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Learn about successful poultry vaccination and sanitation for optimal health and production. Follow expert advice to prevent diseases, promote immunity, and ensure hatchery success.
Hatchery vaccination and sanitationBY DR YASSER ATEF MOHAMED
Hatchery vaccination Vaccination: good poultry management programme successful operation depend on it . Immunization to promote health and improve production not substituting biosecurity and sanitation. Objective:promote health and optimal performance,Affect human health as salmonella,prevent vertical diseases and passive immunity to the progeny. Vaccines:live attenuated or modified natural or genetically milder form of disease,killed whole virus or bacteria inactivated to injectableformula,recombinant vector virus or bacteria encoding protective antigen against another infectious agent.
In ovo vaccination • For live and recombinant vaccine as marek`s disease in amniotic or intraembryonic route at time of delivery from setter to hatcher at 18-19 day . • Precautions: are timing,sterilizing machine ,site of application ,vaccine mixing,hatchery management specification. • Marek`s vaccine preparation: • In clean sanitized room and work area for vaccine away from unnecessary people and chick dust.
Marek`s vaccine preparation: • Prepare water thaw at 27° c with chlorine level 200ppm,prepre diluent bag before vaccine by 5 minute add dye ,antibiotic,additives,withdraw vials from liquid nitrogen into bath for thawing 70-90 seconds ,withdraw vaccine by 20ml 18 gauge sterilized syringe into diluent bag 3 seconds each vial not slow or fast to avoid breaking of cells, invert bag with vaccine not vigorously ,sanitize vials by 70% alcohol wipe ,use syringe with 10ml diluent then withdraw vaccine from vial,rinse vial with diluent 5-10ml,use trained people,record content of bag and timeafter mixing ,swirling,invertingnever force solution by syringe avoiding cell break,hygienic disposal of syringe,vials,needles,vaccine storage at liquid nitrogen as live cell associated virus kept at constant temperature properly thawed and mixed. • Liquid nitrogen maintenance:avoidfall,bumps,level of nitrogen,not less than 30cm,avoid tank with no nitrogen if no ampoules,in upright position,lid well placed,away of sunlight in cool place,use personal protective equipment gloves,glasses,ampoules under liquid nitrogen, avoid dammage external and internal to body and neck to not lose vacuum.
Subcutaneous intramuscular vaccine • S/c in back of skin of neck ,i/m in leg 0.2-0.5ml.calibrate vaccinator ,dose, needle, pneumatic pressure,verify vials not thawed,use PPE ,sanitized equipment,change needle every 1000 chick,test equipment, sample of vaccinated,vaccine used in 45minute,avoid malposition needle cause blood on chick,sanitize after usage,discard leftover vaccine.
Spray vaccination on hatchery • By spray cabinet for live respiratory vaccine IBV, NDV,coccidiosis with droplet size controlled,use cool distilled water ,in respiratory use 100-300µm 7ml volume audited by dye or moisture ,in coccidiosis 21ml volume with dye to stimulate preening with large water volume fan pattern while respiratory cone shaped, proper vaccine steering.
Egg selection • Culled eggs: • Cracked ,msishaped,flat sided, spiral groove ,chalky,rough,ridged,small or large egg,improper washed egg,heavy contaminated floor eggs,sand like texture. • Hatching egg storage: • 0-3 day 18-21 °c ,75% RH,blunt end up 4-7 day 15-17 °c, 75% RH,blunt end up 8-10 day 10-12 °c,80-88% RH,blunt end up MRE THAN Ten days 10-12 °c,80-88% RH,small end up with turning every 24hr.
Factors affecting fertility and hatchability • Environmental factors in hatchery: • Temperature:37.5-37.7°c to 37.1°c at end of incubation to avoid over heating.As metabolism increase and temp of embryo 1.5-1°c than srrounding air ,in hatcher 36.1-37.2°c 0.5°c lower than setter . • Humidity:60% setter,70% hatcher. • Setter gas exchange:0.14cm/1000chick/hr • in HATCHER 0.23-0.28cm/1000 chick/hr
Gas exchange • Co2 0.1-0.5% insetter,0.5% in hatcher high level indicate poor ventilation low oxygen. • Egg turning:45° and tilting every hour inhatcher ,transfer of egg at 18 day from blunt end up to flat position for piping out,egg turning is important to avoid shell membrane adhesion with shell,access to albumen and protein,water for sub embryonic fluid from albumen water,maximize extraembryonic membrane growth and extraembryonic fluid. • Non environmental factors: • Fertility ,maternal diet and health,sex of chick,weather.
fertility • Depend on genetics,breeder flock management health .crude fertility by candling,in first few days of incubation true fertility by egg breaking. • Maternal diet balanced vitamin calcium and protein for males and females free of disease IBV,NDV affect egg quality and shell ,albumen oviduct yolk. • sex of chick: primary at fertilization and secondary at hatching depend on genetics ,lethal factors,time of laying(season ,time of day,production),weather :long time dad weather affect hatchability(hatchability is number of hatched eggs of total eggs set or fertile egg set.
