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Qu' est ce que l'Enn

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    1. l ‘énnéagramme DECODER 9 TYPES DE PERSONNALITE APERCU DES TYPOLOGIES gabrielle LESMARIE. Coach Copyright 2006

    2. Qu’ est ce que l’Ennéagramme ? Un Ennéagramme est une étoile a neuf pointes (ennéa signifie neuf en grec et gram signifie figure ) L’ennéagramme est un systeme de typologie qui plonge ses racines loin dans le temps, et qui distingue 9 types de personnalité. C est un modèle de compréhension des fonctionnements humains qui propose des pistes pour dépasser ses difficultés dans tous les domaines de la vie personnelle, de couple, familiale, professionnelle.

    3. Histoire de l’Ennéagramme Son origine pourrait remonter à des milliers d’années,on retrouve sa figure géométrique chez les soufis ( ascètes de l’islam ) Georges Gurdjieff a utilisé ce modèle de développement en europe dans les années 1920 pour aider les personnes à se developper. Oscar Ichazo est le premier a enseigner l’énnéagramme dans les années 1960. Dans les années 1970, le modèle se répand aux USA et sera repris plus tard par Helen Palmer.

    4. L Ennéagramme, pourquoi ? Les domaines d’application sont nombreux. La connaissance de soi et des autres qui suis-je ? qui sont les autres ? au delà de l’image que nous donnons ). Un des plus performants outils de communication, applicable pour soi au quotidien au niveau social, professionnel et privé. Quelques exemples d’application : La compréhension de soi-même. Grandir en compréhension nous rend apte à reconnaître et à détruire ce qui gêne dans le travail et la relation à autrui.. Orientation professionnelle. Bilan de compétence. Base du Coaching personnel et professionnel. Management d’équipe. Médiation, négociation… Outil indispensable pour ceux qui occupent une fonction de communication : Enseignement, professionnels de la relation d’aide, management, conseil, commerciaux, chefs d’équipes, relation humaines, professionnel de la santé… Et dans notre quotidien professionnel, social ou privé. Communiquer et travailler avec autrui. Acquérir une intuition plus profonde sur soi et les autres renforce l’aptitude à travailler plus efficacement avec les êtres que vous aimez, avec vos associés, avec vos amis.

    5. Les neuf types de personnalité

    6. Type 1 : le perfectionniste Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : l’exigence de perfection Critique Suffisant Inflexible Tyrannique Jaloux Procrastine Obsessionnel Dogmatique Rigide Tourmenté Le 1 a son plus bas niveau Fiable Digne de confiance Honnête Travailleur Juste Discipliné Scrupuleux Intègre Idéaliste Le 1 a son meilleur niveau Point 1 is the perfectionist. A person of this type is always looking for perfection in his/herself and others. They desire things to be just right, and in insisting upon perfection they make excellent managers and project leaders. When things don't go their way, they tend to react by feeling resentment towards others. Their primary passion is anger, and their chief feature is the continual striving for their idea of how things should be. Criticality, for and from others Self criticism strong, top dog Judges against standards of right and wrong using own standards, not others Correct, responsible Comparisons, self to others Good boy, good girl Procrastinates to be right Trap door Independence Virtue is its own reward Anger for a righteous cause Point 1 is the perfectionist. A person of this type is always looking for perfection in his/herself and others. They desire things to be just right, and in insisting upon perfection they make excellent managers and project leaders. When things don't go their way, they tend to react by feeling resentment towards others. Their primary passion is anger, and their chief feature is the continual striving for their idea of how things should be. Criticality, for and from others Self criticism strong, top dog Judges against standards of right and wrong using own standards, not others Correct, responsible Comparisons, self to others Good boy, good girl Procrastinates to be right Trap door Independence Virtue is its own reward Anger for a righteous cause

