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Global Partnership for Education: Rwanda Grant Application 2019-2023

Explore the proposed grant by Global Partnership for Education for Rwanda, focusing on key areas of support like teacher training, curriculum development, STEM enhancement, and school infrastructure. Learn about the GPE application process, backward-looking JRES 2018 review, and working towards achieving equity and inclusion in education. Dive into group discussions on ESSP strategic priorities and outcomes, including learners' literacy, teacher support, STEM, school readiness, and leadership. Join us in synergizing efforts to enhance education outcomes in Rwanda.

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Global Partnership for Education: Rwanda Grant Application 2019-2023

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  1. Murakaza neza! Welcome!RENCP General Assembly October 2018 RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  2. WORKING TOGETHER 2018 Towards ESSP Strategic Priorities RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  3. Let’s get to know each other! RENCP General Assembly October 2018


  5. Agenda • Global Partnership for Education Application • Backward Looking JRES 2018

  6. Global Partnership for Education The Global Partnership for Education supports 65+ developing countries to ensure that every child receives a quality basic education, prioritizing the poorest, most vulnerable and those living in countries affected by fragility and conflict.

  7. Global Partnership for EducationRwanda

  8. Global Partnership for EducationRwanda Proposed Grant:2019 – 2023 Allocation:USD30.8 million - USD21.56 million fixed tranche - USD9.24 million variable tranche Coordinating Agency: UNICEF Grant Agent: DFID

  9. Global Partnership for EducationRwanda Key areas of support: Component 1: Teacher training in curriculum delivery with emphasis on English teaching and teachers’ English proficiency and Inclusive Education (USD 3.1 million) Component 2: Curriculum - Development and procurement of teaching and learning materials, readers and materials for learners in pre-primary, and upper primary including for children with special educational needs (USD 7.06 million) Component 3: Enhancing STEM in pre-primary, primary and lower secondary (USD 5.04million) Component 4. School infrastructure in primary (USD 5.3Million)

  10. GPE Application Process • April – August 2018: Programme Design • August 2018: Endorsed by the ESWG • September 2018: Submission to GPE, with all supporting • documents; • October 2018: Quality Assurance Report and GPE Mission • 21 November 2018: Final Submission to the GPE • February 2019: GPE Board Meeting

  11. Backward-Looking JRES 2018 • Review progress against 2017/2018 objectives and targets; • Identification of key priorities for 2018/2019; • Updates from Quality Education Enhancement in Rwandan Schools;

  12. Backward-Looking JRES 2018


  14. What are we working towards? A brief overview of the ESSP3 DG Education Planning MINEDUC RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  15. Insert slides from MINEDUC RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  16. Working together to achieve Equity and Inclusion: ESSP Priority 7 RENCP Equity and Inclusion Working Group RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  17. First: Need to be well-informed about government plans and commitments See handout: ESSP Strategic Priority 7 on Equitable Opportunities and Government Commitments on Disability

  18. Second: Need to be well-informed about programmes and activities of RENCP Partners What do you know about what RENCP partners are doing in regard to equity and inclusion?

  19. How can we synergise to support greater achievement of equity and inclusion?

  20. What needs do you have to guide programmatic contribution to achieving equity and inclusion?

  21. What gaps are their in government plans and commitments which could inform RENCP advocacy on equity and inclusion?

  22. Working Together Towards ESSP Outcomes Group Discussions Facilitator: Ruth Mbabazi, Education Advisor VSO RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  23. Group 1 Learners achieving basic literacy and numeracy ESSP Outcome 1.1: All learners achieve basic levels of literacy and numeracy Facilitator: Jacques Sezikeye, Save the Children Note taker: Jane Mutoni, Soma Umenye RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  24. Group 2 Supporting teachers with the Competency Based Curriculum ESSP Outcome 2.1: All school teachers, TVET instructors and higher education lecturers have appropriate levels of skills and competencies to deliver the curriculum Facilitator: Emmanuel Murenzi, IEE Note taker: Janet Brown, Teach Rwanda RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  25. Group 3 Strengthening STEM and ICT ESSP Outcome 3.1: STEM strengthened across all levels of education ESSP Outcome 4.1: ICT strengthened across all levels of education Facilitator/ Note taker: Egidia Umutesi, World Vision RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  26. Group 4 School readiness for all children ESSP Outcome 5.1: All children complete school readiness programs Facilitator: Liliose Mukantagwera, Save the Children Note taker: Vedaste Byombi, Wellspring RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  27. Group 5 School Leadership ESSP Outcome 9.1: Improved leadership in schools, TVET and higher education institutions, as well as administration, management and support services. Facilitator: Jef Peeraer, VVOB Note taker: Rachel Mahuku, Wellspring RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  28. Group Discussions Group 1: Learners achieving basic literacy and numeracy Group 2: Supporting teachers with the CBC Group 3: Strengthening STEM and ICT Group 4: School readiness for all children Group 5: School Leadership RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  29. Working Together Towards ESSP Outcomes Feedback and Conclusions Facilitators: Ruth Mbabazi, VSO and Dr Emmanuel Sibomana, Wellspring

  30. Let’s get moving! RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  31. Advocacy: Is it time for a new collaborative RENCP study or position paper? Facilitator: Dr Emmanuel Sibomana, Wellspring RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  32. Previous RENCP publications RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  33. Living Well Together: some RENCP housekeeping RENCP Chair RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  34. Why does RENCP exist? • representation • information sharing • coordination….. ….within Rwanda’s Education Sector What are the requirements for membership? • officially registered with GoR • active participation in at least one of the RENCP Working Groups. RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  35. A picture of RENCP in 2018 Out of 91 member organisations: • 59 members are engaged in some way • 32 members have not attended an RENCP event so far in 2018 • 28 members attended only General Assemblies (no working group attendance) • 31are fully active (attend a working group) Out of 15 affiliated member organisations: • 6 are engaged in some way • 3 are fully active (attend a working group) RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  36. Well done to our active members! RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  37. A polite request for RENCP members • Provide up-to-date contact info • Update your profile on the RENCP website • Confirm your renewed RGB registration (or other status) • Take part in a Working Group – elections for co-chairs before end of 2018 • Attend General Assemblies • Share relevant studies and papers for the website RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  38. RENCP online platform for information sharing Please share your reports, studies, position papers with us, so we can share on the RENCP website RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  39. RENCP Working Groups 1 Community Involvement 2 Early Childhood Education 3 Equity and Inclusion 4 Girls Education 5 Teacher Development and Education Leadership Do we need another working group? How can the existing groups re-engage members? RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  40. We want to hear from you! Please take time to fill out the evaluation form. Please share: • Your feedback on this General Assembly • Your ideas for how we can help you to engage more • Your suggestions for a new working group (if needed) RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  41. Growing Together: applications for RENCP membership RENCP Co-Chair RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  42. New Member Applications RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  43. Electing RENCP Chair and Co-Chair for 2019 RENCP Co-Chair RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  44. Self-nominations for Chair One vote only per member organisation Please vote for just one organisation Organisation with the most votes = chair Organisation with the 2nd most votes = co-chair Votes will be counted by non-voting participants RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  45. Closing Remarks 2018 DG REB RENCP General Assembly October 2018

  46. Turabashimira kuba mwaje!Muryoherwe!Thanks for coming!Enjoy your lunch! RENCP General Assembly October 2018

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