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INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT IN RICE FIELDS. Badawi A. Tantawi. Rice Research Program, field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, 12619, EGYPT.
INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT IN RICE FIELDS Badawi A. Tantawi Rice Research Program, field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, 12619, EGYPT
Table (1): Actual consumptive use (Eta) and water requrment of the rice and its component as will as potantialevapotranspiration in mm /day as calculated by different methods. • The varity used Giza 172. E = EvapoTranspiration (mm/day), T = Transpiration (mm/day), • P= Percolation (mm/day), C.U = Consumptive Use (mm), and W.R = Water Requirment (mm). • Total amount of evapotranspiration calculated by the different methods from transplanting to harvesting.
Table(2):Average monthely water consumptive use valued (cm), actual evapotranspiration ETa, potential evapotranspirtion ETp and rice coefficient valus Kc. • The varity used Giza 178. C.U = Consumptive Use (mm), ETa =actual evaporationtranspiratio (mm/day), ETp=potential evaporationtranspiratio (mm/day), and Kc = rice coefficient • The values were measured after transplanting up to harvesting process.
Table(3) :Some water relations for some rice varieties as affected by irrigation treatments. • WUE = water use efficiency
Table (4): Effect of irrigation treatments on grain yield of some rice varieties. • PI = panicle initiation
Table(5):Effect of irrigation withholding at different Productivity times of Sakha 102 rice variety • AT = After transplanting
Table (6): Yield reduction and some water relations under different irrigation regimes
Table(7):Water used, water saved and water use efficiency of some rice varieties as affected by water regime • Including the amount of water used before applying treatments ( through nursesries and land preparation) • RRTC (2001).
Table(8):water use, water saved % and water use efficiency kg/m3 as affected by different irrigation intervals and organic manure of Sakha 101 rice variety.
Table (9) Effect of cut of irrigation dates on grain yield of some rice cultivars Source : RRTC(2002 &2003)
Table(10) Effect of the interaction between cut of irrigation dates treatments and cultivars on grain yield.
Table(11)water use efficiency (WUE) kg /m3 of Giza 177 and Sakha 102 rice varieties as affected by land preparation and planting methods
Table(12):Total water requirement and water use efficiency as affected by land preparation and irrigation interval.
Table (13):some of water relations for Giza 178 and Sakha 102 rice varities as affected by irrigation regimes and different planting methods. I1= 4days on + 6 days off, I2= 4days on + 8 days off, I3= 4days on + 10 days off, I4= 4days on + 12 days off
Table (14): Grain yield (t/ha) as influenced by irrigation treatments and different planting methods.
Table (15A): Some of water relations of Sakha 104 rice cultivar as affected by irrigation treatments and methods of planting . P1=Broadcasting, P2= Drilling, P3= Mech. Transplanting, P4 = Transplanting.
Table (15 B): Grain yield (t/ha) as influenced by irrigation treatments and different planting methods. P1=Broadcasting, P2= Drilling, P3= Mech. Transplanting, P4 = Transplanting.
Table (16): Weed dry weight as influenced by regime, row spacing, and number of seedling in manually transplanted rice. * Means followed by a common are not significantly at the 5% level by DMRI
Table 17 Dry weight of weeds and grain yield of transplanted rice (Sakha 101 cv) as influenced by conventional weed control treatments
CONCLUSION In order to increase the efficiency of the irrigation water in rice fields the following alternatives should be used • Substituting long duration varieties with short duration varieties in all rice growing areas. • Convince farmers to use the laser technique and dry leveling in land preparation. • Use the optimum plant density with the specific rice varieties. • Use the drought tolerance varieties such as Giza 178 at the end of canals. • Withholding irrigation water for short time at medium tillering stage and during late grain filling stage. • Improving the irrigation and drainage system to minimize water losses. • Extensive public awareness campaign on the importance of the water and the possible methods for saving. • Other water resources have to be developed such as ground water particularly for the reclaimed areas.