    7. Type 2 : l’altruiste Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : la liberté Sympathique Chaleureux Secourable Pertinent Généreux Intuitif Souple Aimant Loyal Désintéressé Enthousiaste Le 2 a son meilleur niveau Manipulateur Etouffant Possessif Généreux pour obtenir Indirect Hystérique Supérieur/Distant Séducteur Susceptible Le 2 a son plus bas niveau Point 2 is the giver. A person of this type is looking for love and approval by helping others with the hidden agenda that they will be recognized for all the good they are doing and responded with the love that they crave. Evolved twos can be genuine care takers without regards to their own needs. They take pride in all that they do for people, which is their primary passion. The chief feature of the two is the desire to win love and approval by making themselves indispensable to others. People and relationships Others needs before own Merges selectively Alters to please Pride, I can meet your needs Changes to be loved Helps others for affection Different with different friends Difficulty with receiving gifts Could sell out for approval Moves towards other people Attention is on the other Freedom, one person isn't enough Point 2 is the giver. A person of this type is looking for love and approval by helping others with the hidden agenda that they will be recognized for all the good they are doing and responded with the love that they crave. Evolved twos can be genuine care takers without regards to their own needs. They take pride in all that they do for people, which is their primary passion. The chief feature of the two is the desire to win love and approval by making themselves indispensable to others. People and relationships Others needs before own Merges selectively Alters to please Pride, I can meet your needs Changes to be loved Helps others for affection Different with different friends Difficulty with receiving gifts Could sell out for approval Moves towards other people Attention is on the other Freedom, one person isn't enough

    8. Type 3: Le battant Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : l’espérance Enthousiaste Adapatable Généreux Décidé Authentique Pratique Optimiste Confiant Industrieux Motivé Le 3 a son meilleur niveau Vaniteux Narcissique Arriviste Malhonnête Prétentieux Impitoyable Impatient Superficiel Emotif Incontournable Avide Le 3 a son plus bas niveau Point 3 is the performer. A person of this type is result-oriented and pushes him/herself to accomplish tasks and reap the benefits of the good life. Threes are good chameleons, which works both ways to cause them to deceive themselves and others. They make good leaders and accomplish a lot for the benefit of their image. Their primary passion is (self-)deception, and their chief feature is making things happen that make them look good. Achievement Task Polyphasic thinking Image from task well done Leisure time is task oriented Winning Image can be real or fantasy Supermom Will step on others for the task Appearances important Vanity and deceit with feelings Living for the eyes of others Point 3 is the performer. A person of this type is result-oriented and pushes him/herself to accomplish tasks and reap the benefits of the good life. Threes are good chameleons, which works both ways to cause them to deceive themselves and others. They make good leaders and accomplish a lot for the benefit of their image. Their primary passion is (self-)deception, and their chief feature is making things happen that make them look good. Achievement Task Polyphasic thinking Image from task well done Leisure time is task oriented Winning Image can be real or fantasy Supermom Will step on others for the task Appearances important Vanity and deceit with feelings Living for the eyes of others

    9. Type 4 :L’artiste Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : le mysticisme Artiste Compréhensif Créatif Extraverti Chaleureux Secourable Obligeant Compatissant Intuitif Eloquent Le 4 a son meilleur niveau Théâtral Egocentrique Lunatique Déprimé Tourmenté Intraitable Solitaire Moralisateur Honteux Asocial Le 4 a son plus bas niveau Point 4 is the romantic. A person of this type is primarily concerned with the intensity of life, especially in relationships. They consider themselves to be very special and are attracted to the sensual and artistic. They can be very supportive in helping friends through painful situations. The primary passion for a four is an attraction to melancholy and the chief feature of a four is his or her preoccupation with longing for things to be other than they are. Feeling of loss Depression, melancholy Envy, others have it Longing Intensity of feelings Attraction to melancholy Good around others when others depressed Deep emotionality Authenticity Either depressed or active Often fashion oriented Feeling of being special Point 4 is the romantic. A person of this type is primarily concerned with the intensity of life, especially in relationships. They consider themselves to be very special and are attracted to the sensual and artistic. They can be very supportive in helping friends through painful situations. The primary passion for a four is an attraction to melancholy and the chief feature of a four is his or her preoccupation with longing for things to be other than they are. Feeling of loss Depression, melancholy Envy, others have it Longing Intensity of feelings Attraction to melancholy Good around others when others depressed Deep emotionality Authenticity Either depressed or active Often fashion oriented Feeling of being special

