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Using PowerPoint. Julian Crowe jfec@st-andrews.ac.uk. The basic PowerPoint slide. a title and a series of bullet points with second level bullet points you can go to lower levels but it is best not to overcomplicate things keep the layout simple not too many points per slide
Using PowerPoint Julian Crowejfec@st-andrews.ac.uk
The basic PowerPoint slide • a title • and a series of bullet points • with second level bullet points • you can go to lower levels but it is best not to overcomplicate things • keep the layout simple • not too many points per slide • don’t reduce the font size to cram in more points
Transition and Animation • Transition – how you move from one slide to another • in the Slideshow menu • Animation • Build the slide point by point • Choose Custom animation from the Slideshow menu • Don’t use animation just because its there, but only where it helps • Can also animate picture and text-box objects
Animation of text boxes cat le chat A little onward lend thy guiding hand 255 102 x 2.5 =
Using pictures • Creating your own images • Save the highest quality image you can • Save it in other formats – lower quality means small files • Choose the right quality for your purpose • Low quality for inclusion in presentation • Copy and paste from other sources • eg from the web • Insert picture from file • If it’s a large file insert a link rather than embedding the image
Scanned to a TIFFabout 6.5 MB • Copied and pasted into PowerPoint • Compressed to 50KB
Next two slides both are from a JPEG – first is compressed, the second not compressed. No visible deterioration on screen. Right-click on the pictureand choose Format Pictureand click the Compressbutton.
Next slide has a linked file. If the file isnot where PowerPoint expects to find it, the linked object will not be displayed.
Excel chart – pasted onto the slide using Paste Special and using the Paste link option You can change the Excel data, and then on your slide right-click on the chart and choose Update link from the pop-up menu.
Planning a presentation • How many slides will you use? • Decide the main sections of your talk • How many slides for each section? • Some sections might not lend themselves to slides • Decide what points you want to make on each slide • If there are more than five or six points, you need to break it into two slides
Where will you insert your images? • Not all text has to be in bullet points • PowerPoint can help you plan • but don’t let it dictate to you • Starting from a written paper? • Use your main headings as slide titles • and your sub-headings as bullet points • Can import your Word outline into PowerPoint • must have used heading styles in the Word document • Create handouts based on your slides • Use the Print what selection in the Print dialog-box • How will your images look when on a small print-out?
Further information • IT Services training material on PowerPoint and Graphics www.st-andrews.ac.uk/its/training/training_materials • Article in Staff Newsletter on pros and cons of PowerPoint www.st-andrews.ac.uk/staff/newsletter/e-version/0405.pdf • PowerPoint – shot with its own bullets http://www.norvig.com/lancet.html http://www.norvig.com/Gettysburg/