Vaccination failure • Disadvantage of live vaccine:uniformity of application,reaction,spread of infection to neibour,handling requirement. • Advantages:low price,easy adminster,rapid immunity,broader protection as all stages of virus replicating. • Killed vaccine:not replicate and spread from bird to bird with adjuvant stabilize vaccine for long immunity. • Advantage:accuracy of uniform dose,safety inactivated,uniform immunity,no spread to neibour,stability and more strain incorporating. • Disadvantage: cost,slow onset of action,narrow spectrum,tissue damage duoto adjuvant. • In ovo vaccine cause infectionby hole,need trained persons,expensive equipment. • Spray in hatchery cause respiratory reaction as small particle. • I/M or s/c in marek’s cause tissue damage,stress,regular equipment sanitation.
Egg collection • More frequent to avoid floor eggsand breaking eggs 4 times /day especially at peak,rapidcleaningusing 42° c water . • Use wipe 5 eggs in wire,washingmachine,running water ,aerated agitation in tub with washing and soaking,aerated agitation in water in hatchery,also disinfect eggs in farm. • Trouble shooting hatchery: • Effect of over heating setter:death of embryo,kill embryo 39 °and more for short period not return to normal,unhealed navel small chick,delayed hatchability time,down pale small poor pigmented leg,drying of egg content,reduced egg viability. • Effect of under heating:slowdevelopment,lowhatchability,hatchingtime,return to normal if temperature return to normal not kill embryo.how to overcome overheating setter:decrease temperature 37.5-37.7 to 37.1 °c by end of incubation in single stage setter,use cool eggs to old warm eggs , ,use ventilation and cooling system . • Effect of high relative humidity %:reduced water loss,egg weight loss,unabsorption of albumin,watery free fluid egg,reduced air cell space mlposition of embryo unable to orientate of head under wing,,improper expansion of air sacs and lung. • Effect of low humidity:dehydration of embryo,high water loss,small down pale lack pigment embryo. • Transfer of eggs :from setter to hatcher smooth quick to avoid cooling. • Relative humidity higher in hatcher to avoid dehydration of hatching and hatched chicks,drying of shell membrane and traping chicks.
Early embryonic mortality 3-5 days • Improper incubation,poor hygiene,poor storage,over heating ,overchilling, defficiency Zn,Ph,B2,Mn,biotin,vit E,physical trauma,prolonged storage,,folic,B12,ecoli,salmonella,MG,MS,pseudomonas. • Mid term embryinic mortality 6-14days:Zn,Ph,B2,linoleic FA . • Late term embryonic mortality:15-21 days:faults in temperature, relative humidity%,ventilation,turning,prolonged storage,late transfer,defficiency of B2,b12,Mn,folic,Ecoli, folic,B12,ecoli,salmonella,MG,MS,pseudomonas.
Hatchery sanitation • Scott’s rule of thumb 80% cleaning, 20% disinfection.*dry cleaning sweeping,scratch,scrub. • *wetting with cleaner 300ml/m soap with contact time high pressure crusher 40 psi. • *washing and drainage of broken dirt leave dry. • *apply disinfectant at right dilution,contact time 30 minate,use 300ml disinfectant /m,mixing,concentration,toxicity,temperature,avoidmismixing with others,reaction with soap metal,fabrics,organicmatter,not all disinfectant kill all pathogens . • Fundamentals of cleaning:*wetting with good contact time. • *displacement,saponifying fat peptidizing protein dissolving minerals. • *dispersion,deflocculation,emulsion. • *prevent redeposition by rinsing. • Identify relative ph of soil and apply opposite as soils electrochemically bound to surfaces cleaning occur at neutral ph. • Types of detergents acidic ,alkaline,neutral,abrasive,enzymatic,disinfectantcleaner,speciality . • Use alkaline oxidizing for fat,blood, feather,drooping,.acidic for biofilm mineral deposite,rust stain in pipeline in hard water every 4-6 weeks with trained persons usinPPE . • UNSETTABLE EGGS CONTAIN DIRT IN SIZE OF QUARTER. • ACID DETERGENT AS NITRIC SULPHORIC,HYDROCHLORIC,PHOSPHORIC 33% DESCALER. • DISINFECTANT AS PHENOL.QAC,IODOPHORES,HPOCHLORIDE,GLUTERALDEHYDE,PERACETIC,PEROXYGEN.USE FOGGING THERMAL FOGGING IN LARGE AREAS,FUMIGATION WITH FORMALDEHYDE GAS AT HIGH TEMPERATURE 30 °C ,RH% 70%.