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ACTFL 2005 Convention. Internet and Web Cam Activities in the L2 Media Classroom. Elizabeth Wylie-Ernst, Ph. D., University of Pittsburgh Claire Bradin Siskin, University of Pittsburgh. Web page for this session:. http://www.edvista.com/claire/pres/ actfl2005webcams/index.html. Overview :.
ACTFL 2005 Convention Internet and Web Cam Activities in the L2 Media Classroom Elizabeth Wylie-Ernst, Ph. D., University of Pittsburgh Claire Bradin Siskin, University of Pittsburgh
Web page for this session: http://www.edvista.com/claire/pres/actfl2005webcams/index.html
Overview: Introduction Procedure How did we do it? Conclusion • Conclusion
Introduction Student profile: Undergraduates at the U. of Pittsburgh 6th or 7th-semester German students Majority are German majors. Students are already media consumers. Reasonably proficient in basic technology.
Course Goals: • Grammatical reinforcement • Vocabulary expansion • Rhetorical strategies • Proposing and defending a position in writing • Oral argument • Understanding cultural differences in context of the Standards
The web cam activity met these course goals: Linguistic Functional Cultural
PerceptionsCultural attitudes underlying broadcast text ProductsPractices The broadcast news Ordering of news segment priorities Editing Making decisions/ presentational style
Introduction Diversity in Learning and Social Styles
“Standards” Procedure: A 3-day Project • Pre-production Session: Interpretive Cultures, Comparisons, Connections • Production Session: Interpersonal Communication • Post-production Session: Presentational Communities
Day 1 in Lab Class meets in Media Center Review website Report to class Pre-production
Deutsche Welle http://www.dw-world.de/ Review website with class:
Day 1: Language Media Center Working in pairs, students then choose own website news stories from Deutsche Welle and report about them to class using the following worksheet as a basis of discussion.
Day 1 Class Worksheet: Deutsche Welle 1. What is the broadcast topic?_________ __________________________________ 2. Summarize the content of the story (basis for script): __________________________________ 3. New vocabulary I learned:__________ _________________________________ 4. How is the presentation different than that of an American broadcast? Why?__________________ 5. What else would I like to find out about topic?
Homework after Day 1: Go back to Deutsche Welle http://www.dw-world.de Choose/review your topic for presentation. Write a script based on that topic. (Approx. 200 words)
Day 2 in Lab: Production Session • Warm-up: compare answers to homework sheet • Web cam demonstration • Choose partners and rehearse • Create videos
Day 2 in Lab: Performance Phase: (video clip was linked here) Students create videos based on their scripts.
Videos produced by students: Gretchen (video clip was linked here)
(video clip was linked here) Greg & Justin
(video clip was linked here) Kristin & Cary
Post- Performance Homework: How successfully did the presentation of your topic content reflect German media conventions? (Culture and Comparison) Greetings and closings Physical proximity Word choice/political spin
Post- Performance Homework: • How would you have performed an “American” broadcast on the same topic differently? • What did you learn about your own use of German from watching your video? (Communication)
Preview extension activities and next day’s homework. Students react to seeing themselves on video.
Homework: Students write critiques of videos (200 words)
Day 3 in Classroom: Post-production • Warm-up: share critiques of videos • Possible extension activities: • Create whole class video production. (Culture, Comparison) • Have students write research papers on video topics (3 Cs) • Have students create German discussion board on topics (Communities)
Day 3 in Classroom: Post-production • Students chat with Germans on own topic- present or report the exchange (Communities) • Students vote on most interesting topic; find speaker, write reports on speaker’s presentation (3 Cs) • Students go on field trip to see American variation of most popular topic • Students write report on experience (3 Cs)
Case Study in the Standards: Cary F. Day 1& 2: Filled in worksheet on web topic, created script for 3-minute broadcast on elections. Performed script. • Content: Revisited new vocabulary from DW, reviewed passive, new extended adjective structures. (Communication) • Performance: Observed authentic body language, demeanor, dress of newscaster ( Cultures, Comparisions)
Case Study in the Standards: Cary F • Day 2/3: Reaction Paper (Comparisons) Commented on her own presentation: Approximation of “authentic” delivery. • Intonation, body language, camera contact. • Use of new vocabulary • Communication skills, including grammar, accent.
Case Study in the Standards: Cary F • Day 3/4: Extension Activity: • Presentation and report on topical exchange with German web cam partner (Communities) • Summary of Discussion Theme • Profile of Conversation Partner • Video of Dialogue • 2-Page Written Analysis
How the web cam activity met our course goals: The activity was easily adaptable to: Diverse learning styles Levels of proficiency Specific classroom goals Project reinforces linguistic, functional, and cultural goals Easy to accomplish.
Hardware and software: Mac lab: iSight cams BTV software for video capture PC lab: Pyro cams
Other uses of webcams: • Self-introductions • Employment portfolio: “Hire me” • Online dating service: “Date me” • American Sign Language signed stories • Video teleconferencing
Within the constructivist tradition: “Students use language to create their own messages.”