    10. Type 5: L’observateur Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : l’omniscience Sensible Avisé Objectif Très intègre Grande maîtrise Perspicace Réfléchi Calme en période de crise Loyal Le 5 a son meilleur niveau Arrogant Mesquin Emotif Peu disponible Critique Négatif Obstiné Reclus Indifférent Le 5 a son plus bas niveau Point 5 is the observer. A person of this type is concerned with privacy and time alone. Indeed, fives tend to observe their experiences and then retreat into the safety their own space and analyze what they feel. As a result of this preoccupation, they can be fairly talented at envisioning the "big picture" and running major organizations from the back room. Their primary passion is avarice in terms of their time and possessions, and their chief feature is withdrawal from experience. Strong privacy needs Reduction of needs Feels other people are intrusive Hates small talk, cocktail parties Secret life Compartmentalization Magical thinking, ward off Prepare for what you do Greedy about knowledge, self Thoughts are precious Sense of being invisible Scans for intrusions Feels feelings when alone Detaches, detachment Precise words, language Often calm when others are not Fear of feeling, relationships Point 5 is the observer. A person of this type is concerned with privacy and time alone. Indeed, fives tend to observe their experiences and then retreat into the safety their own space and analyze what they feel. As a result of this preoccupation, they can be fairly talented at envisioning the "big picture" and running major organizations from the back room. Their primary passion is avarice in terms of their time and possessions, and their chief feature is withdrawal from experience. Strong privacy needs Reduction of needs Feels other people are intrusive Hates small talk, cocktail parties Secret life Compartmentalization Magical thinking, ward off Prepare for what you do Greedy about knowledge, self Thoughts are precious Sense of being invisible Scans for intrusions Feels feelings when alone Detaches, detachment Precise words, language Often calm when others are not Fear of feeling, relationships

    11. Type 6: Le loyal Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : la confiance Compatissant Chaleureux Scrupuleux Fiable Travailleur Pratique Donneur de soins Spirituel Aimable Loyal Le 6 a son meilleur niveau Paranoîaque Tyrannique Defensif Irritable Critique Rigide Sarcastique Rebelle Inquiet Le 6 a son plus bas niveau Point 6 is the trooper. A person of this type is dynamically involved in many activities, all of which require proper reassurance from those around them. Troopers can be very loyal to the causes they support, so long as their self-doubt and trust issue are handled properly. Their primary passion is fear of everything, for which they keep a constant vigilance. The chief feature of a trooper is doubt that causes them to question everything in their lives over and over again. Doubt and fear Authority issues Scanning for danger Harm and danger Checking people out, bullshit detectors Procrastinate because afraid, paralysis How do you do with success -doubt Projection Underdog causes Phobic and counterphobic Loyalty, duty, self-sacrifice May find trustworthy protector Looking to future, sees the worst Point 6 is the trooper. A person of this type is dynamically involved in many activities, all of which require proper reassurance from those around them. Troopers can be very loyal to the causes they support, so long as their self-doubt and trust issue are handled properly. Their primary passion is fear of everything, for which they keep a constant vigilance. The chief feature of a trooper is doubt that causes them to question everything in their lives over and over again. Doubt and fear Authority issues Scanning for danger Harm and danger Checking people out, bullshit detectors Procrastinate because afraid, paralysis How do you do with success -doubt Projection Underdog causes Phobic and counterphobic Loyalty, duty, self-sacrifice May find trustworthy protector Looking to future, sees the worst

    12. Type 7: l’épicurien Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : la sobriété Optimiste Enthousiaste Curieux Entreprenant Imaginatif Spontané Productif Ami du plaisir Charmant Confiant Le 7 a son meilleur niveau Rebelle Narcissique Dispersé Indécis Indiscipliné Impulsif Autodestructeur Survolte Bavard Insensible Le 7 a son plus bas niveau Point 7 is the epicure. A person of this type is constantly on the lookout for fun and pleasure, and is always searching out positive possible alternatives. They like the good thing in live and strive to stay optimistic. Bad results are often reframed into positive outcomes. Their primary passion is gluttony for the good life. Their chief feature is avoiding pain at all costs with lots of pleasant activities. Multiple options Reframing Fascination Process Lots of projects Experience verses success Happy, optimistic Overbooked Life is an adventure World goal Superior/inferior Rationalization Escape pain Point 7 is the epicure. A person of this type is constantly on the lookout for fun and pleasure, and is always searching out positive possible alternatives. They like the good thing in live and strive to stay optimistic. Bad results are often reframed into positive outcomes. Their primary passion is gluttony for the good life. Their chief feature is avoiding pain at all costs with lots of pleasant activities. Multiple options Reframing Fascination Process Lots of projects Experience verses success Happy, optimistic Overbooked Life is an adventure World goal Superior/inferior Rationalization Escape pain

