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Eurostat Conference Reviewing the business architecture of consumer price statistics Session II:

Eurostat Conference Reviewing the business architecture of consumer price statistics Session II: User’s needs at National Level-both established and emerging Limited needs, calling for an efficient solution Jean-Philippe Cotis Director general France 15-16 October 2009.

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Eurostat Conference Reviewing the business architecture of consumer price statistics Session II:

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  1. Eurostat Conference Reviewing the business architecture of consumer price statistics Session II: User’s needs at National Level-both established and emerging Limited needs, calling for an efficient solution Jean-Philippe Cotis Director general France15-16 October 2009

  2. Outline of the presentation • Limited needs for average prices in France • A proposal to collect average prices in an efficient way, while ensuring quality • Limits of average prices comparisons in the view of assessing the functioning of an open market

  3. Limited needs for average prices in France • Comparison between overseas departments and metropolitan France, and comparison between Corsica and continental France • Measurement of overall discrepancies between territories, rather than the production of a detailed scoreboard • Collections based on PPP principles and on a specific survey • No real demand for comparisons of price levels between mainland regions of France

  4. A proposal to collect average prices in an efficient way, while ensuring quality • A PPP solution could be acceptable under certain costly conditions • A higher frequency • A higher number of observations • A cost-efficiency solution ensuring the quality of results could be a mixture of: • Increasing the number of observations in the current framework of PPP collection. Evolution of prices between two collections would be given by ‘HICP of proxy-products’ evolution • Innovating solutions, like using private panels (Nielsen, GFK…)

  5. Limits of average prices comparisons in the view of assessing the functioning of an open market • Analysis only based on price level comparisons can be misleading as far as an open market functioning is concerned • Have the Balassa-Samuelson effect in mind • Influence of Transportation and distribution costs

  6. INSEE Thank you for your attention • Jean-Philippe Cotis • Director general • France

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