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Learning Disabilities - Definition

Learning Disabilities - Definition. Learning Disabilities. SLD means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to:. Learning Disabilities. Listen think

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Learning Disabilities - Definition

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  1. Learning Disabilities - Definition

  2. Learning Disabilities • SLD means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to:

  3. Learning Disabilities • Listen • think • speak • read • write • spell • do mathematical calculations

  4. Includes • Perceptual handicaps • brain injury • minimal brain dysfunction • dyslexia • developmental aphasia

  5. Does Not Include • Learning problems which are the result of a visual, hearing, or motor impairment, of a cognitive or emotional impairment, autism, or of environmental, cultural or economic disadvantage.

  6. Discrepancy Factor • MET finds a discrepancy between ability and achievement in one or more of the following areas: • Oral expression • Listening comprehension • Written expression • Basic reading skills

  7. Discrepancy Factor • Mathematics calculation • Mathematics reasoning.

  8. MET includes • Child’s regular teacher • School psychologist, speech and language impaired or TC • At least 1 IEPT member, other than the student’s gen. ed. Teacher, shall observe the student in the gen. ed. Setting.

  9. Unique Needs • Ineffective or inefficient use of learning strategies • Poor self-esteem and ineffective social behavior

  10. Unique Needs • Inefficient task completion ability

  11. Unique Needs • Inefficient task completion ability They are having too much fun!

  12. Unique Needs • Inconsistent or poor basic academic skill performance Such concentration!

  13. Unique Needs • Inconsistent or poor basic academic skill performance

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