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U.S GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic Georges Bank Program. Phase IV PI Meeting. Whispering Pines Conference Center URI Alton Jones Campus 18-20 November 2003. U.S. GLOBEC Georges bank program. A multi-disciplinary multi-year Oceanographic research program Funded by NSF and NOAA.
U.S GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic Georges Bank Program Phase IV PI Meeting Whispering Pines Conference Center URI Alton Jones Campus 18-20 November 2003
U.S. GLOBEC Georges bank program A multi-disciplinary multi-year Oceanographic research program Funded by NSF and NOAA Initial goal: to understand the population dynamics of key species on the Bank – cod, haddock, and two species of zooplankton- in terms of their coupling to the physical environment and in terms of their predators and prey. Ultimate goal: to be able to predict changes in the distribution and abundance of these species as a result of changes in their physical and biotic environment as well as to anticipate how their populations might respond to climate change.
U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank 2003 Science Meeting Laurel Lodge Whispering Pines Conference Center University of Rhode Island Rhode Island November 18 - 20, 2003 Agenda Day 1: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - Start time: 10:00am 1000-1010 Welcome and Introductory Remarks (P. Wiebe) Overview of the five individual projects by project leaders and discussion: 1010-1030 The Physical Oceanography of Georges Bank and Its Impact on Biology (Beardsley) 1035-1055 Zooplankton Population Dynamics on Georges Bank: Model and Data Synthesis (P. Franks) 1100-1120 Patterns of Energy Flow and Utilization on Georges Bank (D. Gifford) 1125-1145 Tidal Front Mixing and Exchange on Georges Bank: controls on the production of phytoplankton zooplankton and larval fishes (R. Houghton) 1150-1210 Integration and Synthesis of Georges Bank Broad-scale Survey Results (P. Wiebe) 1215-1330 Lunch Individual investigator reports 1330-1345 Using MM5 to Hindcast the Ocean Surface Forcing Fields Over the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank Region: Beardsley R. C and C. Chen [18] 1350-1405 Application of FVCOM to the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank: Simulated and Assimilated Modeling Studies of the Seasonal Variability of Stratification and Subtidal Circulation: Chen, C, H. Liu, R. C. Beardsley, G. Cowles, J. Pringle, and Brian Rothschild [1] 1410-1425 What Forces Variability in Gulf of Maine Flows Towards and Around Georges Bank?: Pringle, J., C. Chen and Hedong Liu [21] 1430-1445 Preliminary Results of Model Dye Experiments on Georges Bank: Chen, C., R. Houghton, R. C. Beardsley, Q. Xu1, and H. Liu [13] 1450-1505 Dye Dispersion in the Tidal Front: Model-Observation Comparison: Houghton, R., C. Chen, Q. Xu[20] 1505-1535 Break 1535-1550 Sub-Tidal Circulation at the Tidal Mixing Front -- Analysis of the Moored Instrument Array: Lerczak, J., R. Schlitz, S. Lentz, and R. Beardsley [15] 1600-1615 U.S. GLOBEC SeaSoar Results , Brink K. and C. Lee [19]
