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Presentation RENCP

Presentation RENCP. Introduction. Millennium Villages Project is a community Science based pilot project, which uses an integrated approach. It is aimed at justifying that the Millennium development goals can actually be attained by 2015.

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Presentation RENCP

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  1. Presentation RENCP

  2. Introduction Millennium Villages Project is a community Science based pilot project, which uses an integrated approach. It is aimed at justifying that the Millennium development goals can actually be attained by 2015. The project is based on the findings of the UN Millennium Project and is led by the science, policy and planning teams at The Earth Institute, Millennium Promise and the United Nations Development Programme. Carries out key interventions in: Agriculture, Business development, Education, Health and Infrastructure development to prove the concept that extreme poverty can be eradicated. MVP currently has 14 Clusters/Sites in 10 different Sub- Saharan countries, Rwanda inclusive.

  3. Village-Led Development to Meet the Millennium Development Goals Primary Objective 1) Eliminate hunger • Eliminate hunger and malnutrition in the village by increasing production, access and utilization of nutritious foods 2) Improve incomes • Improve livelihoods of women and men and increase their incomes for both on- and off-farm activities 3) Provide education • Assure universal enrollment and completion at primary schools for both boys and girls • Increase secondary enrollment and completion at the cluster level 4) Improve health services; combat HIV, TB, malaria • Assure access to essential health services, both preventative and therapeutic • Prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other major diseases 5) Restore environmental resources • Integrate the principles of sustainable development into village programs to reverse the loss of environmental resources 6) Provide clean water and sanitation • Increase access to clean water and sanitation for households, schools and medical facilities • Connect the villages nationally and globally through phone and internet connectivity; provide mobility in the form of a truck to serve both medical and access to market needs 7) Improve connectivity 8) Increase community capacity • Increase community ownership and capacity to work towards the Millennium Development Goals 9) Link to national process • Link villages to local, district and national development planning processes

  4. Mayange, Rwanda Cluster. Mayange Sector in Rwanda is located in Bugesera District, just 40 km south of Kigali city, its drier than most of Rwanda, receives sporadic rainfall, declining soil fertility and poor infrastructure that has led to poverty, illness and lack of economic opportunities. This area has a total population of about 25,000 people, spread in 5 different cells.

  5. Education Sector The Education Sector in Particular is mandated to achieve Universal Primary Education that is of quality and Sustainable, through ensuring Access, Capacity and Quality of Education. The sector operates in 5 public primary schools with a population of 2806 girls and 2979 boys, and in 1 secondary school with 411 students, however, there was an introduction of the 12YBE system at 2 of the primary schools with a population of 1346 students. To attain the above objectives, the sector has put forward a number of educational interventions, which include;

  6. Construction & Rehabilitations - The project has constructed 10 classrooms at different Mayange primary schools to reduce on the pupil class ratio and also rehabilitated 78 classes.

  7. Construction (Cont’d) • 2 Gender sensitive latrine blocs were constructed at 2 different schools with 12 stances each. • 1 Modern kitchen was constructed at one of the schools and 2 more rehabilitated at 2 other schools.

  8. ICT - The project has trained teachers in ICT Computer skills and has facilitated a number of computer donations from different partners, both locally and internationally. The project has further put computer laboratories at all the schools with 10 functional computers and 2 schools are connected to the internet.

  9. Energy • Electricity, the project has connected 5 of the 6 schools to grid electricity including internal installations. • Cook stoves, the project has also been able to install 12 energy saving cook stoves at all the 5 primary schools, these stoves save over 50% of the formally consumed fuel wood.

  10. Water & Sanitation • The project connected all the 5 schools to piped water. • Installed water gutters and tanks at all the schools for rain water capture and storage. • Provided Tippy taps (small tanks) for hand washing after visiting latrines, before eating and currently we have moved to Stepped on Hand washing Stations

  11. Text Books & Readers • The project has provided relevant text books to all 5 schools in all subject areas taught. • English readers were also provided to improve on the teachers’ and pupils’ reading culture and language skills.

  12. Trainings • Learner centered methodology, Several trainings have been held for all teachers. This is a modern teaching technique that involves more the learner. • PTA training for parents and teachers to know their roles and duties in the education of their children. • Special Education Needs, several trainings to empower teachers with skills to first of all know how to identify learners with impairments and also know how to handle them. • English, trained teachers in English use, as it’s the Language of instruction and almost all our teachers have a French Background.

  13. Trainings Cont’d • Environment, trained teachers and learners on the best ways of protecting and maintaining the school environment • Text book use, After distributing a number of text books in all Subject area taught, the project trained teachers on how to make use of these books.

  14. Pre- Primary Education. • The project facilitated the establishment of a model Nursery school with 3 different classes/levels, provides basic materials and trainings to teachers. This Nursery has led to the establishment of other 17 nurseries across Mayange. There are a number of others still struggling to function properly.

  15. Adult Education • We support Adult centers by Motivating their teachers with allowances, teaching materials and also learners are provided with basic scholastic materials like Text books, exercise books and pens. • We also do sensitize illiterate adults to attend to such opportunities with the help of other MVP Sectors and local leaders.

  16. 12YBE The project supports in the construction of classrooms and latrines to accommodate more learners for the 12YBE .

  17. Gender • Trained teachers on gender issues for all the teachers. • Trained learners on the use of sanitary napkins and thereafter provided schools with Napkins for use during emergency periods. • Piloting re-usable pads currently • Construction of a Girls specious room/house

  18. Sponsored Secondary Students The project sponsored 50 students for secondary education and they were able to complete at least S6. And now enrolled other 44 for sponsorship for Secondary Education. They are also provided with necessary scholastic materials and other specific materials basing on their area of study. These children are selected basing on vulnerability and academic performance.

  19. School Business The project was able to raise funds from the school photography program, which was later used to initiative school businesses, so as to improve on teachers’ welfare, and as a retention strategy but as well addressing a pupils issue; - Hair cut saloon. - School canteen/shop. - Stationary shop.

  20. Library • The project in collaboration with other partners has been able to establish a School Library at one of the schools to benefit the entire sector. This library has books for all levels right from Nursery, Primary, secondary and beyond, and in all areas. With this initiative, other school have also established libraries, but the challenge now getting enough books for the Libraries.

  21. Community Education Workers CEWs is a new approach that is aimed at empowering the community and parents especially to participate more in the education of their children, they are volunteers and we have 40 of them (1 per zone).

  22. Conclusion MVP Education sector has achieved a lot in Mayange in as far as access to education is concerned and has a big challenge a head of ensuring that grades are improved. All this has been achieved through collaborations and partnerships with different stakeholders, like MINEDUC, UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, RENCP members and others…………..


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