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CHOLESTEROL. What is this stuff?. Waxy, fat-like substance found in cells Body needs cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and assist in digestion Your liver makes all the cholesterol it needs, yet it is also found in the foods we eat Can be harmful…. “Bad” Cholesterol.

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  2. What is this stuff? • Waxy, fat-like substance found in cells • Body needs cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and assist in digestion • Your liver makes all the cholesterol it needs, yet it is also found in the foods we eat • Can be harmful…

  3. “Bad” Cholesterol • LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) • Carries cholesterol up to body tissues where it is deposited • If not used, cholesterol builds up in blood stream on walls of arteries and veins • Build up can harden into plaque which increases likelihood of heart disease/stroke • Build up of plaque in arteries is called atherosclerosis

  4. “Good” Cholesterol • HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) • Scrubs interior walls of blood vessels • Collects left-over cholesterol and delivers it to liver where it is processed and excreted as waste • Reduces amount of LDL in blood, lowering risk of heart disease/stroke

  5. Risks • Genetics • Poor diet • Inactive lifestyle (All cause LDL levels to rise and HDL levels to fall, contributing to heart attacks, coronary disease, and strokes.)

  6. Take Caution! • Decrease amounts of saturated and trans fats in diet • Be ACTIVE! Get 30 minutes of exercise/day • Eat more whole grains and fiber • Avoid high levels of sweets (cakes, cookies, candy, etc) • Eat lean cuts of beef, poultry, and fish • Bake, broil, or steam foods when cooking

  7. You could be at risk • An HDL level of 60 mg/dL offers best protection from heart disease • LDL level should be below 100 mg/dL • Men with HDL below 40 mg/dL and women below 50 mg/dL are at elevated risk • Also at elevated risk are those with LDL above 160 mg/dL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ElipL3IPAc

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