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Ture Hammar

UNFCCC WORKSHOP ON THE PREPARATION OF NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM ANNEX I PARTIES Policies & measures and national circumstances in Denmark Bonn March 2000. Ture Hammar. Danish Energy Agency Ministry of Environment and Energy. Overview. national circumstances international development

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Ture Hammar

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  1. UNFCCC WORKSHOPON THE PREPARATION OF NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM ANNEX I PARTIESPolicies & measures and national circumstances in DenmarkBonn March 2000 Ture Hammar Danish Energy Agency Ministry of Environment and Energy

  2. Overview • national circumstances • international development • reduction targets • policies and measures

  3. 1970s: Pioneering and Crises • Environment Pioneering • EPA & grassroots • Clean up dust, lead, sulphur etc. • Immissions and diffusion • Energy Crisis • DE 76 • Danish Energy Agency and Ministry • El & heat & gas institutions • Playing field dynamic • municipal reform • new actors • cimate issue unimportant

  4. 1980s: Expanding activities • Environment regime • SO2, NOx bubbles • planning of resources • EIA, technology assessment • Energy sector expands • Gas & district heat structure • Renewable & CHP options • National and local planning • Playing field crowded • Huge and versatile involvement • World Commission report

  5. Sustainability & environment CO2 & climate convention globalisation new integrated approaches Sustainable energy E 2000 and E 21 Energy efficiency, CHP and renewables Reform Playing field Internationalisation Merger of environment and energy Climate, Agenda 21 1990s: Integration & reorientation

  6. EU liberalisation affects energy sector & environment favours technologies new actor paradigm confusion and backlash preoccupies sector for 10 years + playing field not satisfactory environment may be loser International Liberalisation

  7. Rio + Kyoto: sustainability? • Rio missed agreement on sustainable energy • Climate convention gave angled approach to energy • Kyoto Protocol has many loops and loopholes • general ceilings • six gases • transfer possible in all dimensions • complex paradoxial mechanisms • unclear commitments • Will COP 6 bis deliver an answer?

  8. International implementation instruments • UN/GEF • UNDP, WB, UNEP, UN/ECE • Bilateral donors • PEEREA, IEA/OECD • Aarhus Conference • sustainable energy • national commitments • win-win co-operation • EU action plan and renewable/CHP directives • Baltic Sea co-operation

  9. Danish reduction targets • First target set in 1990 - 20% CO2 in 2005 • Voluntary target in 2000 - 5% inside EU bubble • Kyoto target EU - 8% 2008-2012, six GHGs • Danish bubble-target - 21% 2008-2012 • Danish total emissions varied with up till 28% annually over the 1990s due to import and export of electricity in wet and dry seasons of Scandinavia!!! • When corrected for electricity trade, Danish reduction is (almost) progressing as scheduled

  10. Reduction balance 1990-2008/12 • Reductions by sector, total - 16.6% (4.4% p.t. missing)

  11. Policies & measures in energy sector • Energy intensity minus 55% over 3 decades • Energy efficiency in end use • Cleaner energy • CHP on gas & renewables • Renewable energy 35% of total energy over 3 decades • Outphase condensing power production and coal

  12. Energy efficiency: - Wide range of policies & measures • Taxation/subsidies/funds • Voluntary agreements • Labelling, standards, procurement • Campaigns, rebates, education • DSM as PSO in energy companies

  13. Electricity reform: - Sustains renewable energy and CHP • Protection of CHP and renewables • CO2 quota for large CHP and condensing • minus 5% each year • benefits to CHP • grandfathering • Tax/subsidy/grant for small producers • Green certificate market • start 2002 • EU directive

  14. Transportation • Taxation/subsidies • Management • Public transport • Urban planning • International standards • Labelling

  15. Other measures • JI & CDM & trading programmes • International & regional co-operation • Schemes for GHG gases • Agriculture, industry, forestry, etc. • R&D • Greenland • Protective measures

  16. Conclusion • National circumstances combine • national tradition • impact from energy crises • broad dedication to environmental issues • International basis is complex due to • many versatile institutions • lack of practical formula between market and environment policies • Danish reduction targets are ambitious but heavily dependent on EU conditions • Domestic policies & measures cover a wide range of options and emphasise domestic political will

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