    13. Type 8: le chef Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : le goût de la vérité Protecteur Loyal Energique Autoritaire Honnête Juste Persistant Direct Fonceur Confiant Le 8 a son meilleur niveau Grandiloquent Tyrannique Agressif Insensible Rebelle Contestataire Egocentrique Dominateur Sceptique Querelleur Impitoyable Le 8 a son plus bas niveau Point 8 is the boss. People of this type are dominated by the desire to control and be in charge. They tend to over-do everything in their lives, and as a result, the can often push peoples buttons. They like excess and all areas of life wealth, power, sex, food, drugs, and the like. On the positive side, the make excellent leaders and foster trust in other people to follow them. Their primary passion is lust for all things in life, not just sex! Their chief feature of the eight is its need to dominate and control situations. Control issues, I am in control I am competent Anger, do you get pissed easily Getting back, vengeance Confrontation, wants others to oppose If he's angry, I can trust Go for power and source of power Truth important, not agreement Fighting the battles of others It's hostile out there Breaking rules Lust, capacity to take in a lot Excess Point 8 is the boss. People of this type are dominated by the desire to control and be in charge. They tend to over-do everything in their lives, and as a result, the can often push peoples buttons. They like excess and all areas of life wealth, power, sex, food, drugs, and the like. On the positive side, the make excellent leaders and foster trust in other people to follow them. Their primary passion is lust for all things in life, not just sex! Their chief feature of the eight is its need to dominate and control situations. Control issues, I am in control I am competent Anger, do you get pissed easily Getting back, vengeance Confrontation, wants others to oppose If he's angry, I can trust Go for power and source of power Truth important, not agreement Fighting the battles of others It's hostile out there Breaking rules Lust, capacity to take in a lot Excess

    14. Type 9 : Le médiateur Qualité d’esprit la plus élevée : l’aptitude à aimer Médiateur Remarquable Apaisant Tolérant Patient Pacifique Receptif Compréhensif Généreux Doux Agréable Le 9 a son meilleur niveau Obstiné Obsessionnel Passif / Agressif Desordonné Desengagé Etourdi Apathique Medisant Oublieux Accomodant Le 9 a son plus bas niveau Point 9 is the mediator. A person of this type can see all points of view but doesn't have one of his/her own. As a result, a nine will spend a lot of time doing meaningless tasks are spread out watching TV until all hours of the day or night. Indolence is their primary passion, which makes them indecisive and unwatchful of their own needs. Their chief feature is their self-forgetting nature. Merges with the wishes of others, indiscriminate Others opinions are more important than his own Energy often comes from others Can see all sides of issue Control by passive means Stays on track Anger reflected by stubbornness, containment of anger Can say no Likes structure, peace and tranquility, not decisions Essential/inessential Accumulation/inertia Motivation for merger, Passive/Active What if someone tells you to do something for your own good Co-processing mind Point 9 is the mediator. A person of this type can see all points of view but doesn't have one of his/her own. As a result, a nine will spend a lot of time doing meaningless tasks are spread out watching TV until all hours of the day or night. Indolence is their primary passion, which makes them indecisive and unwatchful of their own needs. Their chief feature is their self-forgetting nature. Merges with the wishes of others, indiscriminate Others opinions are more important than his own Energy often comes from others Can see all sides of issue Control by passive means Stays on track Anger reflected by stubbornness, containment of anger Can say no Likes structure, peace and tranquility, not decisions Essential/inessential Accumulation/inertia Motivation for merger, Passive/Active What if someone tells you to do something for your own good Co-processing mind

