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Presentation of the marketing strategy consultants for Sandviken. Team Linköping Johanna Alander, Linus Johansson, Johan Elgh & Lisa Frisk. D efining the problem.
Presentation of the marketing strategyconsultants for Sandviken Team Linköping Johanna Alander, Linus Johansson, Johan Elgh & Lisa Frisk
Defining the problem ”Sandvik is one of the world’s leading steel industries. Despite this, the interest for the company amongst graduates is not at level with our goals. SCB also predicts a gap of 30 000 engineers in Sweden 2030 which will make it even more difficult to find personnel in the future. This is a problem Sandvik has to solve in order to continue being an innovative, high-tech and world leading company. So ourquestion is; howshould Sandvik work toattractengineeringgraduates?”
A visualization of the new marketing concept – dual exchange ”win-win” Students Short case contest Lecturesindependent & in specificcourses Klassikern Team4 students High School Students PR-group4 students The Sandvik Experience Largecasereal issues Short CASEcontest Mentors Who can beat Sandvik?!4 Sandvik-employees Engineering studies Chooses Sandvik
En Svensk Klassiker – furtherdevelopment of a creativeidea • Enabling Sandvik to expand its promotion to new platforms: • Campus • Social medias • At the competitions • Publicity • Word of mouth effect • A challenge for a team of 4 students • BuildingTeam spirit that lasts as well as special bondsbetween the students and Sandvik • 4 selected students of different disciplinesincluded in a PR-groupexecuting marketing campaignsdirectedtowardsuniversity and high-school students • Involving all the parts of the marketing organization on campus will make them work in the same direction and creatingsynergies • A team of Sandvik employeesalsotaking part in the Svensk Klassiker • Exchange and closercontact to participating students Klassikern Team4 students PR-group4 students Who can beat Sandvik?!4 Sandvik-employees
”...the interest for the companyamongstgraduates is not at level with ourgoals...” • Need: • Understandingwho Sandvik is, whatthey do and whyengineersshould be interested • Solution: • The PR-groupwill work together with Sandvik to plan and execute marketing campaigns on campus PR-group4 students • PR-group motivations: • The PR-groupwillgainskills from mentors from the Sandvik marketing department • A broadernetwork, both at campus and Sandvik • A challenging and meritingexperience • A summer jobopportunity • The Sandvik Experience, presented ahead in the presentation • Emolument The Sandvik Experience
”...the interest for the companyamongstgraduates is not at level with ourgoals...” Students • Need: • Understandingwho Sandvik is, whatthey do and whyengineersshould be interested Short case contest Lecturesindependent & in specificcourses • Solution: • Lecturesrelatedto the present business and technologicalchallengesof Sandvik, given by employees and organized by the PR-group,independent as well as integrated in relatedcourses • Short casecontesttakingadvantageof the explodinginterest in casesolvingamongengineering students • Largecasestudyover a large period oftime given to the winning team of the short casecontest, creating stronger relationships between Sandvik and students with potential toexcel The Sandvik Experience Largecasereal issues Chooses Sandvik
The Sandvik Experience • Need: • The PR-groupworking with real marketing projects... • The winningcase team working with real issues at Sandvik... • …haveboth a demand to get a deeper • understandingof Sandvik PR-group4 students Largecasereal issues The Sandvik Experience • Solution: • The Sandvik Experience is a collaboration of events with the purpose to attract student, inform, arouseinterest and commitment • Visiting Sandvik, Productionsites • Presentation of the company • Tours at the production • Meeting key people • PR-insights • Introduction of largecase • Workshops, Stockholm • Seminars on the subjectsofOpen Mind, Team Spirit, Fair Play. • Case studies • Field trips, Sites of practice • Attractivespotswhere Sandvik products are beingused, for instance the mine in Kirunacombinedwith a visit tothe IceHotelnearby
” ...a gap of 30 000 engineers in Sweden 2030... ” • Need: • High school students don’tknowwho engineers are, whattheydo and whytheyshould be interested in the profession • Solution: • Reaching out to students at the High Schools located in the cities of the Klassikernteams • Visiting 1-3 schools per Klassikern team • Showing what the engineering profession is all about by having a short case contest • A desk display where students can talk to employees, get free stuff and see some cool inventions of Sandvik • En SvenskKlassiker team present to mentor the High School students; sharing their academical, professional and athletical visions High School Students Short CASEcontest Mentors Engineering studies
Rememberwhatwas the problem? Howshould Sandvik work to attractengineeringgraduates?
This is the solution! Students Short case contest Lecturesindependent & in specificcourses Klassikern Team4 students High School Students PR-group4 students The Sandvik Experience Largecasereal issues Short CASEcontest Mentors Who can beat Sandvik?!4 Sandvik-employees Engineering studies Chooses Sandvik