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Bell Ringer Go to the NMS website. Find Mrs. McNish’s webpage

Bell Ringer Go to the NMS website. Find Mrs. McNish’s webpage The third item on her website says, “Student Council Ballet” Click this link and vote for up to four people. Remember, you can only vote for each person once. If you vote for someone more than once, your ballet will be deleted!.

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Bell Ringer Go to the NMS website. Find Mrs. McNish’s webpage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Ringer • Go to the NMS website. • Find Mrs. McNish’s webpage • The third item on her website says, “Student Council Ballet” • Click this link and vote for up to four people. Remember, you can only vote for each person once. • If you vote for someone more than once, your ballet will be deleted!

  2. Can I determine if subject and verbs agree? Carousel Bell Ringer: #1-10 in your comp book. Silently walk around and record your answers in your comp book.

  3. Can I determine if subject and verbs agree? Bell Ringer: Complete the Brain Pop worksheet, silently.

  4. For the foreseeable future, This class will be doing all activities independently. Everyone in this room has to show me that I can have their trust while I am working with other groups or students. This will be a classroom of respect and trust, and I want to see everyone display these traits to each other and me.

  5. What is subject-verb agreement? Every sentence has a subject and a verb. Verb Subject The dog runs. The dogruns. The dog runs. Verb Subject A ship sails. A shipsails. A shipsails. Verb Subject Two children play music. Two children play music. Two childrenplay music.

  6. What is subject-verb agreement? Number Number is the form a word takes to show whether it is singular or plural. • A word that refers to one thing is singular. • A word that refers to more than one is plural. scientists scientist goose geese she they Singular Plural

  7. What is subject-verb agreement? Singular subjects A verb should agree in number with its subject. • Singular subjects take singular verbs. Singular Verb Singular Subject Tabitha rides the train. Tabitharides the train. Tabitha rides the train. Singular Subject Singular Verb Herepairs the bicycle. Herepairs the bicycle. He repairs the bicycle.

  8. What is subject-verb agreement? Plural subjects • Plural subjects take plural verbs. Plural Subject Plural Verb The girls ride the train. The girlsride the train. The girls ride the train. Plural Subject Plural Verb They repair the bicycle. Theyrepair the bicycle. Theyrepair the bicycle.

  9. What is subject-verb agreement? Plural subjects In a verb phrase the first helping verb agrees with the subject. Singular Helping Verb Singular Subject Verb Phrase He is repairing the bicycle. is repairing He Plural Helping Verb Plural Subject Verb Phrase the bicycle. are repairing are repairing They They

  10. What is subject-verb agreement? WE DO On Your Own • For each sentence, identify the subject, and then choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject. • 1. The water (rushes, rush) down the river. • 2. The bees (buzzes, buzz) around the picnic table. • 3. The photograph (was, were) a gift from my cousin. • At the science fair the winner always (receives, receive) a savings bond. • 5. They (march, marches) in all the parades. [End of Section]

  11. How to fix problems in agreementCompound subjects • Singular subjects joined by or or nor take a singular verb. Neither the bus nor the train stopsin our town. Singular Singular Verb On Mondays, Manuel or Gina baby-sits. Verb Singular Singular

  12. How to fix problems in agreementCompound subjects • Plural subjects joined by or or nor take a plural verb. Curtains or artworks addcolor to a room. Plural Verb Plural Neither lemons nor limes were soldthere. Verb Plural Plural

  13. How to fix problems in agreementCompound subjects • When a singular and a plural subject are joined by or or nor, the verb agrees with the subject that is closer to the verb. Singular Plural Verb Either flowers or a book usually makes a nice gift. The verb makes agrees with the nearer subject, book. Verb Singular Plural Maria or her parents prepare the lunches. The verb prepare agrees with the nearer subject, parents.

  14. How to fix problems in agreementCompound subjects On Your Own For each of the following sentences, choose the verb that agrees with the compound subject. 1. Ants and spiders (has, have) invaded the backyard. 2. Mandy and her friends (is, are) going to the movies. 3. A statue or a fountain (looks, look) good in a park setting. 4. Neither maples nor elms (grows, grow) well in the valley. 5. Either potatoes or rice (is, are) served with the chicken. [End of Section]

  15. What is subject-verb agreement? How do I correct subject-verb agreement errors? Finish the 3 IXL you have due on Oct. 1ST. If you finish those, and get me to check off, complete the Subject-verb agreement IXL, EE.1

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