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The New Testament. Gospels * Matthew * Mark * Luke * John Book of Acts * Acts Paul’s Letters * Romans * 1 Corinthians * 2 Corinthians * Galatians * Ephesians * Philippians * Colossians * 1 Thessalonians * 2 Thessalonians
The New Testament Gospels * Matthew * Mark * Luke * John Book of Acts * Acts Paul’s Letters * Romans * 1 Corinthians * 2 Corinthians * Galatians * Ephesians * Philippians * Colossians * 1 Thessalonians * 2 Thessalonians * 1 Timothy * 2 Timothy * Titus * Philemon * Hebrews Epistles * James * 1 Peter * 2 Peter * 1 John * 2 John * 3 John * Jude Revelation * Revelation
The last 27 books of the Christian Bible constitute the New Testament (NT). The New Testament is about half the size of the Old Testament and comparable in size to the Qur'an. • The books of the New Testament are ordered by type of writing, not chronologically. The New Testament books are normally categorized as follows: • four accounts of Jesus' life and ministry (the Gospels) • an account of the Apostles' ministry after Jesus' death (the Acts of the Apostles) • lettersattributed to the Apostle Paul • Letters fromother early church leaders (the epistles) • a book of apocalyptic prophecy (Revelation).
Numbers • Numbers are used frequently in the Bible (especially in prophetic and apocalyptic works) and in Christian pictorial symbols to signify various theological concepts. Following are the most commonly accepted interpretations of numerical symbols. • One signifies unity; both the unity of God and the unity of members of the Church. • The number two represents duality. Specifically, it can symbolize the divine and human natures of Christ or the material and the spiritual. • The number three represents the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) • Four can represent the Four Evangelists (authors of the Gospels), the four corners of the earth, or the four seasons. Its association with the latter sometimes make it the number of earth. • Five symbolizes the five wounds Christ suffered on the cross (hands, feet, and side), and by extension represents sacrifice. • Six represents creation, because God created in six days, or imperfection, because it falls short of the perfect number seven. • Seven is the number of perfection. God rested on the seventh day, Paul lists seven gifts of the Spirit and Jesus spoke seven utterances from the cross. The number seven is especially prominent in the apocalyptic Book of Revelation, in which there are seven seals, seven churches and many other things numbering seven. • Eight represents regeneration or resurrection. Thus many baptismal fonts are eight-sided, as is the baptismal cross. • Nine is the number of mystery or angels, since there are nine choirs of angels. • Ten symbolizes completion, since there are Ten Commandments, Ten Plagues, etc. • Twelve is often used to signify the whole church, since there were 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles. • Thirteen represents betrayal since there were 13 people at the Last Supper. • Forty symbolizes trial or testing, since Noah's flood, Israel's wandering in the wilderness, Moses' stay on Mt. Sinai, and Jesus' temptation in the wilderness all lasted forty days. The Lenten Season is forty days in duration for this reason. • One hundred usually denotes completeness or plentitude, since it is ten times ten. • One thousand represents a very large number, infinity or eternity.
Color • In Christianity, color symbolism is primarily used in liturgical decorations (banners, vestments, etc.) and to a lesser degree in Christian art. Symbolic colors are rarely used in the Bible. • Purple is the color for penitence and mourning. It is also the color of royalty. Purple is the liturgical color for the seasons of Advent and Lent. • Red is the color of blood and therefore is the liturgical color for the commemoration of martyred saints. Red is used as the liturgical color for Pentecost, since it is the color of fire. • White is a symbol of purity, innocence and holiness. It is the liturgical color for the Christmas and Easter seasons. White is sometimes represented by silver.
Letters • Latin and Greek letters, words and abbreviations are often seen in Christian art. Though not exactly symbols, they are intended to convey a particular meaning significant for Christians. • Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, signifying that Jesus is "the beginning and the end," i.e., eternal. (Rev 1:8) • INRI is the Latin abbreviation for "Jesus Christ, King of the Jews," the sign placed above Jesus' head on the cross (John 19:19) Though the sign was intended to mock Jesus, Christians view the phrase as a confession of faith.
