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U.S. GLOBEC Data Management

U.S. GLOBEC Data Management. Brief Update Presented at the US GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee Meeting Robert C. Groman November 6 - 7, 2003. Georges Bank Study Area. Northeast Pacific. Southern Ocean. Data are accessed from the U.S. GLOBEC Data Server, http://globec.whoi.edu.

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U.S. GLOBEC Data Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. U.S. GLOBEC Data Management Brief Update Presented at the US GLOBEC Scientific Steering Committee Meeting Robert C. Groman November 6 - 7, 2003 1

  2. Georges Bank Study Area 2

  3. Northeast Pacific 3

  4. Southern Ocean 4

  5. Data are accessed from the U.S. GLOBEC Data Server, http://globec.whoi.edu. 5

  6. The data dictionary provide links to data objects. 6

  7. Data may reside on remote servers 7

  8. Alongtrack data can be viewed 8

  9. Or plotted 9

  10. Alongtrack plot of NBP0202 10

  11. Or downloaded 11

  12. Georges Bank Data 120 Cruises in inventory 118 Cruise reports printed, 2 cruise reports delinquent 56 Cruise reports on-line Data objects on-line: See web site Missing data: Zooplankton counts VPR data Acoustics data Mooring data 12

  13. Northeast Pacific/CGOA Coastal Gulf of Alaska (CGOA) 35 Cruise reports on-line; 16 will be on-line soon; 36 to come later 35 Event logs on-line 11 from CGOA - LTOP cruises [29 missing] 9 from CGOA – Haldorson Trawling cruises [8 missing] 10 from CGOA – Process/Survey cruises [5 missing] 5 from CGOA – SECM cruises (via on-line report) [10 missing] 13

  14. Northeast Pacific/CCS California Current System (CCS) 46 Cruise reports on-line; 2 later 47 Event logs on-line 36 from CCS - LTOP cruises (via on-line report) 11 from CCS – Process/Other cruises [1 missing] 14

  15. Northeast Pacific Summary Available on-line data include CTD, SST, alongtrack, bottle, SeaSoar, nutrients, pigments, and event logs. A more detail summary of the on-line status is available from two spreadsheets provided by Hal. Hal states “… lots of data were collected, very few are currently on-line. More dataset from the CCS are on-line than data from CGOA.” Data soon to be added include CTD, nutrients, and zooplankton. 15

  16. Southern Ocean 11 Cruises in inventory 11 Cruise reports on-line 11 Event logs on-line 49 data objects on-line, locally or linked remotely Ice core and water column bacteria studies Bird studies BIOMAPERII Chlorophyll, irradiance and productivity studies MOCNESS CTD data Nutrient data Sea ice data Whale sonobuoy data 120 kHz acoustic backscattering data ADCP data 16

  17. Southern Ocean Missing Data IWC Whale data CTD rosette data MOC1/MOC10/net collection data XCTD/XBT data Penguin studies (exists on SO GLOBEC website) ROV data Bathymetry data (exists on SO GLOBEC website) Alongtrack data 17

  18. Data Visualization EnhancementsBetter Able to Handle: • Acoustic backscatter data (curtain plots) • Arbitrarily spaced scalar & vector data • Axes, labels, grids, bounding boxes • Underlying bathymetry surfaces • Multiple color maps for each object • Point-and-click object identification • 3D thumbnails & list boxes for easier selection & previewing of variables 18

  19. GeoZui3D and EZGZ • Peter, you’re on! 19

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