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Learn about our Workplace Wellness Program designed to improve employee health, prevent chronic diseases, and enhance community engagement. Discover the benefits of investing in health management and supporting trusted health charities in the workplace.
Following is an informational presentation on Health Matters at WorkTM. Based upon the audience that you are presenting to, it is recommended that you customize the presentation accordingly. Here are some suggested slides based on these audiences. You may also create slides that help to better describe your particular program. REMEMBER Delete this slide before making your presentation Questions/Comments Contact John Douglas jdouglas@healthcharities.org
Combining the Strength of Our Nation’s Most Respected Health Charities We bring the combined strength of our charities to the workplace - making it easier for employees to take home the compassionate services and reliable health information they need to improve their lives.
Community Health Charities Purpose: Helping employers build cultures of charitable giving, community involvement, and commitment to health and wellness.
Investing in Health Management “Do nothing” strategy no longer works. Waiting until costs are unmanageable can be more costly and ineffective. The goal of effective worksite health promotion initiatives is to shift the curve by investing in prevention rather than high-cost management. Employers need to manage the health of their human capital like they manage other corporate assets. Source: R. Ward; RJF Agencies
More than 125 Million Americans are affected by Chronic Illness today. Diabetes has doubled in the past decade to 16.5 million, with more than 76 million in pre-diabetes or at-risk stage. More than 250,000 new cases of breast cancer each year. Alzheimer’s will triple from 5 million today to 16 million by 2050. Source: PBS, “Chronic Illness in America”
Projected Rise in Chronic Diseases% Increase from 2003-2023 Population Growth = 19% Source: R Ward, RJF Agencies; MEPS, NHIS, Milken Institute (2007)
Risk Factors for Every 100 Employees 25 have cardiovascular disease 12 have asthma 6 have diabetes 26 have high blood pressure 30 have high cholesterol 38 are overweight 21 smoke 31 use alcohol excessively 20 don’t wear seatbelts 24 don’t exercise 44 suffer from stress Source: R. Ward, RJF Agencies; Department of Health and Human Services, 2007
Intent of Health Matters at WorkTM Program • A portal to health resources provided by the nation’s most trusted health charities. • Create simple learning opportunities for donors.
Interest in Health by CHC Partners • 90% indicated it would be valuable to have a directory of CHC member charities • 75% indicated it would be of value to have webinars on health topics that their employees could participate • 65% indicated that it would be valuable to have podcast covering broad health issues available to their employees
What Activities Would Be Important N =279 More than 80% of donors would like to receive charity information online Source: CHC Research April, 2009
GOALS • Ongoing program that will create and sustain CHC’s position as the leader in bringing the combined strength of the nation’s most trusted health charities to the workplace. • Simplify ways for employers and employees to become involved in the health causes important to them. • Broaden the position of CHC beyond just workplace • Community engagement (volunteering) • Health and wellness resources
Goals in the Workplace • Provide a learning program that promotes wellness for both employees and communities • Improve organizational morale and enhance community reputation • Invest in community improvement through volunteering opportunities • Offer health information from trusted, local health resources that are available to employees right in their community
OBJECTIVES • To raise the awareness of the impact of disabilities and chronic diseases • To increase dollars raised by CHC for its member charities. • To develop an approach that engages the millennial generation. • To expand CHC marketing efforts beyond the workplace giving period. • To strengthen and enhance relationships with CHC member charities by providing access to corporations.
Strategy 1 Develop tools and resources designed to help CHC assert a leadership position in combining and delivering the strength of the nation’s most trusted health charities to the workplace, empowering employers and employees to become easily engaged in the health causes important to them. Strategy 2 Raise awareness of the role of CHC as a leader in combining and delivering the strength of the nation’s most trusted health charities to the workplace.
Strategy 3 Position Health Matters at Work within CHC to enable it to support workplace giving fund-raising efforts. Strategy 4 Use program to engage existing and potential workplace partners to: increase awareness, to increase the number of new campaign partners, and to increase participation and dollars raised by existing campaign partners.
Why Employers Should Care Health costs are complex and not easy to control. Healthcare costs are increasing and are currently the 2nd and 3rd largest expense in nearly every major company. Health plan costs will increase significantly in the future. A major proportion of these costs are preventable. Research substantiates that costs increase as health risks increase, while costs decrease as health risks decrease. Source: R Ward, RJF Agencies
KEY MESSAGES • Community Health Charities is the leader in delivering the combined strength of the nation’s most trusted health charities to the workplace. • Community Health Charities makes it easy for employers and employees to see the ways they can become involved in the health causes that are important to them and their families.
Level IChronic Disease Awareness & Assessment • Strong marketing orientation designed to help companies and its employees understand the impact of chronic disease. Components are yet to be defined. Some examples might include: • Impact of Chronic Disease…web video, print, DVD. Targets general public • Impact of Chronic Disease in the Workplace…web video, print, DVD - Targets employer • Basic “Impact Assessment” targets employer with high level $$$ estimate of effect of chronic disease on the business • Web site
Level IIAccessing Health Information • Includes the development of a mechanism to share the valued information and services or our member charities, as well as originally developed CHC content. • Virtual Resources • Podcasts • Webinars • Healthy Communications • Live services • Health fairs • Lunch and Learns/Speakers bureau
Podcast Series • 26 podcasts developed • Deployment • 50 week release schedule beginning May 20 • RSS feed sign up (I Tunes/YouTube/etc) • Full library for corporate partners
Topics: • Men’s Health Issues • Women’s Health Issues • Children’s Health Issues • Chronic Disease in the Workplace • Drug Addiction and Depression • Caregiving • Healthy Lifestyles
Topics then Drill Down: • Children’s Health Issues • Autism Speaks • First Candle • St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital • Women’s Health Issues • Arthritis Foundation • Breast Cancer Network of Strength • March of Dimes Foundation • Men’s Health Issues • American Lung Association • American Kidney Fund • Cancer Research Institute
Charities involved with podcast pilot: ALS Association American Kidney Fund American Lung Association Arthritis Foundation Autism Speaks Breast Cancer Network of Strength Cancer Research Institute First Candle/SIDS Alliance March of Dimes Mental Health America National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Stroke Association National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Summary: Why Include Health Matters at Work TM Chronic Illness Epidemic in America Health Plan costs are increasing beyond economic reach of employers. 70% of diseases are associated with modifiable health risks and are preventable. Health is a leading issue to employees and their employers. Healthy workplace cultures drive positive recruitment, retention, employee relations, and productivity.