Objects • In Christian symbolism, the lamb represents Jesus, "the Lamb of God" (Agnus Dei). • Standing with a banner, the lamb represents the risen Christ triumphant over death. Standing with a cross and a gash in its side, it symbolizes the passion of Christ. • Seated on a throne or a book, the lamb represents the judgment of Christ. • Because the lamb is humble, gentle, and innocent, lambs are often engraved on the tombstones of children. • Related Bible Verses • The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29) • Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" (Rev 5:11-12)
Fast Facts on the Bible as a Whole • The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT) • "Bible" comes from Latin biblia, meaning "books" • The word "testament" means "covenant" • The Bible has 66 books • The Bible was written by many different authors writing in many different times and places • The Bible was written from about 1450 BC to 100 AD • The Bible contains many literary genres - poetry, myth, wisdom literature, prophecy, letters, narratives • The Bible was the first book to be printed, in 1454 • Miles Coverdale published the first English translation of the entire Bible in 1535 • The Bible has been translated into over 2,000 languages • The longest book in the Bible is Psalms • The shortest book in the Bible is 2 John • The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9 • The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35
Fast Facts about the Old Testament • The OT is almost identical to the Jewish Tanakh • The OT was originally written in Hebrew • The OT has 39 books (not counting the Apocrypha) • The names of OT books in Hebrew are based on the first prominent word or phrase in that book • The names of OT books in Greek (and English) are based on the general topic of the book • The books of the OT are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. • The first five books of the OT (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) are known as the Five Books of Moses, the Pentateuch, or the Torah. They are traditionally held to have been written by Moses, but modern scholars have proposed that there were four or five authors. • The book of Esther is the only book of the Bible that never mentions God
Fast Facts about the New Testament • The NT was originally written in Greek • The writers of the NT used a Greek translation of the OT known as the Septuagint • The NT has 27 books • The NT is about the same size as the Qur'an • The books of the NT are: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude, Revelation
Stories and Parables frequently referenced • Mustard Seed • Prodigal Son • Shepherd and his lost sheep • Doubting Thomas • Last Supper • Judas Iscariot • Garden of Gethsemane • Peter/Cornerstone • Rooster Crow • Good Samaritan
Miracles • 1st – Water to wine • Raising Lazarus from the dead • Curing a blind man • Curing a leper • Curing a man who can’t walk
Parable • The Two Debtors • The Sower • The Good Samaritan • The Friend at Night • The Rich Fool • Servants Waiting for Their Lord • The Barren Fig Tree • The Mustard Seed • The Leaven • The Lost Sheep • The Great Supper • Lost Money • The Prodigal Son • The Unjust Steward • The Rich Man and the Beggar Lazarus • The Importunate Widow • Pharisee and the Publican • Parable of the Pounds • The Wicked Husbandmen • The Wise and the Foolish Builders The SowerThe TaresThe Mustard SeedThe LeavenThe Hidden TreasurePearl of Great PriceDrawing in the NetThe Lost SheepUnmerciful ServantLaborers in the VineyardThe Two sonsThe Wicked HusbandmanMarriage of the King's SonLeafing Fig TreeThe Ten VirginsTen Talents
Parables • The SowerSeed Growing SecretlyThe Mustard SeedThe Wicked HusbandmanThe Leafing Fig TreeMan Going On a Far Journey • Good ShepherdThe Vine
Miracles of Jesus • 1 Born of a virgin • 2 Changing water into wine • 3 Healing of the royal official's son • 4 Healing of a man possessed by a demon in Capernaum • 5 Healing of Simon Peter's mother-in-law • 6 Healing the sick during the evening • 7 Catching a large number of fish • 8 Healing a leper • 9 Healing a centurion's servant • 10 Healing a paralyzed man • 11 Healing a withered hand • 12 Raising a widow's son • 13 Calming the stormy sea • 14 Healing the Gerasene demon-possessed man • 15 Healing a woman with internal bleeding • 16 Raising Jairus' daughter • 17 Healing two blind men • 18 Healing a mute man possessed by a demon • 19 Healing a man who was crippled for 38 years • 20 Feeding 5000 men and their families • 21 Jesus walks on water • 22 Healing of many in Gennesaret • 23 Healing a demon-possessed girl • 24 Healing a deaf man with a speech impediment • 25 Feeding the 4000 men and their families • 26 Healing a blind man in Bethsaida • 27 Healing a man born blind • 28 Healing a boy possessed by a demon • 29 Catching a fish with a coin in its mouth • 30 Healing a blind and mute man who was possessed by a demon • 31 Healing a woman with an 18 year infirmity • 32 Healing a man with dropsy • 33 Healing 10 men suffering from leprosy • 34 Bringing Lazarus back to life • 35 Healing Bartimaeus of blindness • 36 The withering fig tree that produced no fruit • 37 Restoring a severed ear • 38 The resurrection of Jesus Christ • 39 Catching of the 153 fish • 40 The ascension of Jesus Christ