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Possible Errors in the New Testament

Possible Errors in the New Testament. By: Mona Kharoofa, Caroline O’Grady, and Izzy Arend. Why were mistakes made?.

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Possible Errors in the New Testament

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  1. Possible Errors in the New Testament By: Mona Kharoofa, Caroline O’Grady, and Izzy Arend

  2. Why were mistakes made? • The writers who translated the New Testament from Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew might have made mistakes while translating because they might have been very tired. Or they might have accidently translated a Hebrew word to Latin instead of a Greek or Aramaic word. One reason we know for a fact, is that when they translated it word for word it didn’t sound right and it didn’t flow so they changed some words so it would flow. One other reason why mistakes were made is that it was translated from Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic to Latin and to English. Another reason is that when the New Testament was first translated they didn’t have type writers or computers, it was all written down on paper. All these reasons and more can be why some errors were made while translating the New Testament. The New American Standardversion of the Bible is the most accurate. Most mistakes were made in Mark.

  3. ErrorsinMatthew, Mark, Luke and John • The angel’s massage:In Matthewthe angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that Mary's child will save his people from their sins. In Luke, the angel tells Mary that her son will be great, and he will be called the Son of the Most High and will rule on David's throne forever. • The birth of Jesus:In Matthew 2:1, Jesus was born when Herod the Great ruled. In Luke, Jesus was born during the first census (periodic count of the population )in Israel, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Herod died in March of 4 BC and the census took place in 6 and 7 AD, about 10 years after Herod's death.

  4. Geographical errors • Jesus’ birth: In Luke, Mary and Joseph traveled from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem in Judea for the birth of Jesus. In Matthew, it says that it was only after the birth of Jesus that Mary and Joseph resided in Nazareth, because they were afraid to return to Judea. • In Mark: An improbably large herd of 2000 swine was grazing on the mountains near the lake until Jesus caused them to run down a steep slope into the Sea. However, there are no mountains anywhere near the lake.

  5. Other Errors • Luke 23:43: Is it “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” or “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise”. The first one means that I am telling you today, but the second one means your will be in paradise with me today. • The Ascension: In Luke 24:51, Jesus' ascension took place in Bethany, on the same day as his resurrection. On the other hand, in Acts 1:9-12, Jesus' ascension took place at Mount Olivet, forty days after his resurrection.

  6. Bibliography • Sweetsearch.com • www.infidels.org/library/modern/paul_carlson/nt_contradictions.html • http://www.greatsite.com/timeline-english-bible-history/ • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Are_there_geographic_errors_in_the_Gospel_of_Mark (Read the gospel or Mark) • http://askville.amazon.com/Biblical-punctuation-grammatical-errors-version/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=4087092

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