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6.6 (most often as word problems)

6.6 (most often as word problems). multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers; and (cannot use calculator) b) estimate solutions and then solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions (can use calculator).

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6.6 (most often as word problems)

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  1. 6.6(most often as word problems) multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers; and (cannot use calculator) b) estimate solutions and then solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions (can use calculator)

  2. Info: Key Words Operation Question: Solve: (show your work) Final Answer:

  3. Pg. NO Calculator Improper Fractions the numerator part greater or equal to the denominator ex-17/2 or 5/5 How to make an improper to a mixed: DIVIDE the numerator by the denominator. Whole number is quotient, remainder is new numerator and denominator stays the same. Practice- 1. 5/2 2. 14/8 3. 4/4 Mixed Fractions a whole number plus a fraction ex-2 ½ or 1 ¼  .       How to make a mixed an improper: Multiply the whole number by the denominator, then add on the numerator. This is your new numerator. The denominator stays the same! Practice- 1. 2 ¼ 2. 5 ¾ 3. 4 1/5 Remember to simplify whenever possible! SOL 6.6a (see 6.4 fpr vocabulary) pg Key Words for Word Problems- Subtraction- a-b Difference, fewer, more, left, less, minus, need to, remains, subtract, words ending “er” (comparing words) Addition- a + b add, altogether, both, in all, sum, total Multiplication- a(b ) a x b a•b a*b OF, every, at this rate, times, multiplied by Division- a/b a÷ba b per, split, divide, out of, each, ratio of

  4. Adding Fractions pg (no regrouping) Make equivalent fractions and then add 2/3 = 8 /12 + 3/4 = 9 /12 17/12 = 1 5/12 Mixed - Make equivalents and add 3 ½ = 2 /4 + 2 ¼ = 1 /4 53/4 Pg Practice 4/9 + 1/3 3¼ + 2 ½ 7/12 + 1/6

  5. Subtracting Fractions pg • Find the least common denominator (LCM) and make equivalent fractions • 2/3 = 8 /12 • - 1/4 = 3 /12 • 5/12 • Mixed-Make equivalents and subtract • 4 ¾ = ¾ • 2 ½= 2/4 • 2 1/4 Pg Practice 5/8 – 5/12= 2 7/8- 5/6= 10 – 4 ¾ =

  6. Pg. ¾  +  1/3 = 2 3 /5  +  1/2  = 5 7/9  +   3 1/2  =   6 – 5/7=    1/8 + 1/6= 15 ½ - 3 2/3= 12- 8 ½= ¾ + 1 ½ + 2 1/6 = Addition and Subtraction pg Regrouping Make equivalents and regroup 4 ½ = 2 /4 + 4/4 = 6/4 -2 ¾ = 3 /4 1 ¾ 4 ½ = 2 /4 + 2 ¾ = 3 /4 5/4= 1¼ 71/4

  7. pg Multiplying and Dividing Fractions 6.6 Multiplying * Any mixed or whole number must be made improper before multiplying 1. Multiply the numerator 2. Multiply the denominators Ex- ¾ x ½= 3/8 Ex- 2 ½ x 1 ¾ =5/2 x 7/4=35/8= 4 3/8 Ex- 3 x 5/6 = 3/1 x 5/6= 15/6 = 2 3/6= 2 ½ Ex- ½ OF 8=½ x 8= ½ x 8/1= 8/2= 4 Dividing Flip (reciprocal) the second fraction and change the sign to multiplication. Follow the steps for multiplication Ex ¾ ÷ ½= ¾ x 2/1=5/4= 1 ¼ Ex 2 ¼ ÷ 5= 9/2÷5/1= 9/2 x 1/5= 9/10 Pg Practice 3/8 x 2/3= 1/3 x 5/6= 4/5 x 2/9= 9 1/3 x 2 2/3= 20 x 1 ½= 2/5 of 60= 18 ÷ 2 ½= 4 1/9 ÷ 6 2/3 ¾ ÷ 2=

  8. Practice Estimate and add the fractions 5 4/7 3 ½ + 4 1/3 _____________ ½ 1 2/3 ¾ 2 2/5 + 1/3 ______________ Estimating fractions pg Round to the nearest whole number. If halfway mark, round up. 2 ¼ is closer to 2 than 3. 3 ¾ is closer to 4 than 3 Drawing pictures can help- 3 3/5 3 4 The bar is closer to 4 than 3 3 3/5 3 4 The number line is closer to 4 than 3

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