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The Future of Human IDENTIFICATION Type of Biometrics Current “Authentication” is not tied to the individual - it tied to the device only. Biometrics provide the solution. Below are listed some of the methodologies which have been receiving some attention lately Physical Behavioral
Type of Biometrics Current “Authentication” is not tied to the individual - it tied to the device only. Biometrics provide the solution. Below are listed some of the methodologies which have been receiving some attention lately Physical Behavioral Voice Recognition Fingerprint Recognition Signature Recognition Optical Recognition Keystroke Recognition Facial Structure Recognition
Comparison of Biometric Techniques ID Type Strength Weaknesses Fingerprint Iris Retina Facial Scan Accurate Can get easily Cheap Small Reader Very accurate Image can not change The most accurate Not consider to be annoying Cheap 2 % from population don’t have the image of fingerprints which can’t be read (some user have 1 or 2 bad quality fingerprint) Consider can be annoying Camera is expensive Consider can be annoying The head should not be moved during scanning Not so accurate Image can change
Comparison of Biometric Techniques ID Type Strength Weaknesses Voice Hand Geometry Signature dynamics Facial Thermogram Not consider to be annoying Only is used for telephone application. Not consider to be annoying Quick Data can be saved in small capacity. Not consider to be annoying Convenient for financial transaction Very accurate Image can not change Not so accurate Background voice is effecting the comparison process Not so accurate The reader is big Hand may be changed No so accurate Need many samples Not commercial launching yet Expensive
Fingerprint Characteristic Right Loop • Usually the human fingerprints can be classified based on Henry system : • Left Loop • Right Loop • Arch • Tented Arch • Whorl • 2/3 from fingerprints has the shape Loop, 1/3 is Whorl and 5-10% is Arches
Sensor Type Comparison Already Applied & Sold in Market OPTICAL SENSOR SILICON /CAPACITANCE SENSOR • Strength : • Ukuran lebih kecil dibanding Optical Sensor. • Silicon sensor cukup kecil untuk diintegrasi dengan product lain yang mana tidak dapat diaccomodated oleh Optical sensor contoh : handphone, notebook • Weaknesses • Silicon’s durability, terutama pada sub-optimal condition, belum terbukti. Meskipun diclaim pabrik dari silicon telah melakukan coating khusus sehingga bisa 100x lebih tahan dari optical namun dalam pemakaian di lapangan, sensor akan mengalami masalah ketika sensor ditekan terlalu keras karena sensor type ini sangat sensitive dan rentan. • Silicon Sensor memiliki lifetime penggunaan (e.g 100,000 touched) yang akan tergantung dari coating quality dan akan berbeda dari 1 company dengan lainnya namun sejauh ini, pencapaian masih jauh dari yang diclaimed oleh perusahaan. • Karena kecilnya sensor maka saat autentikasi harus lebih tepat meetakkan jari sehingga dapat menangkap center dari sidik jari. • Silicon sensor paling cocok untuk aplikasi Personal Use HIT • Strength : • Optical sensor sudah terbulti untuk quality dan reliability • Lebih tahan untuk fluktuasi temperature (-10 – 60 C) • Sensor lifetime adalah semi permanent and lebih tahan scratch dimana sensor type lain • Sparepart cost akan lebih murah karena dapat diganti per part • Resolusi dari gambar sidik jari dapat mencapai hingga 500 dpi • Paling cocok untuk aplikasi yang digunakan oleh banyak orang e.g : absensi, access control • Weaknesses : • Ukuran sensor agak besar sehingga sulit diaplikasi untuk product personal use contoh : handphone, notebook, etc
Why Need Fingerprint Time Attendance Reader
WHY NEED TIME ATTENDANCE READER ?? • How can you make sure you only pay for hours actually worked ? • Did you know how much Manual Calculation cost you a year ? estimated it takes a bookkeeper approximately 7 minutes to sum up time sheets, calculate overtime and enter data. Biometric Time Attendance would save you at least six hours of time per employee each year. • Lost Time Factors Studies have shown the average employee is overpaid 4 hours of unauthorized or unearned time each week (late break, early departure, etc) • Human Error Factor Studies have shown payroll error factors to be between 1% till 8% (include accuracy in reading time sheets, rounding and calculation errors.
