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Islam in the Middle Ages: Engaging Elementary Students

This project aims to create an engaging textbook on Islam in the Middle Ages for elementary school students (K-5). The textbook will be based on historically accurate research conducted by a team of elementary school teachers.

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Islam in the Middle Ages: Engaging Elementary Students

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  1. Islam in the Middle Ages Project • You are an elementary school teacher who has been assigned to teach your students about Islam in the Middle Ages. • As you try to find books to use in class, you realize that all of the books available on this topic are written for higher grade levels. • You decide that you will overcome this challenge by writing your own textbook on Islam in the Middle Ages for your elementary (K-5) class.

  2. Islam in the Middle Ages Project • You know that your students will be tested on the topic of Islam in the Middle Ages, so your textbook must be historically accurate. • You decide to first research historically accurate information on the topic with a team of 2-3 other elementary school teachers who teach the same grade level as you (you choose the grade level as a team – K-5). • Once you & your teacher team complete your research, you will create a textbook using strategies to not only inform but also engage your young students (grades K-5).

  3. 1. Make sure that you have completed and included all required research q’s/key terms according to your role. • 2. Utilize the strategies you have researched as a team to make sure your book is engaging for your K-5 students. • 3. Finish typing in your work using these strategies. TYPE INORDER ACCORDING TO YOUR ROLE. • 4. As a team, read through the entire project from start to finish. Make improvements and fix all errors. *At least 5 slides per team member with images on each slide *Ambassador, Facilitator, Team Captain, Resource Manager *Type the grade level you are focusing on in the title page *Put your name on your slides!

  4. Ambassador: Origins of IslaM– Playlist 1 1. Where was Muhammad born, and what was his childhood/early life like? 2. What was happening in Mecca that concerned Muhammad? What happened to him when he was 40 years old? What do Muslims believe about this event? 3. What did Muhammad start to do in the year 613? Include and define the following key words in your response: Islam, Muslim, Qur’an 4. What teachings did Muhammad share that upset many people in Arabia? Why did these teachings upset them? Include 3 specific reasons. 5. Why did Muhammad journey to Medina? What does Medina mean? What happened in this city that was important in the year 622? 6. What happened in the year 630? What did Muhammad and his followers do when they went back to Mecca? What did many Arabian tribes do?

  5. Facilitator: Islamic Beliefs – Playlist 2 1. What is the Qur’an? What do Muslims consider this holy book to be? What are some of its central teachings? 2. What are some guidelines for behavior that Muslims follow in the Qur’an? 3. What are the hadith and the Sunnah? 4. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Describe each one. 5. What is the Shariah? Provide at least 4 specific facts about this collection of laws. 6. What are some holy rituals that happen during the Fifth Pillar of Islam, the hajj? Provide at least 3 specific examples.

  6. Team Captain: Spread of Islam – Playlist 3 1. Who is Abu Bakr, and what is a caliph? What did Abu Bakr do by the year 634? 2. What are some regions that Muslim leaders conquered? Provide at least 5 examples. Challenge: Explain how these regions were conquered and provide examples of rules established by Muslim leaders in the new lands. 3. How did trade impact the spread of Islam? How did Muslim rulers generally treat others from diverse cultures/religions that they came into contact with? 4. How did the Ottoman Empire become powerful? Explain this empire’s strategies for expansion and what regions it ruled over. What two major Islamic holy cities accepted Ottoman rule? How were Ottoman rule and society structured? 5. Who were the Safavids, and who did they have conflict with? Why? Include and define the words Shia and Sunni. 6. How did the Safavids expand their empire? What were their culture and economy like?

  7. Resource Manager: Current Questions – Introductory Materials 1. Define the following terms: Islam, Muslim, Arab, Arabic 2. Are all Muslims Arab? Do all Muslims speak Arabic? 3. Explain why the following misconceptions are false: Islam is a “violent” religion and Muslims want to “hurt” America. Explain why these are offensive, false, inappropriate, and intolerant things to say. 4. Identify and explain common misconceptions regarding Muslim women covering their faces. Think about diversity and women’s choice in religious and cultural beliefs. 5. What god do Muslims worship?

  8. Stanford Teams • Group 1: Emily Avanesian, Griselda, Mery • Group 2: Sebastian, Evan, Luvette • Group 3: Genaro, Dez, Jose • Group 4: Alexa, Jonathan, Jesus, Yaretzi • Group 5: Anaeiss, Lunna, Kaylin • Group 6: Manny, Liliana,Nare • Group 7: Daniela, Emily Avedian,Anthony • Group 7: Ivan, Dan,Angelena, Logan • Team Captain • Facilitator • Ambassador • Resource Manager

  9. Yale Teams • Group 1: Eddie, Chris T., Lindsay • Group 2: Luna P., Sergio, Kevin • Group 3: Daphne, Emily T., Anthony, Bryan • Group 4: Dalila, Vivian, Cesar • Group 5: Hector, Vahram, Kaylie • Group 6: Erik, Diego,Joceline • Group 7: Melissa, Moris,Karen • Group 7: Tony, Cody, Robert, Emily Z. • Team Captain • Facilitator • Ambassador • Resource Manager

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