1620-1635 Parallelization of the FVCOM Code: Application to the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank , Cowles, G., C. • Chen, H. Liu, B. Rothschild [10] • 1640-1655 Seasonal Nitrate Climatology for Georges Bank: Bisagni, J.J. [14] • 1700-1715 Intermingling of Two Pseudocalanus Species on Georges Bank: D. J. McGillicuddy, Jr. and A. Bucklin [7] • 1730 Reception and dinner • 1945-2230 Individual Groups meet in evening • Day 2: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - Start time: 8:30am • Continue individual investigator reports • 0830-0845 Modeling Studies of the Physical-Biological Processes Controlling Spring Bloom Dynamics on Georges Bank: 1-D and 2-D Experiments , Ji, R., C. Chen, P. J. S. Franks, D. W. Townsend, E.G. Durbin, R. C. Beardsley, and R. W. Houghton [9] • 0850-0905 The Impact of Scotian Shelf Water "cross-over" on the Plankton Dynamics on Georges Bank: A 3- D Experiment for the 1999 Spring Bloom: Chen, C., R. Ji., P. J. S. Franks, D.W. Townsend, E.G. Durbin, R. C. Beardsley, and R.W. Houghton [6] • 0910-0925 TBD: Steele, J. and A. Beet [23] • 0930-0945 Multiple Flow Pathways of the Scotian Shelf Water onto Georges Bank, Sheremet, V., Y.K. Cho, • and R. Beardsley • 0950-1005 Spatial and Interannual Variability of Zooplankton on Georges Bank: Durbin, E. and M. Casas [17] • 1005-1035 Break • 1035-1050 Transport and Retention of Dormant Calanus finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine: Insights from a Particle-tracking Model: Johnson, C.L., J.M. Pringle, and C.S. Chen [16] • 1055-1110 Physical and Biological Controls on Calanus finmarchicus in the Georges Bank Region: an Adjoint Data Assimilation Approach: Li, X. and D. McGillicuddy [12] • 1115-1130 Broad-scale Mapping of Pseudocalanus spp. Distributions: Bucklin, A., M.A. Bailey, and D. McGillicuddy [3] • 1135-1150 Invertebrate Predator Impacts , Madin, L., J. Bollens, E. Horgan, et al. [8] • 1155-1210 2D wavelet transform of Greene Bomber 120 kHz backscatter data for multi-scale characterization: • Fisher, K.E. and P.H. Wiebe [4] • 1215-1330 Lunch • 1330-1345 Northwest Atlantic Scale Modeling: Haidvogel, D. • 1350-1405 Biological Signature of Scotian Shelf Water Crossovers: Results from 1997 and Some Questions for Longer Term Synthesis: K. Wishner [no #]
1410-1425 Wind-driven Mortality of Cod and Haddock Eggs: Mountain, D., J. Green, J. Sibunka, and D.L. Johnson [22] • 1430-1445 TBD: Fogarty, M. et al. [24] • 1450-1505 Production of Fish and Benthos on Georges Bank: Collie, J. [2] • 1510-1525 Variation in the size of the overwintering population of Calanus finmarchicus in the Gulf of Maine during 1997, 1998, and 1999: Driven by changes in NAO forced advection or local predator and competitor fields?: Wiebe, P.H., M.F. Baumgartner, D. Mountain, M.C. Benfield, C.H. Greene, A.C. Lavery, N. Copley, and G.L. Lawson. [25] • 1530-1600 Break • 1600-1715 Cross-Group discussion and integration - synthesis1800-1930 Dinner • 1945-2230 Evening Breakout sessions • Day 3: Thursday, November 20, 2003 - Start time: 8:30am • Working groups and other special reports [AM]Plenary Session Planning for year 2 events • Special AGU Ocean Sciences session in Portland • Discuss second RFP for Phase IV US GLOBEC Georges Bank • Future Special Phase IV meetings/symposia • Publications - Special Synthesis Volume(s) • Lunch • Note 1: Space will be available throughout the whole day, but the last meal of the meeting will be lunch. • Note 2: Posters should be put up as soon as possible at the start of the meeting. • Poster Presentations (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)1 Dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus Resting Populations in the Gulf of Maine , Saumweber, W. 2 Further Characterization of Greene Bomber Data , Fisher, K. , P.H. Wiebe 3 High-Resolution Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature Fields for the Western North Atlantic Ocean Produced Using • the NASA/NOAA Pathfinder Algorithm, Brunner, A-M, J.M. Mesias, and J.J. Bisagni 4 U.S. GLOBEC Long-Term Moored Array Data, J. Irish, M. Caruso, R. Limeburner, R. Beardsley, K. Brink 5 Zooplankton Production on Georges Bank , Campbell, R.G., E.G. Durbin, J.A. Runge 6 TBD, Beardsley, R. et al.
