDIAC ABNORMALITIES TEE can also detect CHD like PFO,ASD,VSD,Pericardial diseases like P.temponade and constrictive pericarditis,cardiac tumors Doppler color flow imaging helps delineate abn. Intracardiac blood flows and shunts
TEE is used to assess the amount of myomectomy in patients of HOCM • Upper,mid and LE views arw helpful in diagnosing aortic ds.(aortic dissection,aneurysm,atheroma)
DETECTION OF MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA • Within seconds after onset of myocardial ischemia,affected segments of heart cease contracting normally • In patients undergoing CVS surg,new i/o SWMA is diagnostic of myocardial ischemia • ST changes may not occur earliar but SWMA helps in detecting such changes
Detection rate of SWMA is more than double that of ECG • Not all SWMA are indicative of ischemia,Myocarditis,MI,Myocardial stunning also cause SWMA • LV wall thickness <0.6- Old infarction. If inotropic stimulation improves SWMA– Stunning is likely.A sudden severe decrease in SWMA– Myocardial ischemia
TEE IN NON CARDIAC SURG. AND CRITICAL CARE • TEE has a vital role in determining the etiology of the instability and in guiding vol. resuscitation during hemodynamic instability and massive blood loss • Hypotension has only 2 possible causes; Inadequate C.O or inappropriately low systemic vascular resistance • TEE is useful in its d/d: During severe hypotension,qualitative TEE estimates ventricular filling and fun. And serve as practical guide for administeration of fluids,inotropes and vasopressors
In severe LV failure,ventricular filling(assessed by end diastolic area)is increased and ejection is decreased,whereas in inappropriately low systemic vascular resistance ventricular filling is usually normal or low and ejection is increased • Hypovolemia is easily recognised as decrease in ventricular filling and increase in ejection
VALVULAR DISEASES • AORTIC STENOSIS • Degree of AS is appreciated easily in ME AV SAX cross section(25-45degree with image depth 10-12cm)where extent of leaflet opening can be estimated visually or measured directly by planimetry • Severe stenosis is characterised by marked thickening of leaflets and severely reduced leaflet motion(valve opening area<1sq.cm)
AORTIC REGURGITATION Degree of AR is best appreciated in ME AV LAX cross section(110-130 degree). With color doppler positioned over the leaflets and outflow tract,AR is recognised as a color jet emnating from the valve during diastole MILD AR: diastolic color jet <2mm at its origin in the valve,that occupies <1/3rd of c.s area of LV outflow tract and extends min(1-2cm)intoLV