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Learn best business practices and stages for council applications, including electronic systems, checklists, and fee protocols. Improve application quality, documentation, and processing speed.
Prepare an application • Business practices • Information for applicants • Pre-application discussion • Checklists • Use electronic systems to improve application quality • Obtain some information for applicants
Lodge and pay fee • Business practices • Check the application for completeness • Forms and checklists • Use electronic systems • Strict fee payment protocols
Register, scan and create file • Business practices • Immediately identify VicSmart applications for fast tracking • Use electronic systems to lodge online and scan hard copy files • Alter administrative processes to prioritise VicSmart applications
Allocate file • Business practices • Pre-set allocation protocols • Dedicated VicSmart planner or team • Regular triage system
Assess • Business practices • Immediately undertake preliminary assessment to identify any further information, internal referral or site visit requirements • Negotiate changes directly with the applicant • Use supporting tools, guides, checklists to complete the assessment
Further information • Business practices • Dealing with missing information for the applicant • Mark up plans or apply a condition for amended plans with agreed changes • Contact the applicant and request the information needed to make decision
Internal referral • Business practices • Seek internal referral comments prior to lodgement • New referral procedures • Agree on thresholds, standard conditions and prescribed solutions • Where decision is technical allocate assessment to relevant specialist
Report and decide • Business practices • Use supporting tools, guides, checklists • Efficient and effective delegation • Prioritise decision making on VicSmartapplications
Issue decision • Business practices • Streamline the process for issuing the decision • Timely despatch of decision • Use electronic systems for faster transfer of decision
Appeal • Business practices • Do not automatically approve or refuse an application on Day 10 • Make decision even after an appeal for failure to decide has been lodged
Provide information on VicSmart classes and process available online and at planning counter including: Applicant’s Guide to Lodging a VicSmart application VicSmart application forms Detailed checklist for each class of VicSmart application How to Apply for a VicSmart Planning Permit under the Special Building Overlay Use the VicSmart application form and checklists to assist applicants. Information for applicants
Pre-application discussion Require pre-application discussion to identify and document any issues and information requirements. Assess and confirm the application's eligibility for VicSmart by appropriately skilled officer. Use the VicSmart checklists to identify what information must be provided with the application. Consider whether the application would benefit form early discussions with any internal referral.
Checklists Make standardised checklists available that must be completed by the applicant for each application class and submitted with the application.
Use electronic systems to improve application quality Use electronic systems with mandatory requirements to ensure applicants attach required material. Request electronic version of plans so that application can be processed more quickly.
Obtain some information for applicants Councils can obtain title searches on behalf of the applicant and charge for them.
Check the application for completeness Implement a pre-lodgement meeting to make sure all information is included. Ensure the application is reviewed at the planning counter, prior to lodging the application. Prepare protocols and guidelines for how applications with incomplete documentation will be managed Encourage the applicant to address outstanding material before lodgement.
Forms and checklists Use the VicSmart application form and checklists to assist applicants lodge a complete application. Encourage applicants to complete the application checklist(s) and submit with the application. Check the application and accompanying information at the counter against the checklist(s) prior to lodgement.
Use electronic systems Request applicants to submit an electronic version of the application documents and plans to speed up delivery to the planner. To encourage faster payment of fees, make available an online payment system, credit card form with approved transaction or direct transfer. Use electronic systems with mandatory requirements to ensure applicants attach required material.
Strict fee payment protocols • Ensure fees are submitted and processed at lodgement. • Where a fee is required and not paid: • contact the applicant directly and request payment • flag file as ‘fee not paid’ • process application but do not issue decision until fee paid.
Immediately identify VicSmart applications for fast tracking Use the VicSmart application form and other processes such as pre-application meetings will assist in immediately identifying VicSmart applications. Identify fast track files through coloured files, sticker or some other means.
Use electronic systems to lodge online and scan hard copy files Make online lodgement available. Ensure the application including all documents and plans goes directly to the planner. Only the application form is scanned for records at this stage. Request applicants to submit an electronic version of the application, documents and plans to speed up delivery to planner.
Alter administrative processes to prioritise VicSmartapplications • Ensure VicSmart applications are given priority by administration and records. • Set targets for registration and file creation. • Support VicSmart process with dedicated administrative staff. • Ensure the application is registered and sent to the planner first before it is sent to records • For applications lodged at counter or at remote office: • Send the application directly to the planner. • Scan application forms and send to records. • For applications received by records through mail, records to identify fast track applications, prioritise and send to planning.
Pre-set allocation protocols Establish an agreed protocol between records and planning about the processing of VicSmart applications. Allocate the application to the planner who is the dedicated VicSmart planner. Allocate the application to the planner who had the pre-application discussion. Allocate the application to the planner who accepted application over the counter. An administration officer identifies and allocates VicSmart applications Use a VicSmart tray for daily allocation. Prioritise any applications delayed through records processes. Develop distinctive VicSmart application or file.