What’s Next For Georges Bank PIs ? • JGR Special Section Published ~ end of 2003 with • sixteen papers • AGU Ocean Science Jan 2004 • ASLO/TOS February 2004 • AO Phase 4 (~ 1 April 2004 proposals due ~30 June) • ICES/GLOBEC Symposium on the influence of climate • change on North Atlantic fish stocks (11-14 May 2004 Bergen) • PI Summer Meeting – July 2004 • ICES- Vigo, Spain Sepember 2004
JGR Special Section GLOBEC (Georges Bank) Foreword to special section: U.S. GLOBEC: Physical processes on Georges Bank Editors: Robert C. Beardsley Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Peter C. Smith Bedford Institute of Oceanography Craig M. Lee Applied Physics Laboratory, UW Papers in this special section of Journal of Geophysical Research Brink K., R. Limeburner, and R.C. Beardsley: Properties of Flow and Pressure over Georges Bank as Observed with Near-Surface Drifters, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Flagg, C.N. and M. Dunn: Characterization of the mean and seasonal flow regime on Georges Bank from shipboard ADCP data J. Geophys. Res., this issue Loder J.W., C. Hannah, B.D. Petrie, and E. Gonzalez: Hydrographic and transport variability on the Halifax section, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Werner S.R., R.C. Beardsley, and A.J. Williams III: Bottom Friction and Bedforms on the Southern Flank of Georges Bank, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Werner S.R., R.C. Beardsley, S.J. Lentz, D.L. Hebert, and N.S. Oakey: Observations and modeling of the tidal bottom boundary layer on the Southern Flank of Georges Bank, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Lentz S.J., R.C. Beardsley, J.D. Irish, J.P. Manning, P.C. Smith, and R.A. Weller: Temperature and Salt Balances on Georges Bank February – August, 1995, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Beardsley, R.C., S.J. Lentz, R.A. Weller, R. Limeburner, J.D. Irish, and J.B. Edson: Surface forcing on the southern flank of Georges Bank, February - August 1995, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Chen C., R.C. Beardsley, P.J.S. Franks, and J. Van Keuren: Influences of the diurnally varying heat flux on stratification and residual circulation on Georges Bank, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Dale A.C., D.S. Ullman, J.A. Barth, and D. Hebert: The front on the Northern Flank of Georges Bank in Spring: Part I: Tidal and subtidal variability, J. Geophys. Res., this issue.
JGR Special Section GLOBEC (Georges Bank) Foreword to special section: U.S. GLOBEC: Physical processes on Georges Bank Papers in this special section of Journal of Geophysical Research – Continued Ullman D.S., A.C. Dale, D. Hebert, and J.A. Barth: The front on the Northern Flank of Georges Bank in Spring. Part II: Cross-frontal fluxes and mixing. J. Geophys. Res., this issue Chen C., R.J. Schlitz, R.G. Lough, K.W. Smith, R.C. Beardsley, and J.P. Manning: Wind-induced, cross-frontal exchange on Georges Bank: A mechanism for early summer on-bank biological particle transport, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Churchill J.H., J.P. Manning, and R.C. Beardsley: Slope water intrusions onto Georges Bank, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Smith P.C., C.N. Flagg, R. Limeburner, C. Fuentez-Yaco, C. Hannah, R.C. Beardsley, and J.D. Irish: Scotian Shelf crossovers during Winter/Spring, 1999, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Wisner K., D.J. Gifford, and B.K. Sullivan: The biological signature of Scotian Shelf Water crossovers on Georges Bank during spring 1997, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Bisagni, J.J.: The Seasonal Cycle of Nitrate Supply and Potential New Production in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank Regions, J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Zakardjian B., J. Sheng, J.A. Runge, I. McLaren, S. Plourde, K.R. Thompson, and Y. Gratton: Effects of temperature and circulation on the population dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf: Study with a coupled, three-dimensional hydrodynamic, stage-based life history model, J. Geophys. Res., this issue.
What’s Next For Georges Bank PIs ? • JGR Special Section Published ~ end of 2003 with • sixteen papers • AGU Ocean Science Jan 2004 • ASLO/TOS February 2004 • AO Phase 4 (~ 1 April 2004 proposals due ~30 June) • ICES/GLOBEC Symposium on the influence of climate • change on North Atlantic fish stocks (11-14 May 2004 Bergen) • PI Summer Meeting – July 2004 • ICES- Vigo, Spain Sepember 2004
Logistics Registration: Meeting & Room Handouts: Agenda, Phone Numbers, Messages, Conference Center Layout Chip, Dicky, Bob, and Warren as resources during the meeting Talk PowerPoint files: Please give copy to Dicky or Bob Internet Access (T1): Email – Ethernet (Instructions available) 1 Computer available for public use. Database access & new contributions Recreation: basket ball, hiking trails, horse shoes, ping pong, volley ball, canoeing, bocce ball, billiards. Transporation needs??