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RENCP ECCD Working Group Updates Period : October 2013-January 2014 RENCP General Assembly 19 th February 2014. Presenter : Peter NZEYIMANA ECCD Programme Manager-Save the Children. UPDATE FROM RECENT ECCD WG EVENTS.
RENCP ECCD Working Group Updates Period: October 2013-January 2014 RENCP General Assembly 19th February 2014 Presenter: Peter NZEYIMANA ECCD Programme Manager-Save the Children
UPDATE FROM RECENT ECCD WG EVENTS • RENCP ECCD WG Learning Lab conducted on 17th February focusing on taking forward the development of an Advocacy Plan for the WG, process initiated during the Advocacy Workshop organized by Save the Children for RENCP members in Dec 2013. The advocacy objectives defined as a priority for the ECD WG are as follows: • By 2015, all District Authorities have integrated ECD services in their district performance contracts. • By 2017, 50% of ECD caregivers have skills and certification to provide ECD services according to REB qualification framework. • Follow-up progress on implementation of the recommendations of the ECD Stakeholders’ meeting held in April 2012 and at least the National ECD Secretariat is operational by end 2015. • Outcomes of the Learning Lab: • A core team of representatives from different member organizations was assigned the task to continue the finalization of the Advocacy Plan expected to be completed by mid-March 2014.
UPDATE FROM RECENT ECCD WG EVENTS (Cnt’d) • ECCD WG participated in the Advocacy Workshop organized by one RENCP member Organization (Save the Children) from 4th-6th December. The aim was to increase the capacity for more joint advocacy efforts within the platform. • As other Working Groups, the ECD WG took that opportunity to initiate the design of it’s Advocacy Plan. Representatives of RENCP member organizations who participated in the Advocacy Workshop. ECD WG members reflecting on key advocacy issues
UPDATE FROM OTHER ECCD RELATED NATIONAL LEVEL DEVELOPMENTS • Representatives of ECD WG members participated in REB’s National Curriculum Review Task Force meeting. This Task Force aims to support the curriculum revision planned for pre-primary, primary and secondary. This engagement is a key step towards ensuring that Early Literacy and Maths teaching methodologies in the pre-primary curriculum are enforced for better achievements in school readiness. • A National Curriculum Review Conference was also held on 25-26 November and attended by some ECD WG member organizations. • In October, some organizations members of the ECD WG who are implementing the home-based parenting work for children aged 0-3 met with the Permanent Secretary of MIGEPROF and a representative from the National Commission for Children (NCC). The primary purpose of this meeting was to seek more support for community mobilization work with parents that is not falling under MINEDUC responsibilities. MIGEPROF is very supportive and committed to promote the implementation of parenting education, particularly as it fits in well with MIGEPROF’s new Family Policy.
UPDATE FROM OTHER ECCD RELATED NATIONAL LEVEL DEVELOPMENTS (cnt’d) • In January 2014, a 1 day workshop was organized jointly by the MINALOC Social Protection Department and WORLD BANK to reflect on possible linkages between Social Protection Programmes and ECD. Some ECD WG members were invited to share experience on ECD models they are supporting (IMBUTO, Save the Children). As key outcomes: • Mapping of ECD services and Baseline Evaluation of ECD; • Costing of ECD+Social Protection options referring to existing models of ECD interventions, • Home-based models have been shown to be the most cost-effective models and there are experiences within Rwanda that will be learnt from; • Update the design of VUP to reflect linkages with ECD.