Dedicated VicSmart planner or team If possible establish a dedicated VicSmart business support, planner, team or specialist. Rotate VicSmart role amongst planners so everyone has an opportunity to understand the VicSmart . Use a monthly or similar roster of planners for VicSmart Ensure all VicSmart applications are coordinated or monitored by one senior planner. Ensure that there are nominated officers in other council business units for internal referrals.
Regular triage system Establish regular team leaders meetings to complete initial assessment and determine allocation of VicSmart files. Quality control at triage enables permit to be issued under delegation by planning officer.
Preliminary assessment Ensure the planner confirms that the application is a valid VicSmart application. Immediately identify if there is a need for further information, site visit and internal referrals. Use standard templates and checklists to speed assessment. Immediately internally refer the application if required. If possible inspect the site with the internal referral officer.
Negotiate changes directly with applicant • If changes are negotiated and agreed to by the applicant, mark up the agreed changes in red on the plan
Use supporting tools, guides, checklists to complete assessment Use the checklist(s) to confirm information requirements are met. Use standard report templates to simplify assessment. Progressively populate a delegates report with control clauses, assessment information and so on.
Dealing with missing information for the applicant Prepare protocols and guidelines for how applications with incomplete documentation will be managed. Obtain the certificate of title on behalf of the applicant. Complete the aborist report on behalf of applicant.
Mark up plans or apply a condition for amended plans with agreed changes If changes are negotiated and agreed to by the applicant, mark up changes in red on plan. Require amended plans through condition on the permit.
Contact applicant and request information needed to make decision Immediately contact applicant directly and ask for the missing information. Issue a request for further information and include lapse date if issued within 5 business days of receiving the application. The lapse date must not be less than 30 days after the date of the notice requesting the information. Make applicants aware of the consequences of allowing an application to lapse. An application that has lapsed cannot be recommenced. Information can be requested after 5 business days, but the ‘statutory clock’ doesn’t stop and an application cannot be lapsed.
Seek internal referral comments prior to lodgement Where the referral is central in the decision making encourage applicants to seek internal referral comments prior to lodgement, for example heritage advice, arborist, or traffic engineer. Implement a practice of pre-application discussions to ensure all requirements are identified and any relevant advice from internal referrals could be obtained before lodgement.
New referral procedures Review the current internal referral arrangements and agree on approach and content to speed up the process. Set targets for internal referral so that planner can report and decide application by Day 8 or sooner. Consider referring internally at registration or allocation stage. Refer the application electronically. Establish regular meeting of specialists in heritage, transport, infrastructure and arborist for verbal advice or written advice within 24 hours Inspect the site with the internal referral officer and obtain an immediate response. Accept a verbal or email response.
Agree on thresholds, standard conditions and prescribed solutions Agree on a ‘threshold’ at which planning referral is required. For example painting a fence may not require formal internal referral. Agree to standard conditions. Standardise referral requests and forms. Prescribe suitable designs in certain circumstances (for example fence guides) and do not require internal referral.
Where a decision is technical, allocate assessment to relevant specialist Where a specialist is the primary decision maker, allocate assessment to the specialist. For example applications for straight forward tree removal could be decided by council’s aborist. Allocate heritage applications to a planner with experience in heritage issues.
Use supporting tools, guides and checklists • Standardise the delegate’s report (2-3 pages) and draft conditions to speed up decision making and assist quality control.
Efficient and effective delegation Ensure the level of delegation is set to the most efficient and effective level. Where decision is technical, delegate specialist for approval of the application including the delegate’s report and issue of permit. For example, provide delegation to council’s arborist for tree removal applications. Delegate reports signed off by two planners to ensure quality control. Establish a quality control review of the application by senior planner/team leader before the application is allocated to enable a permit to be issued under delegation by the planning officer. Ensure delegation from the CEO to other staff is in place when VicSmart commences.
Prioritise decision making on VicSmart applications Ensure VicSmart applications are given priority by the delegated officer. Officer’s report and permit/plans concurrently signed by delegate.
Streamline the process for issuing the decision Dedicate support staff who can process the issue of decision once a decision has been made. Issue the decision at approval of the delegate’s report. Issue of decision by specialist assessing the application (for example aborist)
Timely dispatch of decision Prioritise the issue of VicSmart permit paperwork once approved. Review administrative mailing processes for VicSmart applications. Prepare standard covering letters including timeline advice about review rights, building approvals or other relevant subsequent approvals or processes.
Use electronic systems for faster transfer of decision Email the application decision immediately and mail the hard copy. Make and issue the decision on site, for example for tree removal.
Do not automatically approve or refuse an application on Day 10 There is no need to approve or refuse an application on Day 10. Day 10 does not automatically trigger an appeal. Ensure applicants informed about any outstanding matters. Ensure applicants are informed of any delays, if they know will get a permit in a reasonable time frame they are unlikely to request a review. Where an application may be delayed establish business protocols for informing applicants.
Make a decision even after appeal for failure to decide has been lodged • To avoid going to VCAT where a permit would have been granted, decide the application but do not issue the decision and advise VCAT. VCAT may determine the appeal without a hearing. (Sec 84 P&E Act.)