    15. Une personnalite peut etre Intégrée ou désintégrée Nous avons tous constaté des moments de notre existence où nous avons l'impression que notre comportement est profondément différent de ce qu'il est d'habitude : par exemple, des moments de violente colère, de ces moments dont on dit après "Mes propos ont dépassé ma pensée." ou bien "Je ne sais pas ce que j'avais, je n'étais pas moi-même." ; ou bien par exemple des moments où on est amoureux et où on a l'impression que tout nous est possible. L'intégration se produit quand un type se sent en sécurité et se libère de sa compulsion. Dans un premier temps, la personne manifeste les aspects les plus positifs de son type. Ensuite, elle y ajoute les qualités du type atteint en suivant les flèches de l'Ennéagramme ; ce type est dit type d'intégration. Le mouvement d'intégration peut lui aussi être bref ou au contraire installé de façon plus durable et marquer alors une amélioration majeure de la personne La désintégration est le mécanisme par lequel, sous l'effet d'un stress négatif, un type est de plus en plus sous l'emprise de sa compulsion. Dans un premier temps, la personne manifeste les aspects les plus négatifs de son type. Ensuite, elle y ajoute les défauts du type atteint en suivant les flèches de l'Ennéagramme ; ce type est dit type de désintégration :

    16. La direction de la sécurite ( intégration )

    17. La direction du stress ( désintegation ) Divide 7 by 1: .142857 etc. Assists in identifying your type If you know your type, assists in self-understanding Divide 7 by 1: .142857 etc. Assists in identifying your type If you know your type, assists in self-understanding

    18. Exemple d intégration, desintégration d un type 1 Le perfectionniste fuit l’imperfection et la colère, ses qualités sont la rigueur, l’honnêteté, le travail bien fait. Mais sa quête de perfection le fait bouillir d’une colère rentrée. Il devra développer de la patience pour gagner en sérénité. Le perfectionniste n’est jamais au point, il progresse, mais constamment dans la souffrance. Il ne voit pas ce qu’il accumule , mais toujours ce qu’il n a pas ou ne sait pas encore. Par réaction à sa blessure de base, le perfectionniste traduit que pour être aimé, il faut être parfait, en un mot il est tenu à l’impossible. Le perfectionniste confond : avoir un idéal et idéaliser des résultats, des situations, ou des personnes. Il peut amalgamer rigueur et rigidité et perdre de vue ses atouts , ses acquis et ne voir que des obstacles. DESINTEGRATION Quand une personnalité 1 se sent en stress, ( en désintégration ) cela la conduit au type 4 (l’artiste ) le perfectionniste y perd tout contrôle: les émotions l’envahissent, ce qui l ‘indispose et renforce son sentiment d’imperfection , la solution possible : y aller en douceur, être à l ‘écoute de ses émotions pour découvrir ses vraies envies et sa créativité. INTEGRATION Quand une personnalité 1 se sent détendue et heureuse, ( en intégration ) cela la conduit au type 7 ( l ‘épicurien ) c est là un véritable lieu de transformation ou les 1 peuvent baisser leur garde et faire preuve de tolérance de joie et de gaieté. L objectif sera de transformer le « sois parfait « en adoptant l’antidote « sois réaliste «

    19. l’Ennéagramme, intérêt ? utilisation ? L‘ énnéagramme est une carte étonnamment précise du fonctionnement des être humains. Il parle de vous, de vos proches, de vos relations… Il montre en quoi nous sommes semblables et en quoi nous sommes différents. Il se distingue d'autres approches psychologiques en focalisant son intérêt sur nos motivations intérieures plus que sur nos comportements. Il affirme que nous avons une orientation dominante, parmi neuf, qui a un impact majeur sur tous les contextes de notre vie. Cette orientation est à la fois notre principal don et notre principale limitation. Aujourd'hui, l‘énnéagramme est utilisé dans le monde entier par des particuliers, des groupes, des éducateurs, des thérapeutes, des enseignants, des consultants, des coachs pour mieux se connaître, pour mieux communiquer, pour se libérer enfin de nos limitations et de nos automatismes et aider les autres à faire de même.

    20. Contact / Information Gabrielle LESMARIE COACH formée à l’Ennéagramme 16 rue broussais. 75014 Paris info@dglcoaching.com Coaching particulier. Typologie énnéagramme sur entretien.+ dossier remis. Devis sur demande. Demande et renseignements au 06 50 88 37 36 ou 01 42 18 16 73 Copyright 2006

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