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National e-Science Infrastruc ture Consortium of THAILAND. Missions. To build GRID infrastructures in Thailand. What is it? What is it for?. The Grid. CERN. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator. LHC facts. Circumference 26.7 km Luminosity
Missions To build GRID infrastructures in Thailand
What is it? What is it for? The Grid
The Large Hadron Collider(LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator.
LHC facts Circumference26.7 km Luminosity Magnet 8.33 T current 11,700A superconducting cable 7600 km superconducting magnets 1,232 dipole magnets 392 quadrupole magnets
Temperature of 1.9 K 9.9999991% of the speed of light Period for a proton to travel once around the main ring 90 microseconds Frequency 11,000 Hz Photon bunches 2,808 bunches The collision rate is one billion per second
Try to answer the BIG question What actually happened at the big bang? and other questions • How does gravity work? • How do particles have mass? • Where is the rest of the universe?
LHC Computing Grid The data stream from the detectors provides approximately 300 GB/s 27 TB of raw data per day or 10–15 PB of data each year These data is more than any single, current, system can handle Scientists look at a computer screen at the control centre of the CERN in Geneva September 10, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
We need to find the system that can handle massive amounts of data can process large computing jobs relatively inexpensive simple to use can access 24/7 easily upgraded
Why don’t we build a super Computers? very expensive very difficult to access obsolete quickly http://gizmodo.com/298029/worlds-biggest-supercomputer-is-a-virus
Solution: using the Internet ? A Computing Grid GridPP masterclasstalk2009
Grid Middleware Using the Grid and middleware, all the user has to do is submit a job and pick up the results.
What is middleware? Middleware is a computersoftware that allows users to submit jobs to the Grid without knowing where the data is or where the jobs will run. The software can run the job where the data is, or move the data to where there is CPU power available.
1 4 2 3 Particle Physics in Thailand Grid infrastructures in Thailand HEP research projects Worldwide LHC Grid Contents
1 Particle Physics in Thailand From 1996- 2008, the high energy physics community is growing according to the ranking by SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR).
2 Worldwide LHC Grid CERN computer centre Tier 0 Offline farm Taiwan Japan Korea UK USA Tier 1 National centres Online system Tier 2 Regional groups NECTEC ….. ….. ….. SUT Chula …… Institutes Workstations
Tier 2 Center is a regional center. To be a CERN site, the center have to contribute at least 200 CPUs and 200 TB for international users. • Tier 3 centers are at university or institute level. To be a tier 3 center, it requires to serve only local users in their universities or institutes.
3 Grid infrastructures in Thailand
CPU time and resources sharing 16% 50% 24% 10% Industrial Linkages HEP Research 50% 16% Grid Technology Applications 10% 24%
Evolution of applicationstowards other communities JPhysG_g6_1_n01.pdf
How to set up LHC GRID site? The basic LCG site consists of UI User Interface CE Compute Element WN Worker Nodes SE StorageElement Site BDII Berkley Database Information Index MON Monitor Accounting service
Middleware The gLite middleware is produced by the EGEE project.
Details for each hosts Host 1. Site BDII and CE Host 2. SE Host 3. WN Host 4. UI and MON All hosts are needed to install both SLC5 and gLite.
Security requirements Personal Certificate Authorities (CA) for each users HOST Certificate Authorities for each hosts This can be issued by National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), THAILAND.
Software framework Phedex Framework used by CMS Ganglia Framework used by ATLAS ALiEn Framework used by ALICE Environment Root Basic collision software Xrootd grid file system for ALICE Dcache grid file system for CMS and ATLAS
Visualization cmsShow, cmscan, IGUANACMS AliEve
4 HEP research projects Detectors HEP Research Projects Standard Model Beyond standard model
Study of the Zero degree calorimeter data on forward neutrons in CMS Study of missing transverse momentum in th CMS Detectors Studies for the preparation of detectors for the upgrade of CMS Neutron Detector
Excess of events with top quarks in order to search for the supersymmetry in CMS Excess of events with multiple leptons In Order to serah for suppersymmetry in CMS Excess of events with jets and missing transverse energy in order to serah for suppersymmetry in CMS Standard Model SU(2) Lattice QCD in Coulomb Gauge at Finite Temperature Hypernucleus Heavy Ion Collision using QMD and UrQMD Exotic Atom
Search for an exess for events with photons as a signature of GMSB SUSY models Search for exotica signatures using events with high charged particle multiplicities Beyond Standard Model Search for events with one jet and missing ET for extra dimensions and unparticles Search for events with a photon and missing ET for extra dimensions and unparticles
ดร.บุรินทร์ อัศวพิภพ ดร.นฤมล สุวรรณจันทร์ดี รศ. พ.อ. ดร. วรศิษย์ อุชัย นายนรพัทธ์ ศรีมโนภาษ Prof. Dr. Albert De Roeck Detectors Prof. Dr. Yupeng Yan ผศ.ดร. ชิโนรัตน์ กอบเดช Beyond standard model Standard Model ดร. ขรรค์ชัย โกศลทองกี่ ดร. พรรัตน์ ศรีสวัสดิ์ ดร. อายุทธ ลิ้มพิรัตน์ ดร.ทรงวุฒิ ฉิมจินดา Prof. Zheng Yuming ดร.อรรถกฤต ฉัตรภูติ Prof. Marcus Bleicher ดร.ปิยบุตร บุรีคำ Prof. Hugo Reinhardt
12 Conferences Students 30 M.Sc. 15 Ph.D. HEP Output Grid Technology Become an official CERN Site 30 Publications
Up coming Events 18-22 October 2010