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Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity – Protists Diversity. For Lecture, Make sure you know the names and characteristics of the taxa at the levels indicated by the red arrows. Water Molds ( Oomycota ). Nucleus (Eukaryotic) Membrane-bound organelles Ribosomes (80s)
For Lecture, Make sure you know the names and characteristics of the taxa at the levels indicated by the red arrows. Water Molds (Oomycota)
Nucleus (Eukaryotic) Membrane-bound organelles Ribosomes (80s) Unicellular, Colonial, and Multicellular types Four Supergroups: Excavata SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolata, Rhizaria) Archaeplastida(includes land plants) Unikonta(includes animals and fungi) Characteristics
Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Diplomonads ex. Giardia “excavated” groove on one side of the body (lack plastids, lack DNA in mitochondria, two _______ nuclei, flagella, simple cytoskeleton) haploid
Supergroup: ExcavataClade: Parabaslids • ex. Trichimonas • (Causes Trichomoniasis) • “excavated” groove on one side of the body • (lack plastids, lack DNA in mitochondria, _____________________) Undulating Membrane
Supergroup: Excavata Clade: Euglenozoa “excavated” groove on one side of the body • Move by flagella with spiral or crystalline rod • 2 Groups: • Euglenids • Kinetoplastids
Supergroup: Excavata Clade: EuglenozoaGroup: Euglenids ex. Euglena (anterior pocket with flagella)
Supergroup: Excavata Clade: EuglenozoaGroup: Kinetoplastids ex. ___________ (single large mitochondria with kinetoplast - organized mass of DNA) Trypanosoma
Supergroup: SARClade: Alveolata • Supergroup Char: DNA • Clade characteristics: Contain Alveoli (membrane-bounded sacs) beneath their cell surface • 3 Groups: • Dinoflagellates • Apicomplexans • Ciliates
Supergroup: SARClade: Alveolata Group: _____________ (2 flagella located within a groove, xanthophyll) Dinoflagellates
Supergroup: SARClade: Alveolata group: Apicomplexans ex. __________ (parasitic, apical structure) Plasmodium
Supergroup: SARClade: AlveolataGroup: Ciliates (have Cilia used for movement)
Supergroup: SARClade: _____________ Stramenopiles • Supergroup Char: DNA • Clade characteristics: Have hair-like projections on flagella • Four Groups: • Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) • Golden Algae (Chrysophyta) • Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) • Water Mold (Oomycetes)
Supergroup: SARClade: StramenopilesGroups: Diatoms Overlapping silica test pigments: carotene, xanthophyll, -Diatomaceous earth, -Filters -Fertilizing the oceans
Supergroup: SARClade: StramenopilesGroups: Golden Algae (Chrysophyta) cell wall: ________ pigments: carotene, xanthophyll Silica
Supergroup: SARClade: StramenopilesGroups: Brown Algae cell wall: cellulose, algin Alternation of generations
Supergroup: SARClade: StramenopilesGroups: Water Molds (Oomycota) pigments:none cell wall: cellulose, coenocytic (aseptate) hyphae Irish Potato Famine, French Wine Crisis (1800’s)
SAR (Rhizaria) • Thin pseudopodia Used for movement and feeding • Groups: • Cercozoans • Foraminiferans • Radiolarians
Supergroup: SARGroup: Cercozoans Plastids surrounded by four membranes (secondary endosymbiosis). 2 from cyanobacterium 3rd from alga’s plasma membrane 4th from heterotrophic food vacuole.
Supergroup: RhizariaGroup: Foraminiferans (Forams) • porous shells – made of ____________ Calcium Carbonate
Supergroup: RhizariaGroup: Radiolarians Actinopods (fused plates – silica with axopodia)
Ancient protists that engulfed a cyanobacterium Three Groups: Red Algae (Rodophyta) Green Algae (Chlorophyta) Land Plants Supergroup: Archaeplastida
Supergroup: ArchaeplastidaGroup: Rhodophyta (Red) • Red Algae • Phycoerythrin
Supergroup: ArchaeplastidaGroup: Chlorophyta(& Charophytes) Green Algae Have Chloroplasts similar to plants
Supergroup: Unikonta • Very Diverse Group • Molecular Systematics links groups (but highly debatable) • Two Clades: • Amoebozoans • Opisthokonts
Supergroup: UnikontaClade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas • Many With Lobe or tube shaped _____________ Pseudopodia
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: AmoebozoansGroup:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas • Produce fruiting body that aids in spore dispersal • Plasmoidial – NOT ________________ • From a plasmodium (feeding stage) single mass of cytoplasm with many nuclei • diploid Multicellular
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: AmoebozoansGroup:Slime Molds Group:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas • Produce fruiting body that aids in spore dispersal • ___________ • (feed like individual amoebas) • aggregate to breed or during stress Haploid Organisms Cellular
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime MoldsGroup:Gymnamoebas Group:Entamoebas Most are Free-living Amoebas
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Amoebozoans Group:Slime Molds Group:GymnamoebasGroup:Entamoebas Most are parastic amoebas Entamoeba histolytica 3rd eukaryotic after Malaria and Schistosomiasis
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: Opisthokonts Group:Nucleariids Group:Choanoflagellates Very Diverse Group: Nuceariids = most closely related to Fungi Choanoflagellates = most closely related to animals
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: OpisthokontsGroup:Nucleariids • Amoebas that feed on algae and bacteria
Supergroup: Unikonta Clade: OpisthokontsGroup:Choanoflagellates • Similar in morphology and DNA to animals