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Frontline Early Reading Curriculum Samples. Highlights of Curriculum: Music-Enhanced Curriculum.
Highlights of Curriculum: Music-Enhanced Curriculum Music is the most important part of this curriculum. There is a special Alphabet Song that teaches all the letter names and sounds. Also a separate song for every letter -- two for vowels -- plus songs for other key phonics rules. Call me at 888-664-5343 to review the music.
Highlights of Curriculum: Music-Enhanced Curriculum • “The more they listen to the music, the more they like it. I was afraid they would get tired of it.” -- Kari Arlint, kindergarten teacher, Kelso, Wash. • “I love the program. The kids really get into it. At first I thought, ‘The boys aren’t going to get into this.’ But they really do enjoy it.” -- Teresa Wilkins, kindergarten teacher, Nampa, Idaho
Highlights of Curriculum: Most Children Start Reading in Month 1 Children know letter names and sounds about as quickly as they can learn the Alphabet Song. Many children start reading simplest books in Frontline curriculum during Month 1,after they have mastered just 5 letters!
Highlights of Curriculum: Children Learn Letter Names & Sounds Quickly • “Most of thechildren knew all the letters and sounds by Nov. 5 -- much quicker than ever before.” -- Debbie Clayton, Kennewick, Wash., ESL kindergarten teacher
Highlights of Curriculum: Fast-Paced Approach • “It gets them through so quickly. When I first saw that they had two letters a week, I didn’t think they could do it” but early success with prebooks really gets them going. -- Trish Fairbairn, Selkirk kindergarten teacher
Highlights of Curriculum: Reading Fluency • “I’ve never had this many kindergartners reading at this point of the year [January], so that’s exciting.” Almost every student had already read 10-30 books by mid-year. -- Teresa Wilkins, kindergarten teacher, Nampa, Idaho
Highlights of Curriculum: Lesson Book Table of Contents Following are the Table of Contents for Lesson Books 1 and 2, along with teacher instructions. Kindergartners can complete both sets of lessons. Pre-kindergartners, ESL students, etc., might only complete Lesson Book 1.
Highlights of Curriculum: Sample Lesson Plans Following are Sample Lesson Plans from Lesson Books 1 and 2. Most classes can complete 2 of these 15-minute lessons per week, with key elements -- the letter sounds, the songs, the nursery rhyme-type stories, etc. -- repeated several times over a 2- to 3-day period.
[Sing Alphabet Song daily] Morty Munching Mouse loves to munch. Munch, munch, munch (mmmm --- rub tummy). Morty Munching Mouse munches macaroni. Munch, munch, munch (mmmm). Morty Munching Mouse munches muffins. Munch, munch, munch (mmmm). Morty Munching Mouse munches mushrooms. Munch, munch, munch (mmmm). But most of all, Morty Munching Mouse loves to munch on M&Ms -- mmmm mmmm. Munch, munch, munch. He might just munch on YOU! (pretend…) [Sing “M” Song daily, do worksheet, etc.] Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson1
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson1Visual Aide
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson1SampleWorksheet(1 of several) Which object does NOT start with the ‘M’ sound?
[Sing Alphabet Song daily] [Teach letter of the day, then tell story] Andrew Alligator was sleeping. He felt so snuggly and warm in his blanket. Mother came to give him a bath. She took off his blanket, and all at once Andrew Alligator was so cold, all he could do was cry, “aaaa -- aaaa.” “A” says “aaaa.” Can you sound like Andrew Alligator. [Sing “A” Song] [Do worksheet] [Sing “A” Song again] Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson2
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson2VisualAide
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson2SampleWorksheet(1 of several) Which object does NOT start with the ‘A’ sound?
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson3VisualAide
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson3SampleWorksheet(1 of several) Which object does NOT start with the ‘P’ sound?
Highlights of Curriculum: Early SuccessBlending taught as Children can handle after Lesson 6. Key elements practiced with every lesson thereafter.
I have a little motor in my mouth.When I turn it on it will say a sound:‘mmmmm.’ If I leave my motor running, it will make the sound last longer: ‘mmmmmmmm.’ Then I can put it with other sounds. Listen. What does this letter say? ‘aaaa’ What does this letter say? ‘mmmm’ Now listen as I make my mouth motorstay on: ‘aaaaammmmm.’ Let’s do it again! ‘aaaammm’ Now faster! ‘aaamm.’ Listen for the word! ‘am’ Great! Let’s do another word! [‘mmmaaatttt’] Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Blending as Quickly as Children Can Handle After Lesson 6
Highlights of Curriculum: Letter Blending • “I’m just really pleased. This program gives them a ton of skills. They don’t have the problem they’ve had in the past with blends. It’s really been amazing this year.” -- Kim Remsberg, Entiat Elementary School
Highlights of Curriculum: Children should Read at own Pace As children learn to blend, you can break them into small groups or work with them individually to allow them to progress through reading books at own pace. Reading books are NOT correlated with the lessons. All children can continue Letter Lessons together as a group.
Highlights of Curriculum: First of Three Prebooks Before the children begin reading books with full sentences, they first read 3 ‘prebooks’ to get over the psychological barriers of reading a book. Following is the first and second of 3 ‘prebooks’ children read before starting the first of 50 books in the curriculum.
Highlights of Curriculum: Fast-PacedPrebook 1Kids startwith this book inWeek 3 or 4
Highlights of Curriculum: Fast-PacedPrebook 3Kids start with this book in Week 4 or 5
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson34, First of theLong Vowels
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson34, First of theLong Vowels
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson40,2-VowelRule
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success Lesson40,2-VowelRule
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReading Success LessonBook 2,Lesson 1--Lesson 42overall
Highlights of Curriculum: Regular Reading Books Following is a sampling of the 50 readers children master with this curriculum. Included on the following pages are Books 1, 5, 20, 25, 30, 31, 39, 45 & 50. All 50 books are illustrated, but to reduce website space, some are reduced in size and illustrations are not shown here for Books 31, 39, 45 and 50.
Highlights of Curriculum: EarlyReadingSuccessBook 1Kids start readingregularbooks duringMonth 2