WHY HIT Products • Communication : RS 232, RS 485, Wiegand, TCP/IP, Modem • Data Retrieval : RS 232, RS 485, Wiegand, TCP/IP, Modem, Tex File Encrypted • Integration : External Proximity, Built in Proximity, Barcode, Printer • Software : Attendance & Access Control • Database Software : Access, SQL • Software Integration : Oracle, SAP, DB2 • Manufacturing (spare parts repaired) & Local Support • Reference
WHY MagicPlus ?? 4200 Hardware Specs : Fingerprint template : 1,000 fingerprint template Log Buffer : 50,000 transaction log Identification : 1 second Authentication Type : Identification (1:N), Verification (1:1, ID+ fingerprint), Password 4 type of User : Supervisor, Administrator, Enroller, User Power Management : Automatic Shut Down, Automatic Power On, Sleep, Idle Sensor Type : Optical Coated ( increased the ability to read the bad quality fingerprint, Increase reading speed ) Matching System : Matching Threshold for Identification (1:N) approach (Security Level) 1:1 Threshold for Verification approach With 2 system comparison, the reader want to ensure that all user can accommodated or use fingerprint technology (either they use Identification or verification system) Show Score : Reader will inform the score of the fingerprint which purpose to help the admin to set the most proper security level for Identification or Verification Auto Reader Test : End Customer can identified the problem of the reader by themselves before the call their supplier
WHY MagicPlus ?? 4200 Attendance Special Features (Hardware) Function Key : 4 Function Key (report support in hardware) Attendance Success Info : LCD will show User ID and User Name Identification : support for all normal fingerprint, give the most convenient solution for user due to only need to put their fingerprint at sensor (No ID needed) Speed : 1 second speed will shorten the queuing time Re-check Minute : Reader will ignore the transaction from same user during the minute set (with purpose to reduce the transaction log) Alarm for Log : Reader will give the alarm when the storage reach the max balance buffer set for Transaction Log or Superlog (log when the administrator entering the menu)
WHY MagicPlus ?? 4200 Access Special Features (Hardware) Time Zone : Daily Time Zone per User (Different time zone per day – Monday to Sunday) Each User can have 3 time zone (can set the shift time zone for 1 user) Max time zone is 50 type of time zone Time Zone Grouping : 5 Time Zone Grouping, faster to set the time zone for each user Access Combination : The access will open when the user from the group set being success for the authentication (max group is 3, e.g : 245, it mean the user from group 2,4 and 5 need to be success before the relay will open the door) Duress Finger : Fingerprint that register as Duress Fingerprint, if being used so the alarm will activated after the minute set Alarm : Dismantle, Unlock Illegally and Not Blocked Alarm Bell : Connector for Bell
WHY MagicPlus ?? 4600 Hardware Specs : Fingerprint template : 3,500 fingerprint template Log Buffer : 40,000 transaction log (up-grade up to 50,000 log buffer) Identification : 1 second Authentication Type : Identification (1:N), Verification (1:1, ID+ fingerprint), ID+ Password Card + Fingerprint, Card Only 4 type of User : Supervisor, Administrator, Enroller, User Power Management : Automatic Shut Down, Automatic Power On, Sleep, Idle Sensor Type : Optical Coated ( increased the ability to read the bad quality fingerprint, Increase reading speed ) Matching System : Matching Threshold for Identification (1:N) approach (Security Level) 1:1 Threshold for Verification approach With 2 system comparison, the reader want to ensure that all user can accommodated or use fingerprint technology (either they use Identification or verification system) Show Score : Reader will inform the score of the fingerprint which purpose to help the admin to set the most proper security level for Identification or Verification Auto Reader Test : End Customer can identified the problem of the reader by themselves before the call their supplier
WHY MagicPlus ?? 4600 • Selling Proposition • Schedule Bell, we can set 16 schedule bell with 16 different sound • Integration with • Proximity reader, to fasten the attendance process and accuracy if the template more than 2,000 • Smart Card Reader, user can store their fingerprint at smart card, 1KB can store up to 4 fingerprint, with this application – no limitation for number of user that can be verified at fingerprint reader • MP 4600 offer the most complete authentication mode : • - Identification (1:N, free Scan / No ID needed up to 2,000 template) • - Verification (1:1) • - ID & Password • - Proximity / Smart Card + Fingerprint • - Card Only (application : for top management, for old person which have the bad finger/ • forget the card/ID number, for the guest access) • Come with Wall Mounting Bracket, so the reader not installed directly to the wall which can caused the humidity of the reader motherboard • The reader come with separate relay box, so even the intruder take out the reader, they will not able to open the door due to the relay at separate box which installed normally inside the room
MagicPlus Communication 1. Connect to 1 Reader (distance less than 20m), using RS 232 cabling RS 232 2. Connect to more than 1 Reader (distance more than 30 m), using RS 485 cabling and need additional Converter to convert RS 485 to RS 232 which connect to the computer Converter 232 to 485 RS 232 RS 485 Continue……
MagicPlus Communication 3. TCP/IP (LAN/Network) communication), using UTP cable for network communication & we add the TCP/IP module inside the MP 4500 for this application RJ 45 Server RJ 45 4. Integrate with ACU (Access Control Unit) for Access Control Purpose …… RS 232 Wiegand ACU
MagicPlus Communication 5. Integrate with external modem for remote are RS 232
What the Strength of the Software ?? • Drag & Drop Application • Multi Regional and Multi Date Time Format • Multi User Access (SQL version) & Authorization Level • 1 (one) Year Employee performance direct review (Year at a Glance) • Personalized & Flexible Text File Setting and Exporting • Direct database connection to DB2, Oracle, SAP through DSN application • Complete Attendance Report • User Friendly