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Using Humor in Language Teaching Presenter: Mohamed LAIMOUNA bonhomme2006@hotmail.fr Workshop Objective To highlight the importance of using humor through a variety of fun activities that can be implemented in our Moroccan classrooms. Workshop Activities Translating a Joke
Using Humor in Language Teaching Presenter: Mohamed LAIMOUNA bonhomme2006@hotmail.fr
Workshop Objective To highlight the importance of using humor through a variety of fun activities that can be implemented in our Moroccan classrooms.
Workshop Activities • Translating a Joke • Watching a Video • Scrambled Funny Stories • Jumbled jokes • Other Funny Fillers
Translating jokes Students can be given some mother language jokes to translate into the target language
Differenttypes of jokes • Universal jokes • Cultural jokes • Language -based jokes
-Do you know what I got for father’s day? No, what? - The bill for mother’s day. • The dark ages were so named because the period was full of knights. • -Are you fishing? - No, I am just drowning worms.
Watching a video After Watching a humorous short clip, students can be assigned a variety of language tasks including reading comprehension and writing.
Scrambled Funny Stories The teacher can ask the students to put a scrambled funny passage in the right order, and then assign some related tasks to develop various skills.
Jumbled Jokes Each student can be given a part of a joke on a slip of paper with a symbol on it, and then be asked to move around and match according to the symbol they have. Once done, they will try to unscramble the jokes and share them with the whole class.
Some funny fillers Line up game and acting out jokes can be appropriate back up activities.