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THE HOYSALAS. CONTENTS. Introduction Origin of the word “HOYSALAS” Notable rulers of HOYSALAS empire Administration Education Literature Art and Architecture Decline of the HOYSALAS empire. INTRODUCTION.
CONTENTS • Introduction • Origin of the word “HOYSALAS” • Notable rulers of HOYSALAS empire • Administration • Education • Literature • Art and Architecture • Decline of the HOYSALAS empire
INTRODUCTION • After the fall of the GANGAS, in 1104 A.D the empire of KALYANA split up into three parts, namely, the kingdom of DEVAGIRI, the kingdom of WARANGAL and the kingdom of DWARASAMUDRA ruled by the HOYSALAS. • The HOYSALAS accepted the over lordship of the CHALUKYAS of KALYANA.
ORIGIN OF THEWO RD HOYSALAS. • The inscription says that the founder of dynasty was SALA. • SALA is from SOSEVUR from MUDUGERE TALUK. • When his JAINA master asked SALA to kill a tiger ,he called him out “HOY SALA”. • Thus the dynasty’s name originated.
NOTABLE RULERS OFHOYSALA EMPIRE. • VISHNUVARDHANA(1107-1141): The HOYSALAS of DWARASAMUDRA attained great power under his rule. • He conquered GANGAVADI from CHOLAS and captured their provincial capital TALAKADU. • He assumed the title “TALAKADUGONDA”.
NOTABLE RULERS OFHOYSALA EMPIRE • VIRA BALLALA 2nd (1173 – 1220):He was the creator of the HOYSALA empire. • He defeated the YADAVA ruler of DEVAGIRI,BHILLAMA at SORATUR in 1190. • He assumed the title “DAKSHINA CHAKRAVARTI”. • He honored JANNA by giving title “KAVI CHAKRAVARTI” .
NOTABLE RULERS OFHOYSALA EMPIRE • VIRA BALLALA 3rd (1292 – 1342): He was the last notable ruler of the house. • He defeated many rulers like NOLAMBAS of NOLAMBAVADI and the SUENS of DEVAGIRI. • In the succession war of the PANDYAS of MADURAI , he took sides of SUNDARA PANDYA and went to TAMIL NADU to help him. • MALIK KAFUR , the commander of DEHLI SULTAN , ALLA- UD – DIN – KHILJI , laid a SEIGE to DWARASAMUDRA. • On 18th NOVEMBER , 1310, a large army under command of MALIK NAIB from DEHLI.
ADMINISTRATION • The provincial administration of the HOYSALAS included the main features of the administration of GANGAS and CHALUKYAS. • The provinces were divided into NADUS looked after by the officers. • The villages had a headman SENABOVA and TALARA. • A central revenue register, KADITA was maintained. • To support agriculture, irrigation, literature, they created hundreds of tanks like SHANTISAGARA. • The HOYSALAS had a special bodyguard corps called ‘GARUDAS’, who lived and also died with the king.
RELIGIONS • The SHAIVA, VAISHNAVA and JAINA religions were popular in those days. • VISHNUVARDHANA who was a JAINA, accepted SRIVAISHNAVA religion. • VISHNUVARDHANA’S queen SHANTHALA was a JAINA and also a scholar and accomplished dancer.
EDUCATION • The AGRAHARAS, MATHAS and TEMPLES were the centers of learning. • MELKOTE, SALGAME, ARASIKERE, MORINGERE etc; were noted centers of learning. • The VEDAS, MEDICINE, KANNADA, SANSKRIT were taught at these centers.
LITERATURE • KANNADA LITERATURE:- It developed well during this period. RUDRABHATTA composed ‘JAGANNATHA VIJAYA’ in KANNADA. KAVI CHAKRAVARTHI JANNA`S ‘YASHODHARA CHARITHA’ was a great work of that time. HARIHARA wrote ‘GIRIJAKALYANA’ a CHAMPU work in KANNADA. RAGHAVANKA`S ‘HARISHCHANDRA KAVYA’ is also the creation of the age. KESHIRAJA`S ‘SHABDAMANI DARPANA’ is a work on KANNADA GRAMMAR. • SANSKRIT LITERATURE:- It flourished during this period. ACHARYA RAMANUJA and ACHARYA MADHWA wrote many SANSKRIT works during this period.
ART AND ARCHITECTURE • In the 12th and 13th centuries A.D. evolved a new style of architecture. They perhaps inherited the art-tradition of their predecessors-THE GANGAS and THE CHALUKYAS OF KALYANA style. The temples built by them are not square but polygonal or star shaped. The SIKARA is pyramidal but low, and may be regarded as a modified type of the DRAVIDIAN.
VISHNUVARDHANA had built the KIRTI NARAYANA temple at TALAKADU and the VIJAYANARAYANA temple at BELUR. • HOYSALESHWARA temple:- The best know example of the HOYSALA style is the HOYSALESHWARA temple at HALEBID.
Similar elaboration of decoration is found in the HOYSALESHWARA temple. As it has aptly remarked, “ONE OF THE MOST MARVELLOUS EXHIBITIONS OF HUMAN LABOUR TO BE FOUND EVEN IN THE PATIENT-EAST”. • The SOMANATHAPUR temple is a triple shrine (TRIKUTA), raised by SOMADANDANAYAKA in 1258 with three beautiful SHIKARAS.
DECLINE OF THE EMPIRE After the death of BALLALA III, there was no other powerful ruler like him. The last ruler, VIRUPAKSHA BALLALA (1343-1346) could not live long. By then the VIJAYANAGARA kingdom had already appeared. Hence, in this way the HOYSALA EMPIRE declined.
THE END Thanking you, Uma Gopal